Heavily Broken

Chapter 1 - Stolen

Kylie smiled shopped in one of her favorite stores; Christy’s Designs. The store seemed to have a little of everything, clothes, shoes, jewelry, everything! That was the main reason why she liked it so much.

“Kylie, you can’t buy everything!” a tall bleach blonde haired girl said walking up to the seemingly older girl; Kylie.

Kylie looked back at the girl with a small frown that could easily be called a pout.

“Easy for you to say; everything looks so nice!” Kylie said as she tried on yet another ring.

“True, but don’t you have enough rings?”

Kylie seemed to consider this as she looked over all the rings.

“Yeah, but I could always use more. Isn’t that right?” she asked the store woman who’d been helping her.

“Yes Miss,” the older woman behind the counter said with a knowing nod.

Kylie gave a laugh and looked to the other girl.

“See, Alana?” she asked the girl with a wide smile.

The girl, Alana shook her head a bit with a sigh.

“You’re so immature, Kylie. I almost feel sorry for Neal.” She said with a small frown but smiled.

Kylie huffed a bit and went back to looking at rings.

Kylie was an average height twenty-three year old with dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was funny and smart though half the time you wouldn’t ever guess that. She was very immature though and loved shopping.

Neal was a twenty-seven year old man that she’d met and was now engaged too. He was a five foot six tall man with light brown hair and dark blue eyes. He loved her obviously and didn’t mind her money spending. He had the money to give her as she wanted it thanks to his father’s inheritance. His father had died a few years back leaving Neal quite a large amount of money behind. Kylie and Neal had been dating long before then though otherwise people would have said Kylie was just in it for the money.

Still, even though his father had left him the money he still had gone out and gotten himself a good job. Unlike his father who had been a doctor Neal became a lawyer and was doing quite well for himself even at such a young age.

Kylie on the other hand didn’t have a job. She’d never worked a day in her life thanks to Neal. She’d offered to get a job quite a few times but he told her that she didn’t need to. She’d argue a bit, but Neal’s decision was final.

Alana looked over some of the rings behind the glass just looking to see what Kylie found so much interest in.

Alana was a single twenty-three year old with bleach blonde hair and light forest green eyes. She and Kylie were sisters; twins to be exact, but Alana was the younger of the two. She was more serious and hard-working then Kylie ever was.

The first thing that always seemed to be on Alana’s mind was studying to do well in school and college, and making it good in the world. That didn’t mean she didn’t want a love life, but she just didn’t seem to have one. She didn’t seem to have good luck with love and boyfriends and all that.

“Oh! Miss! May I try on that one?” Kylie asked suddenly as she pointed to a beautiful ring with a butterfly on the top made a crystals and stones and pearls.

“You have wonderful taste miss.” The sails woman said as she took the ring and handed it to Kylie.

Kylie removed her engagement ring and placed it down on the table in front of her. She slipped the butterfly ring on and looked the beautiful ring over with a smile. She looked at the price and frowned a bit taking the ring off and placing it back in front of the woman.

“As beautiful as it is I can’t buy that one.” She said before going to put her engagement ring back on. She blinked and looked down at where she put her ring only to see it wasn’t there. Her eyes widened instantly in panic and fear as she looked around for it desperately.

“Kylie? What’s wrong?” Alana asked frowning worriedly.

“My ring! My engagement ring is gone!” Kylie said franticly a few tears in her eyes.

Alana frowned at the statement and shook her head.

“Kylie, calm down; you need to calm down so we can find it.” She said quickly but calmly.

“But Neal! He bought it for me! It’s special! It was right there!” she said pointing to the spot of the counter.

“Kylie! Calm down; we’ll find it.” She said placing her hands on her sister’s shoulders.

Kylie hesitated but took a few deep breaths slowly calming herself.

“Now, did you check the floor?” she asked going to check the floor around the counter, she didn’t find it.

Kylie asked the woman behind the counter if her ring had been picked up by mistake or was on the floor.

The woman gave a small seemingly unpleased shake of her head.

“No dear, I’m sorry.” She said sadly.

Kylie bit her lip and looked at Alana who shook her head with a frown.

“Could someone have stolen it?” Alana asked.

“There was no one around me…” Kylie replied frowning sadly.

Alana thought for a few minutes before looking from the floor back at her sister.

“Maybe you should call Neal and ask him; maybe he knows what to do.” She suggested seriously.

Kylie shook her head quickly at the idea dismissing it immediately.

“No! He can’t know! I – I don’t want him to know…” she said sadly biting her lower lip.

“Do you want me to call him then?” she asked after a moment.

Kylie didn’t answer so Alana took it as a yes. She got out her cell phone and called Neal. She was on the phone for a while before hanging up and walking back over to Kylie.

“He’s contacting the mall cops station here and they’ll come to block off this area of the mall and question people. He’s on his way.” She exclaimed calmly as she sat down next to Kylie.

“Is he…mad at me?” she asked sadly.

Alana shook her head without a second thought.

“No; I told him everything that happened and he said her understood and doesn’t want you to worry because he’s not mad. He says this wasn’t your fault.”

Kylie gave a small sad nod and stared down at her hands.

The mall cops came and blocked off the area. Everyone in the store who’d been around the area at the time had been brought in for questioning just as Alana and Neal had said. Kylie and Alana were questioned too not that Kylie nodded; she’d do anything to find that ring.

Neal came sometimes later and went up to Kylie holding her close. He kept telling her it was okay and that this wasn’t her fault, but she couldn’t seem to find it in her heart to forgive herself. That ring had meant everything to her and she…she lost it.

“Kylie, I’ll buy you a new one if we can’t find this one.” Neal told her softly.

Kylie shook her head and pulled away from him a bit.

“No! I don’t want a different one! It wouldn’t be the same as that one.” She told him sadly, “I want my ring back…” she added as she looked away crying again.

Neal gave a small nod in understanding and pulled her to his chest again.

“Okay, we’ll find it.” He promised her as he held her close to him.

Kylie gave a small nod hoping he was right.
♠ ♠ ♠

Well, I like the way this chapter turned out. I wish though that my brain had worked with me more on it. I know this chapter could have turned out a lot better. There's no doubt about that. I wish I'd been able to make the chapter longer as well, but...yeah... Things just didn't turn out that way I guess. My brain has been working against me with this story.
Hopefully though as I get further along with the story it'll get better and my brain will actually help me write the chapters again.
Just a begging note here, if anyone is willing to offer up a small (or large!) idea of two I'd really really appreciate it. Any idea(s) at all could help, big or small.
Finally, I do hope to continue this soon, but that probably won't happen for some yet though. So wish me luck please.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and the story so far! Please remember to review, I'd love to know what you think!

This work is fully copyrighted to me. You may not copy, redistribute, save to your computer, redistribute, or claim as your own. If you see this on some other site people contact me right away with the link to it. I'll handle it. Thank you,