Flammable: A Small Part of a Bigger Thing


This place was creepily awesome, a place I would love to study deeply. The moment my mothers car disappeared a thing popped out of nowhere. It was black and oozy, and black, blacker than the sky. I smiled at it, oddly instead of fear I felt a pumping sensation gush through my veins. I felt like superman or maybe even better, Spiderman. Having no time to think on why they were both men the thing attacked me and I blew it up with my mind fire. Red guts spilled out unto the ground and I felt like barfing, but there was no time for that because another one popped up along with three others.

I burst them both like ripe grapes and ran toward the castle a bit wary now of the things. They kept coming though and I kept blasting them up. I had gotten inside the gate when monk like figures surrounded me, hooded in all black and small, like trolls I’d heard about in fairy tales. I saw a bench nearby and flung it at all of them making an arch. Some fell and lay still while others just popped back up.

“Persistent bitches are you?” I growled attacking them again. This time more fell, till I’d found myself alone again inside a circle of bleeding dead things. A short dry laugh escapes my chapped lips and I coughed. It was so cold.

Before I could move an inch three black shadows slithered my way easing out slowly to take the place of he things. Loud predator noises were coming from them and I felt my knee’s go weak. Three large cats surrounded me, how was I going to escape this?

I charged at the smallest of them pounding and kicking like a wild thing. My energy felt low and I knew I had to save if for an emergency. I picked up a sharp wooden shard from the bench and stabbed the cat on its chest. The other cats took action then attacking me together. I tumbled of the dead cat and stood to face the other two. I killed another on with ease; it was getting easier to my horror.

The last cat sensing my lagging pace pounced and I found myself looking up at it’s amber eyes. Its ears twitched curiously as it gazed at me. I bravely looked it in the eye and began stroking it warm pelt.

It knows you’re weak, a cold voice said, It’s going to kill you now.

I shook the voice away though my hands trembled now and I tried to reach out to the beast. I kept my eyes locked with the cat’s heavy gaze. A prickling sensation went down my spine raising every single hair on my back. The beast huffed gently unto my face and licked my cheek purring loudly.

Its tongue scrapped my cheek and I could feel it bleeding, but I was not complaining. For some strange reason the cat wasn’t going to kill me and that cheered me somewhat about the school. Why it did wasn’t visible to me but it just did.

/Get off/ I told the cat softly.

It chuckled, amused but lumbered off my chest. I stood slowly checking to see if I’d broken a bone or anything. My arms were sore and my fingers num but other than that and the killer head ache I had I was pretty well of seeing that I’d just been attacked just a few minutes ago.
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Sorry this chapters so short but well it's kind of how it goes. The next chapter will be longer. If you want any names to be pronounces just tell me i'll but it on the summary.