Status: Finished

More Than Words Could Ever Say

Still I will not kiss you!

"Enough is enough." I heard Donna say to me, though her voice was strangely vague and I couldn't quite make out where it came from.
"What..?" I breathed feverish I felt sweat running down my forehead and there was a load of barf in the toilet again.
I swear, when will this stop?
"..taking you to a doctor right now." I heard her say again. I nodded not sure to where I approved with, but anything was better than this and she helped me up.
I stumbled to a car and Gerard started the ignition.
Donald was out so he couldn't drive us..
It was evening and I didn't feel so great..

"This is not good Andi." I heard Gerard say. "You've been sick now for, what is it? Two weeks?"
"Since we went to the club." I murmured.
That was ten days ago.
Even though I convinced myself it was just butterflies I knew there was something else wrong with me.. My throat hurt since the couple of days, which I immediately put to a throat infection, but my lymph nodes started to swell up as well..

When we came at the doctors office I was still pretty nauseous and sweat was evaporating from every pore in my body.
I had a fever, a real bad one and it just wouldn't stop..

"Name." Stated a lady with blond frizzy hair that was put up like cotton candy.
"Andi Williams." Replied Gerard before I could open my mouth.
She scribbled something down on a pad and motioned us to the waiting area.
After a while of keeping everything down the inside of my stomach and feeling dizzy, the doctor came out and asked for me.
Gerard and Donna helped me up and we went to the little room the doctor was staying in before he met us.
"I'm doctor Granger." He said with a little half smile. "What can I do you for?"
"I want her to get checked." Said Donna promptly. "She's been throwing up and feeling sick for a couple of weeks now. And I'm pretty sure it's not the flu."
"Hmm Hmmm.." Said the doctor in a weird couch while putting his glasses better on the tip of his nose. "Can you sit down on this table miss Williams?"
I nodded and sat down at the cold table with my feet hovering over the floor. I felt really tired and I could sleep if I wanted to right now..
The doctor would probably check my heartbeat, my lungs and my blood pressure. Give me some medication and let me go home.
Like everybody else..

Like I predicted he started to listen to my heart and lungs.
"You have a fever." He stated.

Well as if I didn't knew that yet..

He touched me behind my throat and I winced because it didn’t actually feel nice..
"Hmm Hmmm.." He said again. "Can you open your mouth real wide?"
I did as he asked, though I wasn't so sure about my breath he seemed satisfied.
"Mono." He said shortly.
"W-What?" Asked Gerard.
"Mono." Repeated the doctor again. "Also known as Pfeiffer and the kissing disease."
Gerard stared confused at the doctor.
"Yeah, I know what it is." He said annoyed. "But how did she got it?"
"She could've got it by kissing someone. That's the most common thing."
"I haven't kissed anybody." I mumbled.
The doctor stared back at me.

"Right, since when did this start Andi?"
"Since I went out to this club with my friends." I explained tiredly.
"Ah another option for getting it." He said with a little smile. "Did you have a drink there?" He asked me.
"Yes a couple of ones." I shrugged. "Did the glass had the infection on it or something?"
"Yes that could be possible, the person that drank from your glass before you received it clean and with a drink, possibly had mono but the glass wasn't clean enough to wash away the bacteria."
"Well that sucks." I grumbled frustrated.
Everything was going to be an ever bigger mess than it was, though I thanked myself for not kissing anybody, they might have got it too.

"You can take a few Tylenol for your throat and headaches, if you don't throw 'em up that is, and I want you to take a lot of rest. I don't think you had much since the seriousness of your symptoms.."
I shrugged indifferently.
I knew the man was right, I've had been busy a lot. Working on my beautiful palace..
Thinking back to that I also knew I couldn't rest anyway.
"I can't rest." I said repeating my thoughts. "I have a coffee shop to build."
"Oh please!" Groaned Gerard. "It's almost done and we will work it out for you."
I sighed, I didn't want that.. I wanted to build it up myself, wall by wall and tile by tile.
"So it's stated clear then." I said a little disappointed. "I have mono."
The doctor nodded.
"Yes, be sure you don't kiss anybody and don't let people drink from your glass or eat from your forks."
I nodded again and Donna and Gerard helped me back in the car to drive back home.

This was really outrageous..
I had planned this out so perfectly! I put a lot of effort in this too!
All in all for nothing?!
Now I can't even freaking see how it's going to be like!
I have to stay in bed all the fucking time and rest.
I don't even want to be around anybody anymore now.. What if I.. What if I make other people sick whom are around me?

Gerard and Donna immediately wanted to put me down to bed as soon as we got there.
"No." I said in a warning tone though I knew it sounded weakly out of my mouth. "I don't want to be locked up downstairs all by myself. Please don't?" I almost begged.
Gerard stared at his mother but she nodded at him, telling that it was okay.
He let go of my upper arm and let me sit down at the couch.
Then there was a familiar knock on the door..

"Get in." Called Gerard not too enthusiastically.
In the house walked four men.
Two of them I knew were Mikey and Frank, one of the other two I knew was Ray, he had been over a couple of times and I liked him and his hair..
The other one I recognized as the plumbing guy from yesterday.
The one with the crystal blue eyes and the blond hairdo.
What was he doing here?
Even worse, what was he doing here with Frank?!

I think I'm just too sick for this.. And I'm starting to hallucinate..

Frank smiled at me with his silly half smile.
"Hey Andi!" Said Mikey happily as he seated himself next to me. "How are you?"
"Not so good.." I mumbled. I actually felt a little embarrassed now.
"Why what's wrong? You threw up again?" Asked Frank concerned.
I always loved the way he could be so worried about little old me..
"I've went to the doctor." I said barely audible.
"And?" Demanded Ray with a raspy growl in his throat.
"Mono.." I replied but it was almost a whisper.
"What?" Asked Frank who apparently hadn't heard me.
"Mono." I said a little louder. "He diagnosed me with mono."
Mikey suddenly seemed disgusted and moved a couple of inches away from me, Ray stared shocked at me and Frank, well he actually seemed a little angry..

"Something wrong?" I mumbled.
"No." He said harsh. "I'm going out."
He took his jacket and left the house without another word slamming the door behind him.
I felt guilty for some weird reason, but then again it wasn't my fault that I got mono..
"So who are you anyway?" Asked the guy with the blond hair and blue eyes, I also noticed a lip ring suddenly.
"Andi." I said. "And who are you."
"I'm Bob." He said with a bright smile. "I'm hired by Gerard's mom."
I snickered.
"What?" He said confused.
"That sounds incredibly wrong."
He huffed.
"Well.. Well, you have mono!" He said crossing his arms and closing his eyes pretending to be insulted. My smile disappeared.
"True fact." Said Gerard with a smirk. "But don't make fun of someone's disease Bob. It's not nice."
Bob huffed like a child again and I smiled weakly at Gerard.

"So.. When did you get it?" Asked Mikey carefully.
I coughed once and he held a pillow before his face, as if he wanted to shield himself from the bacteria.
"I've got it while we were at Underground." I said. "When we all went out for drinks."
Mikey stared confused at me.
"And from whom did you get it? I mean, I haven't seen you kiss anybody.. OR HAVE YOU?!"
"I've got it from a dirty glass at the bar." I stated with a groan. "Apparently the bartender wasn't good at cleaning glasses properly.."
"So.. you didn't kiss anyone?" He asked again as if he wanted to be sure.
"NO Mikey.. I didn't kiss anyone."
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Really sure??"
"Mikey!" I said getting frustrated.
He nodded and suddenly got up as if the house was on fire.
"What are you doing?" Exclaimed Ray who got a fright of Mikey's sudden movement and almost fell off the chair he was seated on.
"I need to get Frank." He said hastily as he stormed out of the house..
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay update!
It's almost easter now and I love the chocolate easter eggs.. Heehee :P

So.. Why do you think Mikey needs to get Frank?
Do you believe Andi when she said that she hadn't kissed anyone?
Where did Donna go?
Is Bob really a plumber?

Find out soon :P

Title credits go to the song: Cancer by My Chemical Romance