Status: I'm done with this. Major writer's block. Sorry =/

Love Is A Risk, But We Can't Miss.

Chapter Four

"You should hook up with Jack," Jael declared later that night, as you were getting ready for work.

Jack had left 10 minutes after the crack fest, because his boss called him and told him to 'Stop gallivanting and get his scrawny butt back to work or he's fired.'

Charming woman...

"Believe me, I want to," you mumbled, grabbing a Vitamin Water from the fridge.

"Then do it!" Jael was too excited about this whole thing.

"Why are you so - overly happy?" You questioned her.

She beamed, "Alex & I are official!"

"And I'm just hearing about this now?" You exclaimed hugging her.

"Yeah, yeah, so when are you going to get with Jack?" She harassed you.

"Jael! It's easier said than done," you looked at the clock, "I have to go, if I'm late again, Mr. Brown will have my balls. Are you staying the night?"

After making a face she replied, "Sure am! Now get outta here," She pushed you out of your house and slammed the door.

Laughing, you got in your '98 Prelude and drove to work.


"Hello, did you find everything you needed, okay?" You asked the two teenage girls in front of you, who were currently buying tampons.

They nodded and smiled politely. Handing them their change and receipt, they picked up their bag and exited the store, while you went to scan the next costumer’s items. Chips and Dip.

"Those girls looked scared shitless to be buying those thingies."

Your head snapped up to the voice and your face broke out into a huge grin, "Twice in one day, Barakat. Are you stalking me?"

"Am I?" He replied, wagging his eyebrows up and down, causing you to laugh, "Nah, I'm here to keep you company. I had a strange feeling you were bored as hell." He stated, hopping up on the counter.

"Ohh, well I have this strange feeling that you were the one bored as hell," you replied, leaning on the counter and looking over at him.

He sent you an impish smile, causing the butterflies in your tummy to go wild, "Yeah well, you're glad I'm here, aren't you?" He asked jokingly, but there was a slight hint of seriousness in the question.

"Couldn't be happier," you assured him, smiling.

He unscrewed the lid of the dip, "Want some?" He offered, holding the bag of chips out to you.

"," you said distractedly. Yay! You thought, I get to hang out with Jack!

He shrugged, "20 questions?" After you agreed, he started, "Age?"

"Seventeen," you answered, "You?"

"Seventeen and a half," he replied smugly, while you chuckled, "favorite food?"

"Boca burgers," you told him. He had a perplexed look on his face.

"What the hell is a - You know what? Never mind."

You laughed and asked the next question, "Favorite color?"

"Green!" He paused, thinking, "Favorite band?"

"Augustana," You answered after thinking for a moment.

He nodded his head in approval, "I'm in a band you know..." He said casually, looking at you from the corner of his eyes while grabbing a handful of chips.

"Ooh, really?" You asked, enthusiastically. He nodded, his eyes lighting up, "What's your band named?" You asked curiously.

"All Time Low," he said, excitedly, "I play lead guitar, and the two other guys I came in with a few days ago are in the band too!"

"That's awesome! I can't wait to hear you play," you told him, smiling.

"Oh yeah, I'm totally kidnapping you and dragging you to our next practice," he replied, grinning, "It's your turn, by the way."

"Oh! Um...favorite movie?"

"Toy story, hands down!"

"You have got to be the tallest five years old I've ever seen," you stated, chuckling.

"Hey! It's a good movie!" He cried, throwing a chip at you, "Paper or plastic?"


He gasped, "Tsk, tsk," he hung his head in mock disappointment, "You should be ashamed of yourself!" He scolded.

"What?! You come in here every night and use plastic bags, Mr. Hypocrite!" You exclaimed pointing at him, while laughing.

He sighed, "You caught me," he said, smiling.

"So uh - long or short?" You asked uncertainly. You couldn’t really think straight when he was smiling like that.

Again, he gasped, "That's a naughty question to be asking, Tiffany!" He accused, "Long," he smirked, sending you a wink that caused you to roll your eyes, "favorite wall color?"

You looked at him strangely, "Light blue?" You asked more than stated.

"That's an ugly color for a wall," he scoffed, "I would have said Aluminum."

"Jack! That's not even a wall color!" You objected.

"It can be!" He cried indignantly.

You laughed and tried thinking of a good question, "Regardless of how impossible and ridiculous it is, what's the one thing you would do, if you could?"

He thought for a moment, eating a couple chips, "Make pancakes with Harry Potter."

Breaking out into uncontrollable laughter, you let out a loud obnoxious snort. Slapping your hand over your mouth, you looked at Jack who was having a giggle fit of his own.

"You," he paused to laugh, "Snorted!" He gasped, falling on his side, while clutching his tummy. You exploded in laughter, unable to contain it any longer.

Hearing someone clear their throat, you and Jack stopped laughing and looked over to see a very disgruntled, Mr. Brown.

"What is this nonsense?!" He screeched, "And a boy? Tiffany! This is work, not a place you can hang out with your boyfriend!"

Your eyes widened, "He's not-"

"No, he's right Cupcake," Jack said, sweetly. You looked at him weirdly and could see the amusement in his eyes, "I'd best be off! Goodnight, honey bunny," he said hugging you tightly before grabbing his things and leaving, but not until he blew you a kiss at the door, "You didn't catch it!" He complained, stomping his foot like a child.

You laughed and pretended to catch it. He smiled in satisfaction, and you watched as he exited the store. Turning back to Mr. Brown, you frowned.

"I mean it, Tiffany. Pick up your act, or you're done here," he said firmly, walking away. You sighed.

Stupid boss...had to ruin my night with Jack, you thought bitterly, but smiled at the thought of Jack.

What was this boy doing to you?
♠ ♠ ♠
Woo! This one was out fast. =)
Comments are appreciated!