Letter to Me

Jenny Scott

I should have said something...anything, when he came home.

He didn't notice the wet trail of footprints that came in through the kitchen over to the living room floor and up the stairs coming to a halt at my bedroom door. No knock to say he was home, only the door shutting lightly as if he was soothing the house for leaving it so long.

I bit my lip rocking back and forth on my light blue bed spread, he hates me. I had finally shown him how I truly felt about his true love, my mother. I just wish he'd see what she left behind, like my foot prints she left a trail to.

I sighed lifting up my pillow where I un covered the postcard.

“You'll be fine.” Dianne told me smiling as she looked around me into the classroom where John was already seated.

“Easy for you to say.” I said trying to ignore the shaking of my hands.

“Stop clattering!” She scolded me.

When nervous my body shakes as if it is forty below, I get red in the face and my sentences come out clattered because my teeth are smashing against one another. Which makes me even more embarrassed this is all a never ending cycle until I finally get out of the room and breath.

“I can't!” I yelled back, turning completely red when two girls looked at me with What A Loser look.

“Yes you can, sit beside him make small talk, bring me up.” She gave me a trusting look and then turned and made her way to class.

Taking a breath I turned to walk into the classroom to find John standing right there eyebrows raised, “Shit.”

The Postcard:

Talk to your father.