Status: I'm done with this. Major writer's block. Sorry =/

Love Is A Risk, But We Can't Miss.

Chapter Five

It's been exactly two weeks since you've met your little Bumblebee. Two weeks and he has come to visit you at work every night. Two weeks and he has dragged you to band practice everyday. There wasn't a day that went by when you didn't see him. You were addicted to him, and he was addicted to you. And you both knew this. If he was addicted the same way you were addicted to him, you had no clue. But he enjoyed spending time together, and that is good enough for you.

So what had you confused, is the fact that Jack hadn't shown up for his nightly visit at your work. You haven’t even seen him today, and because of that, you were slightly gloomy.

It was 2:15 when your phone vibrated. Your face dropped when you saw it was only Jael.

Sighing, you answered, "Hello?" You didn't get an answer; instead you heard sniffling on the other end, "Jael? What's the matter? Are you crying?"

"Do you think he'll make it?" Her small voice asked, more sniffles coming from her end.

Your face scrunched up in confusion, "Who are you talking about?"

"Jack!" She squeaked out.

"What happened to Jack?" You asked panicked, your face losing all color.

She gasped, "You don't know?" She asked appalled, "He got hit by a bus!"

"A b-bus?" You stuttered out.

"I know! It's horrible!" Said Jael, feebly.

"When did this happen?" You asked, in fear.

"I'm not sure, I just saw the commercial," she hiccupped.

"Commercial? What commercial?" That doesn't make any sense...

"The Jack in the Box commercial where Jack gets hit by a bus."

Your jaw dropped, "Jael!" You said miserably, "I thought you were talking about Jack!"

"I am talking about Jack!" She yelped.

"Wrong Jack," you huffed.

"Oh, no. I'm talking about the one with a big round head and yellow hat. Why? Isn't Jack there with you right now?" She replied.

"No, I haven’t seen him all day," you sighed again.

"Well, he probably has a good explanation for not showing up. Like maybe," she paused, and then gasped, "Maybe he got hit by a bus!" Jael exclaimed, wildly.

You groaned, "I'm hanging up now."

"Wait!" She squealed.

"What, now?"

"Do you think Jack will make it or not?" She asked sadly.

"Yes, I think he'll make it! Why are you so emotional about this?" You questioned.

"What? What?! Why wouldn't I be?!" She asked, aghast.

"Goodnight, Jael," you smiled into the receiver, talking to her as if she were 4.

She sniffed, "I see how it is, you don't care about Jack! Well then -- stop eating there!"

Hearing a click and then a dial tone, you chuckled. Your best friend could be so childish.

5 minutes later and you were in your car driving home, thinking of Jack. Why hadn't he shown up? You pursed your lips and pushed them to the side, letting out a long sigh through your nose.

"Why the long face?"

You let out a loud shriek, and stepped on the brakes in a panic, which sent Jack flying into the front of the car considering he wasn't wearing a seatbelt in the back.

Speak of the devil! You looked to your right and saw Jack struggling to sit properly in the passenger seat. He tried to keep a straight face, but after looking at your horror stricken one for 5 seconds he was unable to conceal his mirth.

"What the - how - Why do you keep doing that?!" You cried; out of breathe from breathing so hard.

"Because it's fun?" Said Jack innocently, a giggle escaping his lips, "You took forever to get off of work, by the way."

"Well, sorry for making you wait to scare me!" You flustered.

He just grinned, "You're not too tired are you?"

"My adrenaline is pumping. No, I'm not tired," you eyed him, "Why?"

"I'm taking you out for our two week anniversary of meeting each other!" He stated, swelling with pride, as if he accomplished a great task, "And you should probably step on the gas, that guy back there looks like he's going to eat you or something if you don't move."

"Oh! Right," you started driving, too scared to look at the guy behind you, "Where are we going?"

"7-Eleven," he replied, buckling his seatbelt.

Furrowing your brow in confusion, you started driving in that direction, "Jack?" He looked over at you, "Why are we going to 7-Eleven?"

"Have you not learned anything from these past two weeks?" He questioned. He continued after looking at your blank face, "I'm cheap!"

"You have a job!"

"At a pizza place!" Said Jack, throwing his hands up in the air in exasperation.

You giggled at the look on his face, "Okay, okay!"

"Alright then, no more questions!" He said, turning on the radio at full volume. Your eyes widened at the song playing on the radio, while he turned his head slowly to face you, a smile creeping up on his face, "Backstreet Boys!" He squealed, dancing in his seat.

You laughed and sang along with him as you pulled into the parking lot.

"Stay here!" He demanded with a stern look on his face, "And keep the car running. I'll be back in a jiffy," he muttered as he got out of the car.

"Uh okay?" You weren't sure how you were supposed to respond to that...

As you were waiting for him to return, you started thinking about how adorable it was for him to actually remember the day you guys met was two weeks ago. All the gloominess went away the second you saw his funny smile. You really liked Jack, but didn't know if he felt the same, and you didn't know if you should tell him about this or not, so you kept it to yourself.

"Drive!" Cried Jack, running full speed towards the car, with an armful of what appeared to be junk food, "Drive now! Drive like you've never driven before - FAST!"

Your eyes widened as he jumped through the open window into the back seat, still yelling at you to drive. Putting the car into reverse, you peeled out of the parking lot and onto the street.

"Did you steal all of that?!" You cried in a panic. Looking in the rear view mirror, you saw a little Asian woman walk out of the 7-Eleven with a baffled expression on her face, "Oh my gosh, you stole from my friends mom! That's Jael's mother! Jack!"

"Relax!" He chirped climbing into the front seat, "I bought all of this."

"What? Then why were you acting like Dick?" You asked puzzled.

"Did you just call me a dick?" He gasped.

"No! Dick!" You exclaimed with a smile, while he glared at you, "Like Dick and Jane..."

"Oh! That wasn't funny," he pouted, "But anyhoo. No, I didn't steal any of this." He gestured to the junk food and Ben and Jerry's ice cream he got, "I just felt like doing that, I've always wanted to!" He sent a playful grin to you.

Your face dropped, "Jack! You scared me half to death twice tonight!"

Jack sat there looking mystified, "How does that work? Like...Shouldn't you be dead if I scared you half to death twice?"

Sending him an odd glance you asked, "Where are we going now?"

"The park," he said distractedly, probably still trying to figure out why you're not dead.

Isn't he just the cutest thing ever?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long to get out.
I'm going through alot right now.
Comments might make me happier. :/