Iris and Crimson

What? Is it over?


I woke up when the sun’s rays came through the window. The sun was very bright. I groaned and sat up. I looked around me and remembered where I was. I was where Ayame was being held captive. I wondered why Uryuu allowed me to see her just like that?

I spotted someone next to me. Next to me, fast asleep lay Ayame. Her back was turned to me but since I was tall I could see her face. She looked so…..peaceful….but her eyes were red and puffy….was she crying? But why?

I shrugged, not wanting to wake her up and decided to take a shower. After my shower I will take Ayame and escape. Even if she was still asleep and hated me. I sighed, when she said that it broke my heart to pieces, for some odd reason. Like a kunai went straight through my heart.

I got out of the shower and went back into the room. Ayame was still asleep. I got my things together and walked up to Ayame. I spotted a small blue bottle on the floor. It was empty and the cap was screwed off. I picked I up and examined it.

It had no label or sign. So I had no idea what was in it. I smelled the bottle too, but I didn’t recognize the scent. I shrugged and shook Ayame lightly. She didn’t budge. I sighed and went over to the door to check of it was locked. Yes, it was.

I then checked the windows, but it had burglar bars on front. So I had to knock down the door. Fun. I heard the door unlock and Uryuu came in. He gasped when he saw me and then glared.

“Why aren’t you DEAD?” he yelled at me. I frowned. Dead?

“What do you mean?” I asked. Uryuu spotted Ayame on the bed and the bottle on the side table where I last put it. His eyes widened.

“NO! She was supposed to give it to you! Why didn’t she?” he growled. I frowned again. Suddenly Uryuu froze and then he fell unto the ground in his own pool of blood. I spotted Kankuro and Temari, along with Sara.

“Wow, Kankuro you killed him so easily!” Sara gasped.

“I’m a ninja” Kankuro said proudly and put Sara down.

“What happened, here?” Temari finally asked.

“I’ll explain later, but first let’s go home” I said. They nodded and I went to pick up Ayame but Temari stopped me.

“What’s that?” she asked as she pointed at a letter on the desk. I didn’t see that before…..

“Dunno” I shrugged. Temari opened the letter and read it. Her eyes widened.

To whoever

I am so sorry……

I had to do it. My family and friends, everyone in my life was in trouble. Please carry this message on to everyone else…

“I love all of you, I always will…..please forgive me”

And when you are at the funeral, tell Haruna that I love her too. Even of she isn’t my real mother and tortured me.

And most importantly of all….don’t try to save me….my life is over as soon as I open this bottle to do what Uryuu wants me to do…….



“What was Ayame supposed to do?” Temari asked. Uryuu coughed and lifted his head….so he wasn’t dead…yet.

“She was supposed to kill you, Gaara, with that poison I gave her…” Uryuu said as he pointed at the bottle. My eyes widened…she planned to kill me?

“But she loves you too much…so she killed herself instead” Uryuu said. My eyes widened further. I checked for Ayame’s pulse…….it was gone……..

“She doesn’t have a pulse!” I gasped. Sara and Kankuro exchanged glances.

“She drank the poison for you, what a foolish woman” Uryuu mumbled and then he passed out, mist likely dead. I stood there….shocked…..Ayame was dead…..I could feel the tears well up….tears? I never cried over someone in my life… why now?

I heard Sara’s sobs. Kankuro and Temari tried to comfort her. All this time….Ayame…..she said she hated me because she wanted to protect me! Why didn’t I leave instead of sleep? Then Ayame would be alive right now! Why?

I picked Ayame up bridal style and walked out of the door. My siblings followed me, confused why I suddenly just walked out. I have to save Ayame…no matter what!


I was sitting on my throne, one of the guards explaining the kingdom’s status etc. to me. I just nodded and stared at the distance. I was so worried about Ayame.

The door suddenly flew open, revealing Gaara carrying Ayame in his arms. My eyes widned and I stood up, Haruna doing the same.

“Ayame!” I shouted. The guard looked shocked and ran to go call the others. I noticed that Gaara had been crying….since his face was red….same goes for Sara’s.

“What happened?” I asked as I walked up to them.

“She’s dead!” Sara exclaimed. I froze…… Ayame…..Maika….was…..dead………

“But how?” Haruna asked, she was crying too.

“She was supposed to poison me….but she took the poison instead” Gaara said.

“She sacrificed herself for you……I didn’t know my daughter actually loved you that much……” I said. Gaara growled.

“I won’t allow her to die!” Gaara yelled.

“It’s too late Gaara” Temari said. But what happened next surprised us all…

“Gaara….you must….escape….” Ayame mumbled all of a sudden. We gasped.

“She’s still alive!” Haruna yelled.

“Call for a doctor! The poison might kill her!” I ordered.

“No need” a voice said. I spotted a young woman with blonde hair that was in two ponytails in the doorway. Gaara turned around and sighed of relief. Next to the woman stood Sakura and Naruto.

“Temari-san called us” Sakura.

“Now, let’s have a look at her, shall we?” The woman asked.