Status: Finished

More Than Words Could Ever Say

So Gimme All Your Poison! & Gimme All Your Pills!

"I'm sorry.." Said Mikey entering the living room half an hour later. "He was being too unreasonable to talk to."
"Who Frank?" I asked.
"Yeah." Said Mikey with a sigh as he sat down on the couch next to me again.
"Where's he now?" Asked Gerard.
"His house. He was pretty upset about it all and I had to listen to fifteen minutes of ranting of him.."
I nodded.

I actually didn't had a clue of what was going on with him..

"Well, ehm it's late.." I stated trying to give them a hint that I was leaving off for bed.
"Oh yeah sure. Sweet dreams Andy." Said Gerard with a smile.
"G'night." I said quietly as I walked around the corner and was going to head downstairs.
Then I heard some words that drew back my attention and I kept listening in the other room to what they were saying..

"Do you think she's telling the truth?" I heard Mikey say.
"Who? Andy?" Said the deep voice of Gerard surprised.
"Yeah who else." I heard Mikey reply quietly as if he thought I couldn't hear him..
"Yeah why?" Said Gerard.

I knew I could always count on Gerard..

"Well I don't know," I heard Mikey say hesitant. "I think she's been hiding something."
"What on earth can she be possibly hiding besides that she's gah gah for old Franky man?" Said Gerard.

What? No! Gerard! Don't tell everybody! You traitor!

"S-She likes Frank?" I heard Ray say.
"Oh please as if you didn't noticed it yet.. She's practically drooling all over him.."
"I didn't know." I heard the quiet voice of Bob reply.
"Still I think she's lying about the mono stuff." Said Mikey again. "She must have kissed somebody!"

Well thanks a lot Mikes..

I walked away, everything was spinning around in my head like a hurricane..
I walked down the steps and entered my cellar bedroom.
At least here I couldn't hear them talking, and I was all alone with my thoughts.
For once I was angry with Mikey, how could he even think of such a thing.. I'm not like that and he sure as hell should know I'm not..

"Me kissing somebody? Don't be ridiculous." I stated as I picked up my pillow and drifted off to a silent sleep..


The first thing I heard next was a lot of feet rambling up and down the stairs.
I groaned and pushed a pillow over my face to let the noise stop.

That didn't work of course..

I was feeling like a wreckage. As if somebody just pushed me over the cliff and send a herd of wildebeest to trample all over me..
I was still nauseous and I had a fever..

"Will you stop the fuck running around the stairs if you please?!" I yelled.
That sounded not like the sentence I had in mind..
The feet stopped and I heard them walk to my bedroom door.
It opened and I saw the face of Mikey glaring at me with sarcasm.
"No we don't please it." He said cold as he slammed the door shut and the rambling on the stairs continued.

What the hell was wrong with him?!

I cursed under my breath and decided to get out of bed.
After a few minutes of doing that I opened my door and saw Gerard running up the stairs.
"Gee what's going on?" I asked confused.

He turned around and walked back downstairs to me. Then he pulled me into his bedroom and I saw that his room was more of a bigger mess than it first was.
And there was a second mattress on the floor.. And stuff that wasn't Gee's but-

"Frank." Said Gerard short.
"What's wrong with Frank?" I asked still with my head dizzy from the sleeping. It must have been three in the morning or something.
"He's.. He's trying to kill himself."
"What?!" I yelled.
"Yeah." Said Gerard sharp. "He took some medicine and he flushed them away with cheap tequila. When that didn't work because he accidentally took vitamins instead of pain killers, he's sitting outside now with a gun against his head threatening that he will shoot himself!"
"But why?" I asked clearly not understanding all of this.
"His mom ran away with some Canadian lumberjack or what's-it's-face. She left him a note, they had a fight before and she just took off leaving him alone."

"Wait what?" I asked puzzled.

"Jesus Andy don't you ever listen." Grumbled Gerard as he threw some clothes of his bed.
"Yeah I'm listening," I said. "and now?"
"He has no place to go, his mom sold the house to another couple three weeks ago. Without him knowing so it was a total surprise.."
"I thought his mom used to be a nice lady?"
"Before the heroine." Said Gerard rolling his eyes. "What's-it's-face started drugging her."

I closed my eyes and tried to shake off all of the information.
"Alright so his mom ran of with a Canadian, she's on heroine, she abandoned Frank and sold his house.. Am I right thus far?"
"Yes." Replied Gerard.
"And he's shooting himself now because he has no other place to go?" I continued.
"That too but mainly for the reason he thinks that the girl he likes is cheating on him."
"Oh Jesus what a bitch." I replied. "So where is he now?"
"Outside near the park." Said Gerard.
"Alright, let's go." I said running up the stairs.


"Frank don't." Said Ray trying to keep him calm.
"N-No! You stay away from me! All of you! You're trying to trick me!" Said Frank in a worried but mostly afraid manner of speaking.
"We're not trying to trick you." Said Mikey calm as he slowly approached Frank. "Now put the gun down."
"N-No! Y-You stay away from me! Or I'll shoot myself!"
"Frank!" I yelled as I came walking towards him. "Put the fucker down you're not going to kill yourself!"
"Why not?! What else do I've got?!" He said dramatic. "I've got nobody and no place to go!"
"Don't be ridiculous Frank!" I yelled getting more and more angrier by the minute.

I didn't exactly know why I was so angry with him. But it was pulsing through my veins like poison..

"Put the DAMN THING DOWN!" I yelled and to my surprise Frank obeyed and placed the gun in his lap. "Now give it to me Frank."
"I said GIVE IT TO ME FRANK!" I yelled as I felt my veins start to pulsate.
"Andy calm down please.." I heard Gerard say. "You're not helping right now.."
"No I wont you're trying to trick me like you've done for the past month." Said Frank with a voice full of emotions.
I was stunned for a few seconds. What trick?

"What?" I asked confused. "I'm not trying to trick you!"
"Yes you have!" He said as he started crying freely. "You're playing with me! You don't like me at all! You're just saying it to make me feel better! Well guess what! That didn't work out so marvelous did it?!"
"Frank where the hell are you talking about?!" I said getting angry again for leaving me without any information.
"You Andy! You're a liar and a cheater! And I got nothing else to keep living for anymore!"
He placed the gun against the side of his head and closed his eyes..
"Frank don't!" I yelled suddenly understanding what was going on. "I didn't kiss anybody else! Frank don't!]"

Frank opened his eyes carefully and stared up at me standing a few meters away from him.
"Y-You're just saying that." He said with his voice shaking. "You're just saying that to keep me from shooting."
"No! Frank!" I yelled starting to panic. "I'm not lying! I didn't kiss anybody else! Please believe me Frank! I.. I.. Don't shoot!"
But it seemed like Frank wasn't listening and he closed his eyes again placing the gun against the side of his head.
"No Frank! Don't!" Yelled Mikey. "Don't do this to us! And to yourself!"
Frank took a few deep breaths but his hands were shaking and he put the gun down staring at his own hands.
"I can't do it." He said starting to cry even harder and breaking down completely. "I can't fucking do it.."

Gerard took the gun subtly out of Frank's lap and threw it in the creek.
I walked over to him and embraced him in a hug but he didn't want it. He pushed me away and stormed off in to the park..
I fell onto my knees and stared at his silhouette disappearing in the night.

I'm guessing it's over now..
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh so sad..
Thanx for reading! And now it's Frank-picture time because I haven't been writing in a few weeks because I had my finals.. BUT I PASSED :D
Comments would be awesome!!


Title credits go to the song: Thank you for the venom by My Chemical Romance