Status: Finished

More Than Words Could Ever Say

So go on live your life..

I just graduated from school a few months ago, but cycling through the mid September rains isn't really the job I had in mind for my future.. The wind pulled and pushed me away while brown and yellow leaves from the trees flied everywhere around me, and yes in my face of course..
Manhattan, a nice place to live but I don't like the autumn when it's wet and cold. Rain, rain, and rain and.. did I mention rain already?
I turned around a corner and cycled down an alley.
When the alley ended I came at one of the main roads, and as I already predicted; the wind pushed me more to the right than I wanted to from around a huge building, but finally I came at the basements at the back of the building which I learned to call home for twenty years..

I parked my bike in "our cage" since every flat has it's own cage for their belongings, like bikes. In the backyard of the building is a parking lot.
So much for pure nature eh?
My clothes were soaked and little droplets continued to drip out of them on the concrete in the basement as I locked the cage.

I'd like to call it my bike jail..

I walked down to the main hallway with my plastic bags and stepped in to the elevator in the lobby.
First floor.. second.. eight.. tenth.. fifteenth.. seventeenth..
We lived at the sixtieth floor, what can I say it's a huge building!
But since we lived on the top floor we had a window in the roof above the dining area so it was pretty light when it was sunny weather, unless like now... My mom and dad had the flu, which left me to look out for them..

"Hey mom." I said as I walked in to the dim lit apartment and put the groceries on the dining table. "How are you now?"
My mom stared away from the TV to look at me with her red bloodshot eyes, and she smiled. Though her skin was awfully pale and her face looked even more wrinkled than it used to be..
My dad was sleeping on the old comfortable couch with a blue plaid woollen blanket curled around him like a cocoon.
"Hey sweetie." She said nasal as she blew her nose in a tissue.
I took the groceries out of the shopping bag and put them on the table.
"I'm a little better. What did you bring us?"
I crumpled the plastic bag in my hands and smiled at her.
"Some bread, milk, desert, vegetables and potatoes. And the rest contains out of medicines and tissues for you two." I said while I put some of the tissue boxes away.

My mom is 48 years old, and my dad is 51. They're both grey, while my mother dyes her hair chessnut once in the three months. My father remains grey..
My own hair is a deep dark brown and it reaches my butt.
My eyes are silver-blue, the same kind of blue snow dogs have. It's pretty special, I earned them from my grandmother Sophie, my father has brown eyes, and my mother a crystal blue.

And then there's Dot.

Dot is my fish, and I have her for three years now. She's getting old and she's everything except pretty and full of vitality.. You could say she's elderly..
I suppose she'll die soon, I'm expecting her to die soon because she's got an external bacteria infection. There's slime on her body everywhere.. And it smells real bad..
It's sad, though I'm glad it's a fish disease only..

"What are you watching?" I said as I sat in my comfortable arm chair.
"Dr. Phil." She said. "There's a couple fighting over alimony."
"How.. sociable.." I said with a laugh. "How's dad doing?"
"He's sleeping all day long. He's lesser ill than I am though." Said my mom while her eyes lit up with mischief.
"Maybe I'm just a little tougher than he is."
"Men always say they're sicker than everybody in the world.. I suppose it some kind of attention that they want." I said with a grin.
"I think so yes." Said my mom snickering. "Did it rain while you were cycling?"
"No I purposely jumped in a puddle of water and rolled over twice." I said with a grin. "I'm going to take a shower if the rain hasn't already washed me clean enough." I said ending pretty sarcastic.
"Okay dear, I'll manage it down here and I call you for dinner. It's Pizza-day remember."
"Okay mom." I said standing up with a smile.

Pizza-Day was something that my mom made up when I was a little child. It was something for me to look out at when I had a rough week. It easily became a tradition to eat pizza on Saturday evening, so we kept it that way.

"Oh before you go." Started my mom as I turned back to her since I was just going to leave the room. "Your sister called, because she found a location for you."
"She did?!" I squealed as I heard my father growl something. "That's amazing!"
"She asked me to tell you that she's called, and if you would call back."
"I will mom." I said.
But first.. A nice hot shower.

I was so exited I couldn't keep it in and so I started singing random songs while I was in the shower. I couldn't believe it! This was amazing!
Now it only had to be something better than the last thing she found me..
God that was horrid..
Cobwebs and a nasty urine-like smell all over the place..

I towel dried my hair and I walked to my bedroom, -which is around the corner- for a new outfit since my clothes were dirty, soaked and cold.
It wasn't my intention to get sick here. I had too much stuff to worry about already! I don't want to sit on the couch all day with a headache and a running nose..
When I was done putting on my clothes and doing my hair I raced to the hallway where the telephone was seated in a niche.
I picked up the receiver and dialled my sister's number.


"Hey this is Jen and guess where I am?! ….Not at the phone Ba-Ha!"

I always had to laugh about her voice mail..

"Hey Jen it's me Andi, if you're there please pick up the phone!" I said in the receiver. "I know you want toooo!"
"ANDEEEEEEEE!" Someone suddenly screamed in to the receiver.
"Yeah hello to you too!" I said. "Jeez sis do you always need to yell when you pick up the phone?"
"No.." She said. "But it's fun, and I have great news!"

My sister, Jennifer Williams, lived a couple of miles away in Newark with her soon to be husband Damian Flint in an old lords house which they liked to call "the mansion".. Just for kicks..
I always called Damian, "Flint" because it suited him, he was skinny statement said.
They've been in love for three years now and they planned a wedding in the summer next year. I got to be the brides maid of honour!
She's such an amazing sister, everything I can wish for and more!

"Then tell me big sister of mine." I said with a snicker.
"Are you telling me I'm fat?!" She said pretending to sound offended.
"Oh yeah like tons and tons!" I said joking at the phone.
"Do you want my news now or what?" She said laughing. "Cause if you don't I'm going to tell you anyway.."
"Share me your holy news sister!"
She laughed, it was a good one since she became an atheist with Flint..
"I found you a location!" She said. "And it's not too far away!"
"Where is it?" I asked exited.
"Belleville New Jersey." She said.
"We have to check it out tomorrow!"
"Yes we sure have!" I said with a huge smile, and I was at a hundred percent sure that my sister was smiling along with me.
"I'll pick you up with my car, and maybe later we can look around the city. Not that the shops will be open cause it's Sunday, but anyway!"
"That would be great sis! I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah I'll pick you up at noon."
"Alright! Bye Jenny-Jen."
"Bye Andi-Ann"

I was so exited that I couldn't talk about something else during dinner, and when I went to bed that same evening I could hardly sleep..


The next day I woke up late.. Yes I woke up at eleven thirty, not to mention that my sister was going to pick me up in less than thirty minutes!
Quick, fast, hurry! Contacts, clothes, make-up, breakfast, hair, run! Run! Run! RUN!!!

When I was in the living room I quickly grabbed a cookie out of the bowl and put on my jacket as I raced upstairs again for my bag.
Right.. I'm done..

"Phone, money, keys.." I said out loud as I was making a list of the things I gathered in my bag while running around.

"Hey sis!" Said Jen as she just came walking through the front door.
"Hey!" I said surprised and I hugged her.
"You're not going along dressed like that right?" She said pointing at my legs.
I looked down and noticed that I was still wearing my teddy bear pajama pants and my fluffy slippers..


"Ha eh, no of course not." I said with a blush. "I'll be back in a few seconds."
I raced to my room and got a black skinny jeans out of my closet, I put it on and tied my converses.
Then I raced back to meet up with my impatient waiting sister..

Did I mention she's very impatient?

I started to zip up my black jacket but the zipper got stuck so I tried to zip it up and down which didn't work so I eventually did only get more frustrated about it.
It didn't wanted to go up, and it didn't want to go down and pieces of the fabric of my jacket got stuck behind it.. I could feel my sister glaring daggers at it..

"Well that took you long enough, let's go!" She said dragging me out of the apartment. "By mom and dad!"
"Oh! Yeah uh bye!" I said as she dragged me in to the elevator and hit the button.

My sister just stood there, with her hands folded in front of her belly staring at the ceiling. It was totally obvious that she didn't like the sixty floors down waiting in a slowly moving elevator.. I on the other hand finally got to get my jacket zipped up like it had to do a few minutes ago..

Forty-third floor, a mother and her young son got in… I guess he was about seven years old.

"But moooom!! I don't wanna go to auntie Genevieve!"
"Hush you little brat!" Hissed his mother between her gritted teeth. "You're going if you like it or not!"
The whining of the boy and the angry hisses of the mom carried on for a few minutes until they got out at the twenty-fifth floor.
The doors closed and we got out in the lobby, Jen stopped dragging me around, but she was pacing up to the electric doors that led out to the parking lot.

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Yelled my sister.
"Wait up Jen!" I said as I ran after her. "What's wrong why are you so.. agitated?
She turned around and stopped.
"Well I like to get there early, and maybe we have some time left to search a suitable apartment for you to live in."
"Wait what?" I said confused.
"Andi," she started. "don't say that you didn't already thought this over hundred times, you can't travel up and down your entire life if the location I found you turns out right?"

Why not? I mean working there is fine but living there? Why can't I stay in Manhattan? I really didn't think about this before, actually stupid because I should have.. But leaving Manhattan would be a big step for me.. I mean I lived here my entire life!

"Well no.." I said quietly.
My sister threw her eyes up to heaven and put her right hand cocky on her side, acting a little too prep for my sake since I've been always about the rock.. Not too extreme though but I liked rock bands.. Is that a bad thing?

"Andi if you're going to manage your own coffee shop you can't stay in Manhattan, it would tire you down like a dog who's forever running after it's bone."
"But I like it here!" I said defending my city with proud.
"No you don't." She said. "I know you better than anyone, and living in this prison of buildings isn't what you want. Now come on along because we've don't got all day.. Plus I had made an appointment with the owner of the building. And I wanna go now!"

"Okay, what's the owners name?" I asked curiously as we walked through the doors.
"His name is mister Way." She said with a faint smile as we walked to the car.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright this is where my new story begins!
I hope you guys liked the chapter, comments would be awesome :D
Let me know what you guys think of it so far ^^

Thanks for reading!



Title credits go to the song: Give 'Em Hell Kid by My Chemical Romance