Iris and Crimson

What? Memories?


“Kazekage-sama, I thank you for saving Ayame” my father said as he tightened his grip on Haruna’s hand. We were standing in the throne room, saying goodbye to the Suna ninja, including Sara who wants to move in with Temari, Kankuro and Gaara.

Sara did promise to visit me as soon as she can, though. But that was not the reason why I felt so sad and depressed. Gaara was leaving, and I might never see him again.

Gaara and the others turned around to leave when Haruna stopped them.

“Gaara, wait. Why don’t we sign the alliance treaty? I mean, there is no need for an arranged marriage!” she asked. I actually for once, agreed with my step-mother. Gaara turned around and smiled.

“As much as I would love to, the elders holds a grudge against you. I cannot go against them, I believe you have the same problem.” Gaara said as he glared at Machiko and Rai. They returned the glares and then Gaara turned around again to leave. They were halfway to the door when I just couldn’t handle it any longer.

“Gaara, wait!” I yelled and ran a bit forward. He stopped, but didn’t turn around. I noticed that he was tense as well. I froze and inhaled a large breath. My life depended on what I was going to say next.

“Gaara, I……” I stopped. Gaara didn’t move. Sara and Temari was now looking at me, I could see in their eyes that they knew what I was going to say. Kankuro seemed to stupid to figure it out, though.

“I…..I-I..” I stuttered.

“Say it. Dammit Ayame just say what you want to say!” Gaara yelled. I jumped at his sudden anger. I tried to hold back the tears.

“I love you” I said so fast I could barely hear myself. I heard gasps coming from behind me. I love Gaara. And I always will.

Gaara was silent. He seemed shocked himself. It was silent for awhile, and I am starting to regret ever telling him. Gaara started to walk again. Kankuro and the other followed. Sara looked at me with sad eyes and shrugged.

The tears were now welling up…I couldn’t stop them. The tears were flowing down my cheeks. I heard Haruna get up from her throne to come and comfort me. I felt her arm wrap around my shoulder.

“You heard her, son, she loves you” Haruna repeated. Sara, Temari and Kankuro were already out the door but they stopped and turned to look at me and then at Gaara who were behind them but now in front (since they turned around).

Gaara stopped.

“You don’t love me, Ayame. You just hold pity since I suffered so much. Now go find yourself a handsome Prince Charming” Gaara said without looking at me and then he walked out of the room. I saw Sara and Temari’s shocked faces at what he said.

The tears were like rivers now. Flowing down my cheeks and never stopping. Haruna hugged me. She tried to comfort me but I pushed her away and fell on my knees. I buried my face in my hands and cried so loud, I bet the hokage could hear me in Konoha.

My father seemed shocked at my confession. He was now also next to me, trying to comfort my abandoned and unloved soul.

“Ayame, sweetheart, you actually loved him?” my father asked me, shocked. I nodded but didn’t look up at him.

“Oh, honey, it’ll be ok. You’ll fall in love again” Haruna said as she patted my back. I shook my head. I could never fall in love again. Gaara has my heart, permanently. I could love no one else as much loved him.

I somehow dragged myself up to my room, and spent the next few weeks, bed ridden.


It’s been 2 months since I saved Ayame from Uryuu. Life has returned to normal. Or at least, I tried to make it feel that way. Without Ayame, life seemed so dull.

Sara often questioned me why I said such cruel things to Ayame. I would always give her the same answer. “Because, it’s the truth”

There was a knock on my office door.

“Come in” I said, bored.

The door opened, revealing Sara. I sighed and sat back.

“What?” I groaned, Sara looked sad and depressed and she had a suitcase with her.

“Where you going?” I asked, curious.

“Cloud Kingdom. Haruna called. She said I must return for some business. I’ll call when I hear some news. Good bye Gaara” she said and turned to leave.

“You are coming back, right?” I asked. Sara sighed and turned around. Something in her eyes told me that she was never coming back.

“No” she said and then left. My eyes grew wide. It felt like….I wanted to cry. First I lose my parents, then I lose Ayame…..and now…….my own sister has turned against me. Am I really that evil? That cruel? Am I still the monster I was so long ago? Was this repayment for all the people I killed? Was this revenge?


I reached Cloud Kingdom and was greeted by Reira, Freya, Juuri and Haruna herself at the entrance of the castle. I was surprised to not see Ayame. She naturally would have been the first person to greet me. But not today. I wondered why?

Haruna was crying. Juuri and Freya seemed disturbed and Reira well…was not herself anymore. I frowned. Did my father die or something?

“Sara!” Haruna exclaimed as she took both my hands into hers and stared deeply into my eyes. There was defiantly something wrong here.

“What?” I asked. Haruna looked down at our feet.

“Come and see” Haruna said as she lead me inside. I followed. Instead of leading me to my father’s room (since she thinks he’s dead) Haruna lead me to my mother’s garden. The one garden where Haruna never set foot. I frowned.

On the bench sat Ayame. Her long white hair needed trimming. Her proud shoulders were no longer proud, they were slump, like she was a lazy bum. She didn’t have on her usual clothes. Instead she had on a long blue dress with a blue jacket that was even longer than the dress over it. The jacket was hanging loosely on Ayame’s shoulders, revealing her naked shoulders due to her dress being a boob tube.

Two servants were fanning her with leaves while “my” (she still sees him as her father) father sitting on a picnic blanket, his face buried in his hands. Two other servants was fanning him, looking at him in pity.

I stopped in front of my father. He looked up and gave me a weak smile. I smiled back.

“Oh, Sara, eldest of my tree, what should I do?” He asked me.

“About what?” I asked. He frowned at me. Haruna shook her head at him and he sighed.

“See for yourself” he said as he motioned to Ayame. I walked over to her. She was staring at the pond but when I approached she raised her head to look at me.

“Hello, Aya” I said with a warm smile. Ayame didn’t say anything, she just stared at me. Her eyed no longer had life in them.

“Who are you?” she asked. I froze. Ayame didn’t recognize me? Her own sister?

“It’s me, Sara” I said. Ayame looked at me like I’m crazy. I fell down unto my knees. This is what Haruna as crying about…..

“Her memories have been fading away ever since Gaara left” Juuri said.

“The doctor says she’ll never remember us” Haruna said in between sobs. My sister was gone, she was dead. All that was left of her was her empty shell of a body with a meaningless life…….