Iris and Crimson

What? The Time had come?


I was inside a bedroom of a hotel. Uryuu told me to stay here until I have to trick Gaara and kill him. Of course, I wasn’t planning on killing Gaara. I love him too much. But what could I do? If I didn’t kill him, my father and all my friends die. Losing them would be terrible! Where would I go? I can’t live with Gaara! He hates me!

I decided to get some shut eye, so I lay down and closed my eyes, hoping that sleep would come. It did. Thank goodness.

When I woke up, Uryuu was standing in the doorway, glaring at me.

“What?” I asked as I sat up and stretched. Uryuu tossed me a paper bag.

“Put those on, the kazekage will be here tomorrow” Uryuu hissed and then he left the room, locking it. I had no idea where I was so how could Gaara know where I was? I pulled out the outfit in the bag. It was a long purple dress made out of silk. And it was very revealing. Oh, so now I have to seduce Gaara?

I put them on anyway, grateful since my kazami was starting to hurt my back where the obi was. Wearing it all the time was uncomfortable. But the most uncomfortable thing for me right now is the fact that Gaara’s death is only a day away……


I was a day away from the village where Ayame was. Soon….very soon I will see her again. Her pretty face….her smile…her eyes. I frowned at myself. Why did I think of Ayame like this? Weren’t the two kingdoms enemies? Didn’t I hate her awhile ago? Why do I feel like I need her in my life?

I stopped for a few seconds and sat down, trying to clear my head of what I was thinking. Ayame was stuck in my mind. It was like her very existence was glued into me. But why was I feeling this way?

I got up and headed out again. Nothing was going to get in my way. I will save Ayame. And then I will return her to her father. And then……it will all be over. That feeling of loneliness washed over me. I was actually grateful that Ayame got kidnapped, I have a chance to say goodbye properly and see her beautiful face once again. Wait, did I just think that?

I shrugged the thoughts off and continued my journey. Whatever you do, Ayame, don’t fall of a balcony and die……not until I said goodbye….


I was riding on Kankuro’s back on our way to where Gaara was headed. We were two days away from the village and Gaara was probably already there.

“Are you sure he said to the border of the Wind and Fire Country?” Kankuro asked me over his shoulder. I nodded.

“Uh, we were supposed to go to Cloud Kingdom, I think” I said, remembering Gaara’s orders.

“And leave our brother to die? No!” Temari and Kankuro yelled at the same time. I cringed. Gaara might be my brother, but sometimes it feels like Temari and Kankuro doesn’t think of me as their sister.

“Ugh, fine, we’ll save Gaara first” I hissed and closed my eyes, allowing the wind to blow through my hair. Since I wasn’t a ninja, Kankuro had to carry me on his back. He didn’t seem to mind, though. He even said I was light!

I thought of what could happen to Ayame while we were still running to save her. The the kidnapper plan to kill her unless we gave him what he wanted? Like money? Or was he just playing around?

“I wonder why someone would kidnap Ayame, though?” Temari suddenly asked. Kankuro glanced at her and shrugged.

“Dunno, maybe he doesn’t have a grudge against the Cloud Kingdom but against us, or Gaara” Kankuro stated. I nodded my head in agreement.

“Against Gaara, huh? But who? Gaara had made so many enemies!” Temari exclaimed.

“Not that many, but yeah, there are quite a few people who might want him dead” Kankuro agreed. I sighed, the possibilities was countless.

“Well, we better run faster, I don’t want Gaara to die!” Temari said as she doubled her pace, Kankuro not having a hard time to catch up with her.


I was chewing my nails, a new habit I suddenly picked up. I scanned the room, thinking of a good way to tell or show Gaara he is in danger when he arrives. If Uryuu doesn’t see him “dead” then my father’s life is over. I chewed even more viciously, causing my fingers to bleed. How could I warn Gaara? The sun was rising, in other words Gaara would be here soon. I glanced at the desk with paper and pens. My eyes then darted away to the closet, but my attention returned to the stack of paper and pens. That’s it! I stood up and grabbed a pen and paper.

I sat down, trying to think of what to write. I was about to start when the door opened, revealing Uryuu with a large smirk on his face. I then heard a voice. The voice I longed to hear.

“Where is she, Uryuu?” I heard Gaara growl. Uryuu glanced over his shoulder and smirked again.

“She’s waiting” he said and walked away, leaving the door open. Gaara was now standing in the doorway, the sun’s rays shining on him, making him look extra hot. He spotted me and his angry face disappeared. Instead it was replaced with worry?

“Ayame” he said calmly, sending butterflies to my stomach and my heart thudding as fast as ever. I couldn’t help but cry.

I threw the pen down and ran over to him, wrapping my arms around him and burying my face in his chest. I was too late. Soon, Gaara will die………if only I thought of my plan earlier….

Gaara was surprised at my gesture but he wrapped his arms around me, allowing me to cry on his chest. I sobbed for a good few hours. Gaara didn’t do anything, he just sat there on the bed, holding me.

Finally he spoke: “I’m glad you’re safe”

“I’m fine Gaara….but…..if I don’t give Uryuu what he wants he’ll kill my father and everyone else!” I exclaimed. I looked up into Gaara’s eyes. They were emotionless. They were the very same eyes he killed Uryuu’s lover with……the very same eyes he and the demon shared.

“Gaara, I’m afraid” I stuttered.

“I know, you love your father”

“No, I’m afraid of losing you…….even though you lied to me” I said. Gaara frowned and raised a non-existence eyebrow.

“Lie to you?” he asked.

“Yes, you never told me that you had a demon in you…that you were the one…who…killed your-“ I stopped, it was too painful to tell him this. I felt Gaara’s grip on my arms with his hands on me tighten.

“No! That’s not true! I am to blame for my mother and uncle’s death…but….my mother was a sacrifice for Shukaku being sealed in me…and Yashamaru was about to assassinate me…it was for self-defense” Gaara said. I looked away from him.

“You’re a liar! You could have told me!” I yelled. Gaara looked taken aback and suddenly his eyes were filled with anger.

“I didn’t want to scare you!” he yelled back. I snorted and walked away from him.

“I am not a child anymore! I could have handled it! I HATE you!” I yelled and stomped into the bathroom.

In the bathroom I sank onto my knees and sobbed. I didn’t hate Gaara. I did it so that he would leave….so that I won’t have to kill him. I peeked into the bedroom. Gaara was sitting on the bed, his eyes wide with shock. Did my words really affect him?

I waited and finally Gaara stood up. But instead of leaving for safety he put down his gourd and weapons and he lay down on the bed, closing his eyes. Soon he drifted to sleep. I cursed under my breath.

“Why didn’t he leave?” I asked myself, pissed. I walked over to the desk again and stared at the paper. The door opened, revealing Uryuu again. He held a little bottle with him. My eyes widened in shock.

“Now’s your chance, Princess” he smirked as he handed it to me. I sighed and stared at the little bottle of poison in my hand. Uryuu left and I glanced at the paper again. I sat down, took the pen and started writing.

To whoever

I am so sorry……

I had to do it. My family and friends, everyone in my life was in trouble. Please carry this message on to everyone else…

“I love all of you, I always will…..please forgive me”

And when you are at the funeral, tell Haruna that I love her too. Even of she isn’t my real mother and tortured me.

The tears were now running down my cheeks as I wrote. I was being careful so that it won’t smudge the words.

And most importantly of all….don’t try to save me….my life is over as soon as I open this bottle to do what Uryuu wants me to do…….



I folded the note and placed it so that whoever came would see it. I then turned around and walked closer to where Gaara was sleeping. I sat down and removed the bottle’s cap.