Status: Finished

More Than Words Could Ever Say

And I'll take you home with me.

God, I so hope that this drive doesn't take that long..

"Baaaaack to Olympiaaaa!" Sang Jen next to me.
She was driving, since I don't have my license,
yeah I know I am lazy and I didn't had the time to do it anyways..
I was in the passengers seat next to her, Rancid was blaring out of the radio speakers from my sister's favourite CD. And if there was one song that she liked most.. Right, Olympia W.A..

"Hangin' on the corner! Of 52nd and Broadway! Cars passin' by, but none of them seem to be goin' my way.
New York city! Well I wish I was on the highway, back to Olympia.."

I actually had to admit that this song made me feel happy too, the guitars, the music it was all perfect. And I was so happy that Jen likes this types of music too.. Plus 52nd and Broadway were streets not far away from the apartment building which made it recognizable.

But please let Tim Armstrong sing and not my sister..

The next song came on, Lock step & gone. I bought this album for her birthday last year since she wanted to have it but couldn't find it in any ordinary record shop..

Hellooo there's something called the internet!

"Lock step I'm gone!" Sang Jen and I rolled my eyes.
We were driving in the Lincoln Tunnel and I was counting the light flashes on the ceiling of the tunnel whom we passed by.
"Aren't you exited sis?" She said happily. "I hope it sure is something that's working out fine." I turned my head to face her while I lost track of counting of course..
"Yeah well I hope it's better than the last." I said with a faint smile.

I wasn't as happy anymore as I was at first when she called me bringing the news. I suppose it's the thing that I can't stay at Manhattan anymore and I have to move to Jersey if things work out fine.
I didn't want to leave Manhattan, but on the other hand I wanted to get out. It was a weird feeling to stand in the middle of something where you don't know the answer to.. I think I'm a little afraid to let everything go that I built there so far and jump in to a complete new thing.

"The last thing smelled like piss." Said Jen wrinkling her nose. "I hope this one's a little better. But I have some other news I haven't quite told you yet.."
"Which is?" I asked as I gave up counting the lights because she was going to bother me anyway.
"In Belleville isn't a Starbucks yet."
"Really?" I said half laughing cause I didn't quite believe her.
"Nope." She said with an evil grin of mischief. "The only competition you'll be having are the ones in Newark, Rutherford, Nutley, and Montclair for as far as I know. There is a coffee shop in Belleville though, but it isn't a Starbucks and I'm sure you'll be a better one doing it."
"I hope so." I said. "But don't get your imagination running miles away because it maybe isn't even a suitable building. And you don't get me in to something that smells like piss again Jen!"
"Yeah sorry I didn't know that either.. I found this while I was driving around the area. It's an old food shop at 113 Newark Ave, and the house next to it goes together with the store."
"Alright." I said not exactly knowing where Newark Ave was.

I was glad when we drove in to broad daylight out of the tunnel in Weehawken. Today the sun was shining bright even though the skyline was still covered in big fluffy white clouds. We were in New Jersey now, but the drive was going to take a little longer..
And I couldn't help it but falling asleep..
Then suddenly I heard a weird buzzing sound and I woke up from my dreamless sleep.
Jen wasn't next to me in the drivers seat and the car was parked.
I sat straight up to see where we were, at a gas station called Exxon and my sis was filling the tank up. She paid inside the store and came walking back with two cans of energy drink and a few candy bars.
"Oh hey you're awake." She said getting in the car while she threw the stuff in my lap. "I turned the music low so I wouldn't wake you up."
"Thanks." I said while I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Rancid's "As Wicked" played softly out of the speakers.
"Where are we?"
"We're above Secaucus at the moment." She said starting the car and driving out of the gas station.
"As Wicked" ended and the next song started, called: Avenues and Alleyways.

We drove past a motel and took the turn at West. The weather was still pretty sunny for the time of the year.

Maybe the weather was different in Jersey..

Jen was heading down Rutherford and crossed the river.
I opened my can of Rockstar, and sipped some of the greater good. I really needed this now I just didn't want to fall asleep again and look like a train wreck when I was going to meet the former owner of the place..
The view around me wasn't as stunning though.. The road was old and fixed in many places, and there was a lot of grass and brown bushes scattered around the road. A few buildings here and there, but none the less this was the most boring view I had seen so far..

"Andi can you look for a new CD?" Said Jen when the music stopped.
"Sure." I said putting my can down between my feet.

I'm going to find a CD where she doesn't know the songs to.. Heheh..

I opened the dashboard and found a pile of CD's on top of them was a CD I wasn't familiar with. The cover said:

My Chemical Romance,
I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love.

"What's this Jen?" I said showing her the CD.
"I don't know tell me, I can't look away from the road now." She said with a laugh.
"It says My Chemical Romance on front."
"Oh yeah! I got that from Damian, but I haven't had the chance to listen to it yet. Maybe I should haha." She said as she passed a car whom was driving far too slow..
I opened the flame pictured cover and placed it in my lap. I pushed the button and peeled Out Come The Wolves out of the CD player. I got it back in it's own cover and pushed My Chemical Romance in it.

The music started off with something that sounded like a radio playing a very sad tune on a lonely guitar. It made me feel sad, because it remembered me of the funeral of my grandmother Sophie.
I don't know why but it did..

When it ended a guitar playing quick riffs started off joining with bass and drums.
The voice of a guy started off with the lines:

"The amount of pills I've taken, counteracts the booze I'm drinking and this vanity I'm breaking, let's me live my life like this, and well I find it hard to stay, with the words you say: oh baby let me in oh baby let me in."

The music automatically crawled in my skin as a parasite and I couldn't stop listening to the song and the screams of the singer.
It was obvious that he spilled his entire heart out belting the lyrics.
When the song ended I was in shock, I never heard someone screaming out their pain and sanity like that before..
I loved it.

"Wow." I said as the next song started to play. "That's really something."
"You can say that again." Said Jen clearly impressed. "I never ever heard such a thing before."
"Me neither." I said as I watched out of the window.
The scenery was changed and the grass and bushes made place for cosy little houses and trees. We were still driving in Rutherford but we were heading to the next river.

Once we made it over the river we followed the road down until there was turn saying Exit 7 Main 54 Belleville. My sister took the turn and we were entering Belleville at last. We were driving on the main roads as much as we could because Jen didn't really remembered all the streets their names, but she knew how to get there.
At three o'clock in the afternoon Jen stopped the car in Newark Ave in front of an old food store.
My Chemical Romance was still playing but I turned it off as a man came walking our way. Jen rolled down the window and waited for him to come near.

"Are you Jennifer and Andi Williams?" He asked with a friendly voice.
"Yes we are." Said Jennifer. "And you must be Mr Way."
"Donald is the name, Donald Way." He said shaking Jen's hand through the window. "Please come further."
We both got out of the car and walked down to the shop with mister Way.
"I shall unlock the door for you." He said getting out a ring with keys from his pocket as he opened up the front glass door.
Jen and me walked in to the store, and first thing we noticed was that it didn't smell like piss in here, so far so good the store found my approval..
Mister Way walked us around the store, and there was a lot of space and it had fine structures to create something out of this.
A new floor and maybe another ceiling, and the walls would need a new layer of paint.. There was a lot of lights hanging in the store, and only three large windows in the front managed to get some sunlight inside..
There definitely had to get a roof window in there..

"Well this is a nice place." I managed to say after a lot of silence from both mister Way and my sister. "I can see me starting up stuff here."
"Yeah it's a nice building but it's very small." Said Jen. "I'm afraid we have to break the building down and build it up from scratch."
Even though I didn't want to think about breaking down everything, I knew she was right, what would be left of the building anyway when the roof disappeared and the floor got ripped out of it?
"I suppose we have to yes." I said looking at a few corners.
"The house next to this is also part of the sell," Said mister Way. "You know that?"
"Yes we do mister Way." Said Jen with a smile. "That's also an option too, to get the house involved with the shop."
"Shall I take you two to it?" Asked mister Way with a smile.
"Yes please." I said. "I'd love to see it."

When we came out of the house we were more than thrilled.
The house had to get a few changes and we could easily build a wall between the store and the house. The upper floor of the house I could use as apartment, since all the facilities were already there.
It was perfect, and we decided that this would be the place.

"Thank you for showing us the place mister Way." I said with a bright smile. "It was even more than I expected it would be!"
"I'm glad you like it." Said mister Way. "But please call me Donald, I don't like the formalities much."
"Alright mis- eh Donald." Said Jen blushing.
"Would you like to come over for a cup of coffee? My house is around the corner, and I'm sure my wife would like to meet the new buyers of the shop and house."
"Well actually-" Started Jen but I cut her off by saying:
"Of course we do."
Jen stared a little perplexed at me but followed suit as I followed Donald down the road.

"But Andi, we've got a long trip back home!" She hissed next to me.
"So what, it's just a cup of coffee Jen, and I can really need it now." I hissed back.
Donald walked up to his house which was on the corner of Newark Ave and Salter Place. He let us walk in and we entered a nice hallway.
Donald put his jacket in the wardrobe and guided us to the kitchen where four people were sitting at the dining table.
A middle aged woman and three boys.
They all had a cup of coffee and stopped talking when me and Jen walked in.

"Donna, boys," started Donald. "These are the new buyers of the shop and the house."
"Well actually only me." I said with a blush. "My sister drove me down here, she lives in Newark with her fiancé."

Why did I spilled so much information all at once?! I guess it's the tension hanging in the room..

"Oh how nice!" Said the lady walking up to me and shaking my hand. "I'm Donna Way."
"Nice to meet you, I'm Andi." I peeped up.
She shook my sisters hand too and motioned us to sit down in the cosy kitchen.
We sat down at the long oak table.
Donald at the head of the table and Donna at the end, then there were three chairs at every side of the table.

A boy with blonde hair and glasses and a boy with black shaggy hair were seated at one side of the table, leaving a chair next to the blonde guy empty. And then there was a boy with shorter black hair sitting at the other side across the boy with the shaggy hair, leaving two chairs empty next to him.

Jen took the seat the farthest away from the guy with the shorter hair, and me not wanting to leave my sister's side at the moment seated myself next to her, which got me seated next to the guy..

Donna poured us both a mug with coffee and put sugar, cream and a handful of spoons on the table. Then she sat down at her seat.
"So tell me Andi, what is the plan for the shop?" She said with a smile.
I stirred sugar through my coffee and looked up at her.
"Well I'm planning to open a Starbucks in there."
"Finally someone with good sense." Said the blonde boy as he highfived the guy next to him.
"Oh how rude of me!" Said Donna suddenly out of the blue as if she just noticed there were more people in the room.
"I haven't introduced my sons yet! This is Michael and that's Gerard next to him." She said proudly. "And that's Frank sitting next to you, he's a friend of them."
"Nice to meet you." I said quietly, mainly because I felt really uncomfortable sitting next to this Frank.
Jen copied me.

"I'm so glad you finally found someone nice to buy it Donald." She said with a smile.
I stared questioned at Donald who smirked.
"My wife doesn't want to sell the place if the buyers are not her type of people." He said laughing.
"Oh well I'm honoured." I said shyly.
"Don't be so shy dear, we're not going to eat you." Said Donna with a warm smile.

I wasn't so sure about that..

"I know." I said. "I just don't know what to say."
"Andi is a little shy." Said Jen winking at Donna.
"Am not!" I suddenly said loud enough for the neighbours to hear. "Ehm sorry.." I added quickly blushing even a deeper shade of red, but everybody started to laugh.

How wonderful I've made a complete idiot out of myself..
♠ ♠ ♠
Second update!
Tell me what you think of it! :P :D
The next chapter is where all the excitement starts..

Thanks for reading guys! I appreciate it!



Title credits go to the song: It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Deathwish by My Chemical Romance