Broken Phrases

Wavering Hearts

I never believed in reincarnation until I met them. Many thought they were cursed. Some thought they were possessed. No matter what the townspeople gossiped about, they seemed to continue on with their daily activities without appearing to be bothered. I'm not sure if they noticed that they were always the talk of the day. They always seemed to be too absorbed into the dreadful fantasy world that they had created for themselves.

Maria seemed to be delighted with her children though. She didn't mind the rumours that circulated around them. I could never blame her. As soon as she and her family moved into Rye Harbour, she became ill. With her sickness and six children to take care of, gossip was the least of her worries.

Being one of her only friends, I agreed to help her with her children. All six of them were such a pleasure to take care of and such peculiar creatures. The youngest, Anne, was just a couple of months old then, but she never cried. The eldest, Maria, followed all my orders, and took careful attention to her younger siblings. Not once did any of the Zabat children misbehave. Never did I find anything wrong with it.

Then Maria was dying of cancer, and people started noticing things. Maria's husband, Patrick, was the reverend. Their six children were all named from a great family. In fact, not only did they share the same names, but it was like they were exact copies. The Zabat children- Maria, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Branwell, Emily, and Anne- seemed to be replicas of the Brontë family.
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Does this sound interesting? I'm not quite sure yet if I should continue with this idea. Opinions, please.