Flammable: A Small Part of a Bigger Thing


It was the bed in the middle that my three suitcases were strewn on, and with them a thick stack of papers, clearly the student handbook as the Principle had said during our meeting. The bed sank under my weight surprising me. I gasped and a small smile graced me face. It bed was the most comfortable thing I’d ever sat on. I made myself comfortable and began reading the first page of the handbook.

Broxweln Academy
Since 1889

Ages 13-18

We teach normal high school and college work as well as extra

Student Handbook

Blithe Tharrow

School Year
September 2-July 14

The next few pages went on about how the school ran. Classes started at twelve in the afternoon and ended at twelve in the night. Breakfast was served from six in the morning to eleven for the benefit of the nocturnal. Lunch was right after the normal classes namely math, science, social studies, and language arts.

Each normal class was an hour, and that meant lunch was at four in the afternoon. Then it listed a bunch of subjects I could take, though I could only pick five. I pretty much picked the subjects I though would be easy and hopped when I gave them to Mr. Bronze tomorrow I would not regret it when I would go to the classes.

I didn’t really read much into it and after a while just flipped to the back and signed. There, I thought flopping unto the pile of pillows that were strewn at the head of the bed. I turned my head and my watch caught my attention.

The black and white letters flashed tauntingly at me. It was twelve-twenty. It was pretty hard to believe I had gone through all this in just a few minutes. An ugly image of the things plastered itself to the center of my mind and I shivered. The blood was stuck in my mind; the acrid scent of it haunted my thoughts. I sat up quickly, blinking rapidly, “This is all a sick joke!” I grumbled.

“You’re telling me.” I looked up quickly and saw a tall slim girl slamming the dorm door shut. “Mr. Bronze never mentioned to me that you were a human.”

The girl walked calmly over to her bed in a fluid motioned and dropped her books on the bed to my right. Her brown hair fell over her face as she searched through the pile of books. I studied her unconsciously taking in the purple highlights in her hair, the double piecing she had on the ear that was visible to me and the artistic was her cloths were put together. To put it plain she looked like she had stepped out of one of the model magazines that littered my older sister’s room.

“Hey,” I said standing up from the bed and holding out my hand. “I’m Blithe Thallow.”

“Yeah, nice to meet you.” Her voice was sarcastic as she took my hand. “I’m LaShandra you might have already guessed.” Her eyes flashed for a second a neon green color.

"My little sisters probably going to barge in here pretty soon so I'll just go ahead and take a shower. Chemistry was torture." She rummaged through her closet and pulled a large t-shirt.

I sat back on the bed and re-read the student handbook again. Halfway through it the door squeaked open and LaMarietta walked in two large text books tucked under her arm. Her head jerked up in surprise as I spoke first saying, "Hi!"

"Ah...You must be Blithe Tharrow." She whispered dumping her books unto her own bed.

I smiled pleasantly showing of my straightened teeth thanks to the braces I'd used earlier in life. “Yes, I’m Blithe Tharrow but-you can call me Blithe.”

She laughed softly, “Yes, the first name is customary between dorm mates...then you call me Marietta, LaMarietta is too frivolous a name.”

I nodded and plopped my head down on the pillows, “I get you, my real name is horrible and I’m not even going to go into it.”

Marietta nodded, “Good choice, if you don’t like it, do not use it. Anyway as you might have guessed I’m LaShandra’s younger sister, just a year younger. Actually I’m fifteen now” Marietta nodded slowly, her dark hair bouncing wildly across her tanned face as if listing to something.

“I’m almost six feet tall just two more inches and I’ll be there.”

“I’m guilty, only 5’6. I don’t think I’ll be growing anymore.”

“Baloney, you’ll stop growing at age twenty-one while I shoot up like a weed.” She suddenly craned her neck toward the bathroom, “So she’s bathing.” It wasn’t a question.

I kind of just stare at her, how could I have forgotten I wasn’t talking to normal humans anymore? Then I remembered, I had taken LaShandra’s hand yet nothing happened...What was going on in this place?

“-Blithe...Blithe!” Marietta shouted, I jerked back to reality.


“Do you want to bath ahead of me?”

Umm.. I wasn’t really in the mood for bathing, yet the reek of the ‘things’ blood made me stand up from the bed.

“And Blithe?”


“Is brown your real color?” She asked tossing herself unto her bed.

Hu? Brown...brown...Wait! My contacts are brown. Duh, “Uh, no. I wish, my real colors light blue but when sunlight hits it they turn an almost white color.”

“That’s...not usual...For humans” She whispered engulfing herself with her pillows.

“Well, yeah I’m pretty much not human.” I rubbed my eyelids, they hurt like hell.
Silence ensued till LaShandra popped out of the bathroom all wet and happy.

“I see LaMarietta’s back.”

I turned and saw to my surprise that she was sleeping, “Yes, but her classes must have been tiring.” I’m feeling bad about this already...
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I'm feeling lonley...no feedback and I'm sick too.... :(