Iris and Crimson

What? Someone she knows?


I was walking down the main street of the Cloud Kingdom, pissed off. How could Naruto just run off all of a sudden and leave me alone, hungry and lost?

“Naruto you baka!” I yelled out, causing the people to stare at me. As soon as I look at them they would look away, scared of me. (baka= idiot or stupid in Japanese)

I huffed and tried to find the direction. If only I knew where Gaara’s fiancée lived. (Sakura has no idea that Gaara is marrying a princess)

I saw a large building with towers in the distance. It must be the palace. That’s when I got a brilliant idea. Why don’t I go to ask the queen for directions, and then have tea! Oh that sounds wonderful. Tea with the queen of Cloud Kingdom. I squealed and headed to my new destination.

I reached the gates to the palace, it was guarded by two guards. I sighed. They’ll never let me pass! I walked on, trying to think of a way to let me pass when I walked past them ad they didn’t budge. One just smiled me in greeting and then returned to his former, guard pose. I frowned. Wow, I was able to pass easily.

The front yard was massive, with luscious green lawns and very bright coloured flowers. It looked like heaven. The palace itself was beautiful. I walked up the stairs, there were quite a few of them. When I reached the doors there were two more guards. I sighed. Well, they won’t let me pass at all. I knew it. But when I reached the door the one guard smiled and opened the door for me! Gesturing for me to enter. I smiled and entered the palace.

It was very warm and welcoming inside and very big. There were two flights of stairs in front of me in a half circle like form. In between the stairs were large doors which led to a room. On either side of me were long hallways that looked like mazes to go through.

I walked up to the large doors in front of me. I have to start somewhere if I want to find the queen or someone who can direct me. I opened the door and peaked inside. It was the throne room with a long red carpet that went all the way to the throne platform. On the right side were large windows and there were display cases with fancy special occasions tiaras and crowns. On the left side were large glass doors. They were open and led to a garden with a pool and a pond. On the grass was a recliner, a woman laying on it with a cocktail in her hand. An umbrella kept her hidden from the sun and there were two maids fanning her with massive fans. I gulped and walked towards her. She looked around 35, maybe.

“Um, hello?” I asked and I saw the two maids lift their heads to greet me. I smiled in return. The woman didn’t seem surprised to see me.

“Ah, hello dear, please sit down” she gestured for me to a big pile of pillows. I sat down, nervous.

“I am Queen Haruna, delighted to meet you” the woman said, flashing a smile with brilliant white teeth.

“My name is Haruno Sakura” I said as I bowed. The woman smiled.

“Well, Jean, don’t just sit there bring her something to drink!” the queen ordered the one maid. The maid nodded and ran off to the kitchen.

“So, Sakura-san, what brings you here to Cloud Kingdom?” the queen asked me. I couldn’t see her eyes because she had on a pair of large sun glasses. She must have known I am foreign.

“Well, my friend ditched me, we are here to find our friend who will be married soon” I said. The queen nodded.

“I see, and this friend is?” the queen asked me.

“The kazekage” I said as Jean handed me a drink. I gulped it down, I was after all very thristy.

The queen clapped her hands and a young butler showed up.

“Laurent, call the kazekage, will you?” the queen asked. Laurent bowed.

“Yes, your majesty” he said and disappeared inside. It wasn’t long until Naruto ran up to me, nearly attacking me. I stopped him by giving him a hard punch.

“Ow, Sakura-chan what was that for?” he asked as he rubbed his cheek. I heard the queen chuckle.

“For leaving me all alone, you baka, so have you found Gaara?” I asked. Naruto nodded and I noticed that Gaara was standing in the doorway, talking to Laurent.

“Please, just check on Ayame, she’s been acting weird since this morning” I heard Gaara order Laurent. Laurent nodded as he listened.

“Yes, Gaara-sama, I will check that Madame Ayame is doing alright” Laurent said and then he disappeared again. Gaara sighed and joined you on the pillows.

“Ah, Gaara, good morning” the queen greeted. I was amazed that the queen drank alcohol this time of day. Perhaps it was alcohol free?

“Good morning to you too, your majesty” Gaara greeted back. The queen chuckled.

“Oh please, just call me Haruna or ‘mother’ if you prefer.” The queen ordered him. Gaara nodded and I frowned. Mother?

I then heard loud running steps. It was Laurent who was now out of breath standing next to Jean.

“Gaara-sama! Madame Ayame is no longer in her room!” Laurent explained. Gaara pulled a face and the queen growled.

“That girl, where did she escape to now?” the queen hissed. But Laurent was unable to say anything because the next thing we heard a loud shriek and then a young girl with long white hair and red/pinkish eyes ran through the door. She had on a Kazami, but she was holding it up so that she wouldn’t trip.

“Gaara! Naruto! Help!” the girl yelled and she dug behind Gaara, hiding herself.

‘What did you do now?” Gaara hissed. The girl stuck her tongue out and we saw two men come out. The queen glared.

“Who dares to enter palace territory” she hissed.

“Ayame, we know you’re here” the one guy said, with a huge grin on his face. It sent shivers down my spine.

“Go away! I refuse to be your rape victim! I can’t believe these guys are still on the loose in the kingdom!” the girl hissed from behind Gaara’s back.

“You like this guy more than us?” the other guy asked.

“He is my fiancée! Now leave!” the girl hissed again and the guys froze.

“Laurent, take them away” the queen ordered and Laurent did what he was told.

The girl relaxed and fell over, with her head on Gaara’s lap.

“I can’t believe, they followed me all the way to here!” she exclaimed.

“I would have killed them if her majes--Haruna didn’t tell Laurent to take them away” Gaara hissed.

“I though you hated me?” Ayame asked.

“No, who said that?” Gaara asked as he stared at her in disbelief.

“You” Ayame shrugged and Gaara chuckled.

“Wait a minute, Gaara is engaged to a princess?” I exclaimed. Everyone looked at me weird.

“You mean, you didn’t know?” Gaara asked, confused.

I shook my head.

“Well, Sakura, this is my fiancée, Ayame” Gaara introduced me to the girl. The girl sat up and smiled at me. She was beautiful.

“I’m Haruno Sakura” I said, my head spinning. Gaara had the most beautiful fiancée I have ever seen. It makes me jealous. I want her beauty to attract Sasuke……


That evening

I was lying on my bed, my head spinning. Gaara doesn’t hate me. But then why did he pull way when I kissed him? Gaara was currently taking a shower in my bathroom. Maybe, he wants to forget what happened that night, but I didn’t. I wonder why I am feeling this way. So attached to him for some reason.

I sighed. I was still mad at him, after all, he broke my heart. Does this mean I love him? But it can’t be love, I barely even know him! For like 2 weeks! I sighed again and turned on my side. Something was very wrong here, especially the way Gaara wouldn’t leave my mind……..


I was sitting in front of my dressing table, Jean pulling my brush through my hair. I opened my drawer and pulled out my photo album.

I stared at the photos of when I was a teenager. Photos of me, Hikari-sama, my ex-fiancée and first love, I even had a photo of his new wife for some odd reason. I stared at the group photo of me, Hikari-sama, fiancée and his new wife. The photo was taken before our engagement broke up. His arm was wrapped around my waist and I looked so happy.

Hikari-sama looked happy in that photo too, but she was thinking about other things, about her unborn baby she had inside her. She wasn’t even married yet and she was already pregnant, with someone else’s baby not her fiancée’s. I then looked at New Wife. Her fine blonde hair and blue eyes. That’s when I realized something. She looks familiar…….like I’ve seen someone who looks a lot like her recently. I tried to think who it was, but I couldn’t figure it out…I was too tired…..