Sacrificed for Happiness

Little Secrets

It was the year 1923 in Michigan, United States sometime during the late fall. A light snow was falling with two young girls dancing in it smiles across their happy faces. They were maybe only thirteen or fourteen years old from the looks of it.

A tall woman in her mid to late forties came out of a small off-white house and told them to come inside before they caught a cold. The two girls were tempted to say no but as they snow fell harder they agreed and went quietly inside.

These two girls were twins believe it or not. They were fraternal twins; Jenny was the elder and Adrianna was the younger. They were not only sisters; twins, they were best friends and did almost everything together. It was rare to ever see them apart.

Jenny the older of the two was an outgoing black haired girl with navy blue eyes. She was tall, slim, and slender, but still shorter then more of the other girls her age. She was often seen with her hair down with her bangs hanging in her face. She often ran her fingers through her hair when she didn’t like something or was thinking something over too much. This was the reason she started wearing a hand band in her hair. This way if she ran her fingers through her hair she’d knock the hair band down and its get tangled which of course annoyed Jenny to no end especially since her hair was so long.

Adrianna the younger of the two was much quieter and laid back child. She had beautiful red hair that was always evenly cut along the center of her back. Like her sister, she had navy blue eyes that gave them both the twin look. Adrianna was taller then her sister though but had a little more weight on her. She was quite smart though but had a bad habit of biting her nails when she was worried. It was a habit Jenny constantly yelled at her about saying she should stop. Adrianna would stop for a few days they start the habit up again and Jenny would laugh.

“Jenny, come back over and eat.” The girls’ mother called.
“In a minute,” she replied from her place on the window sill. She was staring out the window at the falling snow. There was now a thin sheet of snow along the ground outside.

Adrianna walked up to her sister and looked out the window with her sister quietly.

“Are you thinking of him again?” she asked suddenly.

Jenny blinked and looked from the snow to her sister with a fake curiosity though it looked real; honest.

“Who?” she asked raising an eye brow confused.

“Ronnie,” she replied calmly as she turned her head to once again look at Jenny.

Jenny looked back out the window calmly.

“No, I’m not,” she replied softly.

“You can’t lie to me, Jenny. I can tell when you do. The others may be fooled, but I’m not.” She said with a small frown.

Jenny didn’t respond to the comment knowing in heart that it was true.

Jenny was a liar, but not for good reason. She lied a lot and was a wonderful actress. She could get away with quite a bit because of this. Sadly though, with each lie her heart became more and more closed up and locked further away from others. She came off as a happy carefree girl who seemed to have no problems. Shocking to many though, this wasn’t the case at all.

Jenny worried about things that many children her age didn’t have to. To her it felt like the world was hanging over her. If anyone knew how she felt that’d tell her to suck it up and stop exaggerating.

Adrianna understood better then anyone though. She didn’t lie, but she kept to herself and pushed people away afraid of getting hurt. She was more willing though to open her heart to people; to anyone if it made them happy. She cared in Jenny’s opinion to much for the happiness of other people. It was understandable that Jenny would think that way; she was terrified of getting hurt. If Adrianna got hurt, Jenny would too. It may have been selfish on Jenny’s part, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t going to be hurt over and over again and she wasn’t going to let her sister get hurt either.

“Come on, we should eat.” Jenny said standing suddenly and going to eat with a happy smile. Their mother finished putting the food on the table then sat down Jenny doing the same.

Adrianna frowned a bit and sighed softly. She glanced out the window one more time before closing the curtain and going over to the table for dinner.
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Please keep in mind that all chapters will be two or three pages. So the chapters will be short. Also, if you noticed, I didn't say 'chapter 1'. There is a reason. This would seem like 'Prologue' if you read chapter two. It made it a bit confusing, so the chapters only have chapter titles.
Please note there are a lot of 'time skips'. This is is a diary or something.
I don't wanna give to much away, but it'll be explained at the end why everything is set up the way it is.

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