Iris and Crimson

What? Love me?


It was a cold and lonely morning. I was still asleep in my room and I had the weirdest dream anyone could have. Or maybe all men have these type of dreams?

I was taking a shower. The water was really hot so I turned the cold tap on some more. It didn’t help, maybe I have a fever?

I checked my forehead myself but I couldn’t really feel any difference. I coughed and started to breathe heavily. There was a knock on the bathroom door. That’s when I realized…this was not my bathroom…

“Gaara? You ok?” I heard a female voice ask. My eyes widened….that voice…that sweet and caring voice.

“Ayame?” I asked, shocked. Her voice seemed more mature for some reason. Ayame’s tone changed and she seemed really worried.

“Are you ok?” she asked again. For some reason my legs felt really weak and I fell over, hitting my head against the shower door. It rattled and made noise. I heard Ayame gasp outside and she rushed in, not caring that I am naked.

“Oh my god, Tanuki-kun are you ok?” she asked me as she opened the shower door causing me too fall with my head unto her lap. She sat on her knees and stroked my hair. I opened my eyes and stared directly into her eyes.

“Tanuki-kun?” I asked, shocked that she called me that. She smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead.

“Silly, my nickname for you, don’t you remember?” she asked. I shook my head. Ayame frowned.

“Are you sure you’re ok? After all you never call me Ayame anymore…you say Aya just like Sara and the others” Ayame said as she scratched her head in confusion.

Well, I was the most confused one here. Why on earth was she acting this way, and was it me or did her boobs look bigger?

She must have noticed I was staring at them since her face turned as red as my hair.

“What?” she asked.

“You look…more mature” I said after finding the right words so that I wouldn’t offend her. She smiled and this time kissed me on my lips. And worst of all…..I didn’t stop her from caressing me and kissing me…it was like she hypnotized me…..I was actually enjoying it.

“Of course, I am 16 years old” she said with a huge smile. I choked on my own saliva I was that shocked. I shot up.

“Gaara?” she asked, confused.

‘You mean, I am 18 years old now?” I echoed. Ayame nodded. I frowned, but I was 16 like a few hours ago! What the heck?

“This must be a dream” I said in my daze. I broke from my daze when I realized Ayame crawling up to me.

“What?” I asked. She had a sheepish grin on her face, it was kind of scary, seeing her like this.

She was now sitting right in front of me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and brought her face close to mine. The next thing I knew we were kissing. I didn’t pull away like the last time. Instead I wrapped my arms around her and returned the kiss.

But I forgot that I was naked so it eventually became a bit awkward. Ayame pulled away, blushing.

“Don’t stop” I said in between my breaths that were heavy. Ayame smirked but shook her head. And then……she disappeared into thin air. I tried to grab hold of her hand but it was too late. She was gone……

I sat up, panting. Ok, two things. One, that dream was very perverted, I sound and feel like Kankuro now. Two, something about Ayame disappearing in my dream gave me a bad vibe…like maybe Ayame really was going to disappear when she was 16.


I knocked on Gaara’s bedroom door for the 150th time this morning. Honestly, what does he do in that room? I knocked again only to hear Gaara pant and moan. I placed my ear against the door, wondering of he had a girlfriend over.

I heard him moan again so I rushed into the room. There was no one there, only Gaara asleep. He was covered in sweat and he was tossing and turning. But the thing that escaped his lips shocked me.

“Don’t stop, Ayame” he mumbled. I frowned. He was just like Kankuro, dreaming about a girl! Then again, I dreamt of Shikamaru a lot too…..since I love him so much…so I guess it is normal. Wait a minute! Gaara loves Ayame?

I just couldn’t believe it. After all those terrible things he told her? Maybe he said it to protect her? But from what? Or maybe he is dreaming of something else? I don’t care, I was going to have a serious sister to brother talk with him. And then he will have a serious brother to brother talk with Kankuro too.

I shook Gaara lightly. He woke up and blinked in confusion. Then he shrieked like a girl.

“What the hell? Temari?” he yelled as he pulled his pillow closer to him. I sighed.

“Wake up, sleep head. We need to talk, now” I growled and walked out of the room.

I was preparing breakfast when Shikamaru, Kankuro and Gaara walked in.

“Morning, troublesome yet beautiful woman” Shikamaru said as he kissed me on the lips. I chuckled and ordered him to sit. He did and waited for whatever was coming his way. Gaara was still half asleep and glaring at me while Kankuro tried to figure out why Gaara seemed so pissed off.

I put down the plates and we all sat down to eat. I decided to break the silence first.

“Gaara, about this morning..” I began. Shikamaru and Kankuro seemed interested while Gaara just yawned as he looked annoyed and bored as well.

“What about it?” he asked as he gulped down some milk.

“What on earth did you mean?” I asked directly. Gaara tried to figure out what I meant but he must have understood since he turned red.

“Since when do you, sleep talk?” I asked as I tried to hold back laughter.

Gaara was silent. He just kept on eating like I wasn’t talking to him. I sighed.

“Gaara, do you love Ayame?” I asked, giving up on asking the long questions. Kankuro and Shikamaru gasped. Kankuro even dropped his spoon. Gaara didn’t seem fazed, or not at first.

“No” he said flatly. But I could tell he was lying, his eyes told a different story than his lips.

“Dammit Gaara!” I yelled as I stood up and slammed my hands against the table, causing Shikamaru’s bacon and eggs to splat into his face. Now that was priceless since he looked so hilarious!

Gaara looked at Shikamaru and frowned. Then he looked at me, emotionless and continued eating.

“If you love her, you should go back and tell her!” I scolded.

“I might love her, Temari, which I don’t, but even if I did, she doesn’t deserve a man like me” Gaara said as he left the table to leave for work.

“Kankuro, will you talk to him later?” I asked as I helped Shikamaru clean up his face. Kankuro nodded and ate on. I sighed and sat down again.