Status: Finished

More Than Words Could Ever Say

Someone get me to the doctor.

It was two weeks later now, yet I still found myself sitting on Gerard's couch next to Frank and Mikey again.
My leg wasn't plastered anymore, but I still had a little difficulties with walking. Though I refused to walk any longer with the damn crutches…

"Tim Burton." Stated Mikey with a grin.
"Oh god again?!" Whined Gerard as he searched through the stack of DVD's and picked out Tim Burton's movies.
"No, this time Sweeney Todd." Said Mikey with an even larger grin. "No nightmare Before Christmas today.."
"Well thank tha Lordah!" Said Gerard impersonating Eric Cartman from South Park.
Frank snickered and got a little more comfortable on the couch next to me. Gerard turned off the lights to make it even spookier and sat down at some pillows on the floor as he turned on the TV and the movie started.
I never seen the movie before and I didn't like it much when it kicked off with blood dripping down to a sewer..

What can I say? I'm not really a tough one on horror films.

I hope Frank didn't mind that I grabbed his arm once in a while as Sweeney Todd sliced a throat and let the body fall down a trap door where Mrs Lovett would create pastries out of it..
It's a nice movie but is all the blood really necessary?
Later that evening I started to feel nauseous again. I thought it might be Frank being in my head again. But this was different. And it didn't feel that good..

"Frank I don't feel so good.." I mumbled. He had his arm draped around my shoulder and suddenly pulled it away staring at me.
"Hey are you okay?" He asked a little worried. "You're so pale."
"I don't feel good.." I said again as I got up from the couch and hurried upstairs to the bathroom.
I so hoped I would make it in time since we were in the basement and the bathroom was down the hall..

I slammed open the bathroom door, ignored the worried voices of Donna and Donald and threw up in the toilet. Oh great, there goes my Chinese food..
Someone walked in to the bathroom and must have been shocked to find me spewing out my guts.
"Dude! I mean.. Jeez! Are you okay Andi?!" I heard Gerard say.
I tried to laugh about his comment, but another gulf of icky sickness emerged out of my throat, being met up with the rest in the porcelain toilet..
Gerard walked over to me and pulled my hair out of my face.
"Now we don't want to get your hair smelly." He said as if I was a little kid and he was my mom.
I threw up another load and I actually felt quite good when I emptied my stomach like that.

Maybe there was something wrong with the food..

When my stomach was empty Gerard helped me up and I brushed my teeth to get the awful taste out of my mouth. Gerard flushed the toilet for me.
Then there was a knock on the door..
"Come in." Said Gerard before I could even think of an answer.
It was Mikey.
"So here you two are." He said with a small smirk.
"Andi got sick." Explained Gerard motioning towards me. "Was it the food?"
I nodded slowly.
"I think so." I said with my hopes up a little that it wasn't something else like the flue or anything.
"Are you coming?" Asked Mikey. "I paused Sweeney.."
"Like I don't know the movie yet anyway." Grumbled Gerard as we walked back to the basement.

I felt a little better. Even though it was pretty weird to throw up out of a sudden..

"Hey you feeling better?" Asked Frank with a worried smile.
"Yeah." I said as I sat down. "I feel better now."
"She was throwing up like shit!" Said Gerard who crashed himself back on the pile of pillows.
"I felt like shit." I replied with a smirk and Frank chuckled.
Frank draped his arm back around me. I was quite used to it now though I wasn't his girlfriend or anything. I think it's just the thing that I'm the only girl in a group of men..

When the film ended I walked out of Gerard's room and got met up with the soft covers of my bed underneath me.
"Are you going to sleep?" Asked Frank as he casually leaned to the door frame watching me.
I was lying on my belly on the bed but I could see him standing there.
"Well I do feel tired.." I replied as I sat up and started to pull of my shoes.
Frank walked over to me and sat down next to me.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked as he placed his hand on my thigh reassuringly.
"Yeah." I said with a breath as I threw my shoes across the room and got comfortable crossed legged on the sheets of my bed. "I'm fine."
Frank nodded, as if he was having a struggle in his mind and convinced himself it was all okay.
"I'm going home." He said with a soft smile.
"Oh, yeah sure." I said while I felt my cheeks gain a redder shade.
He bent over to me to give me a hug and he kissed me on my forehead.
"Good night." He said with a smile as he played with his lip ring.
"Night." I smiled back at him and he left the room while his deodorant still clung on to me.

* ..A week later.. *

"No get it away I don't want it right now!" Yelled a voice through the leaking den that was going to be my coffee place..
"But mom.." Whined Mikey.
"No but's Michael James Way!" Yelled Donna back. "We need to get the roof done first, it's almost done already."
"It's just coffee.. Jeez.." Mumbled Mikey as he walked over to me.
I was observing the structure of the walls, we needed new isolation stuff.
"Andi!" Yelled a happy voice and I turned around to be met up with my sister and Damien.
"Jen!" I exclaimed even more happy than I thought I would. I haven't seen her in a month now and stuff really has been bad.
"How's your leg doing?" Asked Jen with a smirk of sarcasm.
"Well it's better." I said. "Still feels a little weird, but I can stand on it and walk with it."
"Oh great." She said hugging me tightly. "It's great that you're starting to clean the place up. How can Damien and myself leave you to sort out your things? We've came here to help you out with everything as promised."
I smiled and hugged her again.

"Hey there again." I heard a voice say next to me, when I turned around I saw Gerard and Frank staring at Jen and Damien.
"Hey, Gerard was it right?" Asked Jen with a smile.
He nodded and she gave him a hug as well.
"Yeah, Andi Bambi here kept me informed over e-mail."
Gerard snickered about the nickname and placed his hand before his mouth.
"Well little miss perfect offered to come over and help us." I shot back at her and she blushed but Gerard burst out to laughter.
"And you were ehm, Mikey?" Asked Jen as she stared at Frank.
"No I'm Frank." He said with a little smile.
"Oh yes the boyf-"
"The boy I talked about." I said quickly cutting in making Frank stare at me like I was insane talking about him towards my sister.
"About ehm, when we all got out." I quickly made up. "To Underground."
"Oh yeah." He said as he remembered it again. We went out to a club once with Gerard and Mikey. "It was fun."
Then he walked away not really knowing if he wanted to be part of the conversation again.

Jen crossed her arms over one another and anxiously tapped her foot.
"What was that?" She asked confused.
"That was saving my own butt." I replied with a growl. "He isn't my boyfriend and you damn well know it Jen."
I glared at her and turned around to get back to study the walls again..
"The roof is done." Said Donna while she put up a smile towards me. "Now we can get it started!"
I smiled and nodded, this was going to be great!
"Mikey! Where did you get my coffee!!" I heard Donna yell as she disappeared in to another room.

I've been e-mailing with Jen since my department out of New York. And I informed her about everything. I also spoke with her about Frank, how I liked him and stuff like that.
That's why this was really mean of her to do. Even if Frank wanted to be my boyfriend I was afraid to ruin the friendship.

I had made a plan with Donald and Donna how we were going to set up everything. I picked the colors and the furniture and worked out the structure of the building in my head.
It was going to be beautiful I could already see it in my mind.

The house was a different subject. After all it was going to be my house, the place I would be staying. And that meant not staying with Donald and Donna under one roof anymore. I was going to have my own place.
It felt awkward to know that that was going to happen when everything was done..
It would be weird too not to have Gerard sleeping at the other side of the small hall in the basement. And that I had to sleep in an entirely new bed with new sheets which were cold and unslept.

"How's the ceiling doing Donald?" I asked the next day as he was getting the frame off of the ceiling where once was a systematic ceiling with white recyclable plates.
"Oh it's almost off." He said with a smile. "I don't know what's your plan yet when we get this thing off."
"I want plaster." I said with a smile. "With a dark wooden frame."
"I thought you might have had it with plaster now." Joked Donald and I laughed.
I was working on the walls with Donna, we got the awful wallpaper almost peeled off, and we were going to make them look more natural and warmer.

Gerard was working on a drawing at the drawing table, he had the honor to draw something huge on one of the walls that would suit the shop.
The last thing I had seen of it, was as if you watched through a window at the Mediterranean sea. It was quite beautiful.
Frank and Mikey were goofing around and helping me or Donald once in a while.
And they got us coffee..
Jen and Damien were busy with the house, getting isolation done.
It became a lot of busy weeks for as what I've seen now..

"Hello?!" I heard someone call as it tore me away from my conversation with Donna. We were talking about the odds and ends that we still needed to get for the place.
I turned my head around to corner to see who it was when my eyes met up with three guys in grey overalls.
"Yes?" I said questioning the guys.
"A Mrs. Way called for our help to check the sewers and the water supplies for a potential new kitchen and toilets." Said one of the shorter guys who looked handsome to me with his crystal blue eyes and blond hair.
"Oh yes of course!" I said with a smile. Donna told me about them coming over. "It's this way."
I leaded the three guys to the storage room where the kitchen had yet to been built.
I explained them my plan and they nodded.
"Well we have to see where we can get the water supply. But thanks for the help out toots." Said the shorter guy giving me a wink and a blow kiss.
I blushed and walked away.

I don't know what's wrong with me right now. But is it weird for me to feel butterflies?
He was cute after all..
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes I know I have kept you waiting, I'm a little ill..
I have a cold and I feel like a total wreck.
(See my journal for that if you want to know why..)
Then again I love you guys for reading my new chapter again. This one was mainly a filler again around what's happening, because the real action happens in the next. ;)


Love youse!


Title credits go to the song: Vampires Will Never Hurt You by My Chemical Romance