Status: I'm done with this. Major writer's block. Sorry =/

Love Is A Risk, But We Can't Miss.

Chapter Two

"So are you going to keep me company at work tonight?" You asked Jael the next day at lunch. The tiny raven haired girl looked up from chewing ferociously on a grilled cheese and shook her head. Pouting, you asked, "Why not?"

"Hot date," She told you after she swallowed her food, wiggling her eyebrows.

"With who?" You wondered, tilting your head to the side.

"Some hot band guy that goes to Dulaney. His name is Alex," She replied grinning. "I want to rape him."

"Whoa, there!" You exclaimed, laughing. "Just don't wear out your legs, okay? You need those for basketball."

Jael's eyes went wide and she smacked you in the arm. "I was just kidding! My goodness."

"Sure, Jael," you replied, snickering. Her eyes narrowed.

"Well how about you? Any cuties catch your eye lately?" She asked, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Sorta...there was this really adorable guy who tried to buy beer from me last night with a fake ID," you smiled, remembering Jack's goofy grin. She snorted.

"Does he go to school here?" She asked curiously.

You frowned, "No, I don't think so. I haven't seen him here before," your bottom lip jutted out, "I'll probably never see him again."

"Eh, you might," she said, smiling sympathetically at you, "What time do you get off of work tonight?" She asked, gathering her things.

"Two thirty, like always," you sighed, "Why?" Getting your things together as well.

"Hmm, well I was going to call you and tell you how my date went, but I guess I'll just have to text you," She replied, as the two of you were walking back into the school, hearing the sound of the shrill bell ringing.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later then," you told her. Jael nodded and hugged you quickly before heading the opposite direction you were going.


Later that day at work you clocked in two minutes early. Looking to your left you saw Mr. Brown give you a sour face before stalking off. As soon as his back turned, you did a mini victory dance and went over to register 4. Thirty minutes later and you were reading Twilight, because Jael had yet to text you.

"Whatcha readin'?"

Letting out a small squeak, you dropped the book as your hand flew to your chest, the other gripping the counters ledge as you stared wide eyed at Jack Barakat. He grinned at your reaction.

After calming down a bit, you punched him in the shoulder. "What was that for?! You scared me!" You exclaimed, picking up your book.

"What?" He said, laughing, "All I did was ask a question, you were the one that was too into the book to notice little old me," he told you, putting on a sad face.

You rolled your eyes and smiled at him, "Why are you here anyways?"

He scoffed, "Food obviously," he said, handing you a vitamin water and a pack of pizza bagels.

Scanning the items, your brow furrowed, "What happened to all of the food you bought last night?"

"Ate it all," he shrugged, "And uh, I was wondering if I could get your friends number?" He asked, widening his eyes.

You looked at him as if he were crazy.

Then it clicked. Fake ID, duh.

"Oh! Yeah! Of course, hold on," you said, writing Jael's number on the back of his receipt.

"Thanks!" He said happily, stuffing the little white paper in his back pocket, "So you work here this late everyday?"

"Yeah, everyday but Sunday, from eleven to two thirty," you sighed.

"Whoa that’s harsh..." He said in awe.

"Mhmm. It was the only spot in the schedule available, but it's whatever. I need the money for college," you told him.

"That's cool. It sucks you have to work this late though," he replied. You nodded and then giggled, feeling your phone vibrate against your thigh. Jack cast you an odd glance. Not wanting him to think you were crazy, you pulled out your phone, you waved it in front of his face, which caused him to nod his head in realization, "Well I'm going to go home and cook these before they get all mushy," he said, pointing at the pizza bagels and making a face.

You laughed, "Good luck with that," He came around the counter and gave you a long hug, "See you," you said softly, pulling away.

He started walking away, "Oh, you will!" He exclaimed, giggling like a madman, while running out of the supermarket, leaving you there smiling and shaking your head at him. Looking down at your phone you saw it was a text from Jael saying:

Date went awesome. Didn't rape him though. ):

You rolled your eyes and pressed reply.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not all that surprised I didn't get any feedback,
since I'm just starting out. a brotha some love!

I won't say that anymore...
Anyways! Comments will get the next chapter out faster (:

Tiffany needs love too.
This story is sort of dedicated to her.

You knowww what to do.
Love yaz!