Status: I'm done with this. Major writer's block. Sorry =/

Love Is A Risk, But We Can't Miss.

Chapter Three

Underneath mountains of pillows and blankets is where you could be found, dreaming of Jack. Yes, Jack. You had no idea why, but you grew extremely fond of the boy. Who knows - Maybe it was his adorable smile, or his goofy personality. Maybe it's his Bumblebee colored hair or the way his big brown eyes sparkle. Or maybe - just maybe, he was using Jedi mind tricks on you, so that you would fall for him. And maybe, just maybe - it was working.

"Tiffany, could you wake up please?" Jael asked, bringing you out of Dreamland.

"How did you get in my house?" You hissed at her, keeping your eyes closed.

You could feel her shrug, "Your parents let me in. Oh, and they wanted me to tell you they went furniture shopping."

She poked you in the stomach, causing you to groan and swat your hand at her, missing by a mile, "Go away."

"No," she replied sternly, "It's 4:30 in the afternoon on a Saturday, and I'm bored," she paused, "Who's Jack?" You stiffened.

Crap, you thought, I was talking in my sleep again.

"Oooh!" Jael squealed, "Look at your cheeks, they're all red!" She exclaimed before gasping, "Do you wanna take a ride on his Disco Stick?!"

Your eyes popped open and you sat up quickly, colliding your head against Jael’s, which sent you falling back to the bed clutching your face. Jael on the other hand went crashing to the floor where she sprawled out, covering her face, pathetic whimpers coming out of her mouth, "You've killed me."

Crawling to the edge of the bed, you looked at her and muttered, "It was your own fault," she merely groaned, flopped over and lay still. Raising your eyebrows you got up, stretched, exited your room, and went to the kitchen.

"No need to look for food. I already ordered pizza," Jael told you as she entered the room. You nodded and looked at her. She looked like she was thinking, "I think I have to pee," she stated before going toward the bathroom.

Deciding to watch TV as you waited for the food, you were a little sad they didn't show Saturday morning TV shows in the afternoon. Hearing the doorbell, you got up to answer it, knowing it was the pizza.

Jael came running out of the bathroom like a bat out of hell screeching, "I'll get it!" You were about five paces from the door before she zoomed passed you and flung the door open, revealing a slightly startled Jack Barakat in all his Pizza Hut uniform glory, "Pizza," Jael breathed, snatching it from Jacks hands. Looking up at him she tilted her head to the side with a confused expression on her face, "You're really familiar lookin'."

Removing his wide eyes from your shocked ones, he looked down at her, "Well, you're really small lookin'," he retorted, as if she insulted him.

Narrowing her eyes at him, Jael huffed and took the pizza in the kitchen.

The two of you watched her leave before turning to look at each others smiling faces. He opened his arms wide for a hug. Opening your arms, you took a step forward. Jack got the hint and took one step, entering your house. This went on until he took a massive leap and wrapped you up in a hug. Laughing as you both let go, he glanced around, "Nice digs."

You smiled, "Nice uniform," you replied, tugging on the bottom of his shirt.

"Oh, this? Nah, this is just a cover up," his voice dropped to a whisper, "I'm really a superhero," he said, his face completely serious.

Nodding your head, your mouth made an 'O' shape. Two seconds passed before the two of you erupted in giggles.

After calming down a bit, he asked, "So - Am I getting paid? Or do I have to tell your boss you gave a minor alcohol?"

You gaped at him, "You wouldn't."

"You're right, I wouldn't," he paused, "but I want my money!" He whined, "Oh, and nice jammies by the way," he commented, giggling. You looked down, you were wearing a pink beater and yellow unicorn pajama pants.

Rolling your eyes, you shut the door, "Come on," you muttered, grabbing his wrist and dragging him into the kitchen, where Jael was stuffing her face. Letting go of him, you started rummaging around Jael's bag, looking for money.

Hearing a gasp then a light splat, you turned to see your best friend had dropped her slice of pizza and was now staring wide eyed and mouth agape at Jack, who had a bewildered look on his face, "I know who you are!" She cried, pointing at Jack.

Turning to him with mock panic on your face you exclaimed, "Oh my God, Jack! She knows you're a superhero!" cracking up again you handed him the money, while he was doubled over in laughter.

Jael sat there confused, asking, "You're a superhero?" She gasped again, "Jack?!" She pointed at you, then Jack, then you again.

Another gasp, but this time it was Jack, "You're Alex's girl!" He shrieked, jumping up and down, running towards her. At the mention of Alex's name, Jael's eyes lit up and she nodded her head happily, got up and started jumping up and down with him.

"You're his bestie!" She shrieked back.

You watched them bounce around, with wide eyes. They looked like monkeys on crack...
♠ ♠ ♠
This took awhile.
Sorry. :/

I arrested? Ahahaha...
Leave me stuff!
Next one coming out soon.

Love yaz!<3