Status: Finished

More Than Words Could Ever Say

Wipe away those tears of blood again

What did just happen?

"Congratulations." said Gerard, he turned away and walked out of the door.
He didn't sound too happy about it, what was happening?
I stared up at Franks eyes who stared back at me with concern.
"Shouldn't we... go after him or anything?" I said as I stared at the door where Gee just had disappeared through.
"Why? We're alone now?" Grinned Frank mischievous and he cupped my face with his right hand, tracing his thumb down my jaw line.
"Frank would you please be a bit more serious?" I said glaring at him.
"Fine." laughed Frank and he held his hands up in defense.

I rolled my eyes and was about to leave when Frank pulled me back on my arm.
"Before we go, I need to do this..." he said as he immediately crashed his lips on mine, bringing me back in the paradise I felt before. I was floating on air, stars dazzled around me and a feeling of a thousand birds flew away throughout my stomach...
I placed my hand on the back of his head to deepen the kiss. He pulled me on to his hips and he crashed me against the wall.
I didn't care about anything that what was happening, I was with Frank and he loved me.
He didn't say he loved me with that amount of words, but he does love me.
I could feel it.

"Frank-" I said in between of the hot kiss we were sharing.
Damn the man was all over me!
"Mmhhm..." said Frank and he twirled his fingers through my hair.
"Mikey-" I tried to say but was again caught up with his lips on mine.
This was never going to work like this... So I did the only thing I could do at the moment.
I placed my hand on his forehead and pushed his face a few inches away from mine. Him eagerly trying to catch my lips, he stared in to my eyes and glared.
"What?" he said somewhat insulted?
"How much I want you to kiss me more like that, we have to go find Mikey."
"But- ooh!" He groaned as he let me go. He stared down at what I thought was the floor until he slipped his hand in his pants and rummaged around...
I widened my eyes.

"Eh Frank?" I asked as I quickly met up with his eyes. "What are you doing?"
"What do you think?" he said, and I actually didn't know what to think.
"What do you... want me to think?" I asked staring back at his pants.
He stared at me for a brief second, probably reading my thoughts.
"Oh damn it Andi, I had an itch!" he said hiding a blush.
I started to blush too, this was awkwaaaaaard
"Come on let's go." Grumbled Frank and he quickly grabbed my hand.

When we arrived back at Gee and Mikey's house we saw them sitting in the kitchen, Mikey was crying and Gerard was trying to comfort him with words.
When Gerard saw me standing through the glass of the door he glared at me, I knew I wasn't welcome in their house somehow but why I didn't know.
Then Mikey noticed me and Frank and he walked off to his room leaving Gerard in the kitchen.
I opened the door and walked inside silently.
I was about to ask what was happening when somebody else spoke first.

"What's going on?" said Frank; he crossed his arms over one another and his face stood stern.
"You are!" said Gerard somewhat annoyed pointing at me.
"What do you mean me?" I said getting annoyed too.
"You broke him." he said and glared at me.
"What do you mean I broke him?" I said not-understanding.
"And he knew!" said Gerard ignoring my question as he was glaring at Frank now.
Then he turned around and walked upstairs to Mikey's room.

"What is he talking about Frank?" I asked him when we were both alone in the kitchen.
"Nothing." said Frank and his face grew grim. "It's not important."
"Well it is to me, I seem to have done something bad to Mikey and I want to know what I've done!"
Frank sighed and stared annoyingly at me, as if I was a piece of gum sticking under his sneaker.
"Look, Mikey came towards me a week ago or something. He told me he was confused and he asked me not to be mad-"
"Mad for what?" I interrupted.
"Andi please!" said Frank overdramatically pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger.
I rolled my eyes.


"Anyway, if I may continue..." he said as his eyes shot a look at me.
I sighed impatiently.
"He told me he thought he was starting to develop feelings for somebody. Of course I was happy about it. Knowing that Mikey didn't have many girlfriends in the past, this was some sort of celebration.
But the grim look on his face told me there was more about it...
He told me it was you, and he was confused because he knew that you liked me, and didn't want to steal you away from one of his friends."

"Whoa..." I said impressed. "Wait a minute, how come he never told me this?"
"Because he thought that I gave my love to you the morning after the night of my, well... attempted suicide..."
"But, he was so angry with me, he didn't interfere himself with me in any way." I said protesting about what he said.
"Of course he was angry! He couldn't bear to look at you; remember he thought you cheated on somebody else when you got mono. He even fucking told me that! That's why I got so upset."
I placed a hand before my mouth; I couldn't believe what Frank was saying. The scary part was that it made sense...
"He said there was no reasoning with you!" I said shocked.
"See what he was getting at?" answered Frank. "He just came over to tell me it was okay and stuff, that you were just a girl and not important or anything!"
"The bastard! He blamed it all on me!" I said angry. I fell silent and started to think about it.
"He hasn't spoken to me in days..." I said more to myself than to Frank. "Until..."

"Hey Andi."
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry."
"I just don't want any tensions between us... Eh, all..."
"I'm just.. I'm happy for you and Frank..."


The kitchen door slammed open against the wall. I turned around and met up with Mikey whom was chased by Gerard.
"I know you don't know me," he growled at me "but this isn't fair! It's low of you Frank! It's low!"
"What the fuck are you talking about?" snapped Frank.
"Kissing her and doing so in front of my face! Practically making out in front of my face! Expressing your love towards her!
IN FRONT OF MY FACE!" He yelled and bits of spit emerged out of his mouth.
His eyes were bloodshot, his glasses crooked on his nose and his hair was a total mess not to mention his clothes.

As if he just survived a hurricane or something.

"Why didn't you tell me...?" he said getting a bit calmer while his voice started to shake. "Why didn't you tell me you hadn't asked her yet...?"
"Do I need to fucking tell you everything I do?" yelled Frank back at him.
"No, you don't!" screamed Mikey. Tears started to form in his eyes.
"But you know what I feel and this feels like betrayal Frank!" He sobbed. "I'm glad you're leaving this house! This way I don't have to meet either of you again unless I choose to!"
"Okay that's enough Mikey." said Gerard.
I grabbed Frank's hand and squeezed it a little. This was insane... I felt Frank tense besides me, it was if Mikey was playing the victim now.

"No Gee she's got a right to know what's going on!"
"I already know what's going on Mikey." I said with a calm voice which sounded a bit colder than I intended.
Mikey stared at me and it seemed he held his breath. Tears streamed down his cheeks unstoppable.
"I'm sorry." I said. "I'm sorry that I like Frank, I'm sorry that I make your life to a fucking living hell, but it's you that I owe an apology from."
"M-Me? W-Why?" said Mikey clearly not understanding it.
"You never said anything about it; you convinced Frank I cheated on somebody else, making him wants to shoot himself. If you had fucking told me this earlier we could've handled this situation much better than we do now, and you wouldn't be this hurt and neither would Frank."
Mikey fell silent, he knew I was right. I knew I was right.
Hell, everybody in the fucking kitchen knew I was right.
I squeezed Franks hand stronger.
"I'm your friend and I love you for that, but I don't feel more than that." I said. "I'm in love with Frank. And if you can't accept that... well...I don't know."
Mikey stared at me; he seemed to be handling it better than I thought he would... He didn't say anything but the tears slowly disappeared.

"I understand." he said after a little while. "I'm sorry for, well what just happened. I hope you're going to be happy with Frank. I just, pictured a future together... But I guess I was blind... and it messes you up you know..."
Gerard hugged his brother from behind and released him after some time. Mikey tried to form a smile on his features, but it was weak.
I started to feel guilty and I walked towards Mikey giving him one of my hugs.

"I may be in love with one of your friends, but that doesn't mean I'm going to leave you Mikes." I said. "Even if I don't feel nothing more than friendship for you, and you've been a complete asshole to Frank and me, you're still somewhat the brother I'd never had. And a mistake is a mistake."
"Thank you Andi." he said pressing his face against my shoulder. "I was just... in shock now I guess, and angry at Frank. I'll get over it..."
"So we're okay now?" I asked to be sure.
"I'm not okay now, but I will be eventually." said Mikey. "It was mainly what happened down at your new house that made me snap. Seeing Frank kissing you made me furious."
"Then where's my make-up-hug?" said Frank childish and he walked towards us to join the hug-fest. "I deserve a hug too!"
"Don't forget me!" said Gerard and he quickly joined us.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier Andi." said Mikey. "And I'm sorry for freaking you out. Guess I'm not that good with women." he snickered. "I hope you can forgive me, I mean I knew you loved Frank I was just blind to see that."
"Jeez did everybody notice that?" I said pretending to be insulted.
"I didn't." said Frank blushing.
I laughed as I pecked Frank on the cheek.
"You're a fruitcake Frank." I said.
We were still standing in the kitchen in a group hug and it actually felt quite nice..
Then Ray walked inside, staring us up and down with a coke in his hand.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow what a turn in the story was that huh?
I didn't want to make it longer than one chapter though, mainly because the story is almost finished.. *hides*

But I might have an idea for a sequel..

Title credits go to the song: Heaven Help Us by My Chemical Romance