Sacrificed for Happiness

Little Miss Beautiful

It was the year 1924 in Michigan, United States sometime during the mid summer. A warm summer breeze came through the open bedroom window by the bed.

Jenny looked down at the small child she held in her arms. She hadn’t told the child’s father of the baby and had no intention of doing so. She knew better then to do such a thing.

The father of this child was a brown haired blue eyed boy named Ronnie. He wouldn’t enjoy hearing of a child or of getting Jenny pregnant. It was a one time thing and a mistake. That’s what Jenny said anyways.

“How’re you feeling, dear?” Jenny’s mother asked walking into the bedroom.

Jenny looked up from her child to see her mother. She gave a small nod with a smile.

“I’m okay,” she said softly before looking back down at the baby girl she held close to her.

“What’re you going to name her?” Adrianna asked walking into the room with a smile.

Jenny was silent for a few moments as if trying to come up with a name.

“How about Jane? Jane Elizabeth?” she suggested with a smile.

“That’s a beautiful name, Jenny.” Adrianna said with a smile as she sat down in the chair next to the bed.

Jenny looked from the child to Adrianna then up at her mother.

Her mother simply nodded with kind smile.

“It is beautiful dear. I think she likes it too.” She said referring to the child who seemed to be smiling.

Jenny smiled and kissed the babies forehead lightly.

“I’m glad…” she whispered softly.

Adrianna smiled at her sister. She had to admit she was a little jealous but she’d just smile and act happy. She didn’t want to ruin her sister’s happiness. She loved seeing her sister happy and she didn’t want to be the one to take that away.

Adrianna glanced out the open window out at the blue summer sky but said nothing getting lost in her own thoughts.

It was something she couldn’t understand. How was it that her sister seemed to have everything? At least that was it seemed like. Jenny had the looks, the boys, the love, the heartbreak, and now, even a child. Adrianna could hardly even get a boyfriend. It was like Jenny was the favorite twin here.

She shook her head of the thoughts. She couldn’t think like that. She didn’t want to.

What if she said something? Would Jenny be mad at her if she found out? Would they loose their friendship?

Adrianna didn’t want to think about it that way. They’d always be friends. Adrianna was just being selfish. That’s what the red haired girl told herself as she dismissed the thoughts.

She looked back to her sister’s smiling face and smiled a bit herself before standing up.

“Is there anything I get you, Jenny?” she asked her sister with a loving smile.

Jenny looked up at Adrianna and shook her head.

“No, but thank you,” she replied softly. She glanced back at Jane then at her sister.

“Would you like to hold her?” Jenny asked suddenly.

Adrianna looked a little surprised but gave a small nod.

Jenny smiled and carefully handed Jane to Adrianna.

The red haired teen took the child and held her in her arms as she sat back down in the chair by the bed. She rocked the new born in her arms carefully with a smile of her own.

Jane looked just like her mother for the most part, but had brown hair like her father, Ronnie had. She even had his bubbly pale blue eyes that Jenny had loved so much.

If only she could have all this. This child was so beautiful. Adrianna wanted her own; she wanted a child to call her own. She told herself over and over again she was being selfish for thinking that way. She couldn’t stop the thoughts from returning again though. No matter how she tried the selfish evil thoughts kept coming back taunting her.

“Is something wrong Adrianna?” Jenny asked looking up at her sister worriedly.

“Oh! No, I’m fine.” She replied quickly. Jenny nodded slowly. She knew something was wrong but she said nothing. She didn’t wanna start another fight. She wanted to say something, but they fought enough, she didn’t need to start another one. Not today.

Adrianna smiled and carefully handed Jane back to her mother.

“She really is beautiful, Jenny.” She said smiling.

“Yes, she is. Thank you,” Jenny replied holding the young child close.

“Dear, get some rest, you look exhausted.” Their mother spoke up as she held her hands out to take Jane. Jenny seemed hesitant but kissed the baby girl’s forehead and handed her to her mother.

Their mother carefully put Jane down in a basinet next to the bed before looking to Jenny with a smile.

“If you need anything, just call for me. I’ll be down in the kitchen.” The older woman spoke before leaving the room and headed downstairs.

Jenny smiled and looked to Adrianna as she got up from her seat.

“Mother’s site sister, you need to rest.” She said looked to her sister with a soft smile.

“Yeah, I know, you’re right; both of you,” Jenny replied before glancing out the window.

“What’s the matter?” Adrianna asked worriedly.

“Nothing, I was just thinking,” she replied before lying down and pulling the covers up.

“Have a good sleep sister.” Adrianna said before leaving the room leaving the door open as she left.

Jenny sighed softly and stared out the bedroom window for a while before drifting off to sleep.