Flammable: A Small Part of a Bigger Thing

Score One

It’s a habit for me to suck my lip when-

a. I was intent on something or

b. I was totally enjoying something

Both where the case right now; I was reading a very nice novel. What?! You may be wondering if I’m mad or not. In this circumstance most of you would probably do things different than me, but that’s just it. I’m different. Well it would be no surprise to you if you really knew me. Most times you would find me with my nose in a book, preferably a classic, something like Jane Eyre, or Mine Eyes Have Seen and so much more. The book I was reading was not my own but Marietta. It’s a small leather bound book, a famous classic in her world.

Without guessing you could probably assume that I was engulfed in the book. That was so true. I was so engulfed I hardly noticed that the sisters had not dashed out the dorm to their classes. I peered over my book and realized that Marietta was reading a fairly large book and LaShandra was leaning comfortably against her pillows writing in a black journal.

I immediately put my book down and stretched. Neither of the girls seemed to notice as I got out of bed, at least I assumed none had so I was surprised when Marietta spoke.

“So...Blithe, are you in the mood for going to the coffee shop nearby. It’s a beautiful day.” LaShandra snorted at Marietta before I could mention that I’d never actually been to a coffee shop.

“Don’t bother yourself LaMarietta. Humans are self centered creatures. They would rather enjoy themselves than spare any time with the likes of us.”

That made me flush because I had just decided not to go, but now I just could not decline. I smiled tightly at LaShandra, “M’okay, let me just get dressed.”

LaShandra looked miffed and I could not help but truly smile. Score one for team Blithe.