Status: Finished

More Than Words Could Ever Say

Did you get what you deserve?

"So where are you from?" Asked Gerard across of me.
"Manhattan New York." I answered politely.
"Damn that's a little out of the way isn't it?" He said.
"Yeah, well I think I'll be living in the house when I move here." I said with a weak smile.
"Cool." Said the guy called Michael. "I bet you hate it in Manhattan."
"It's not all that bad.." I started defending my home.
"It's too crowded for my sake." Said Frank next to me.
"It is crowded." I stated. "But I'm used to crowds, I lived there my entire life until now."
"I guess." Said Frank with a shrug.
"Shall we go home? We've got a long ride back to Manhattan." Said Jen suddenly.
"Yeah sure." I said with a weak smile.
"Are you leaving so soon?" Said Donna surprised.
"Yeah well I try to get her home before it gets too dark outside. I hate driving when it's night." Said Jen with a smile.

Donald handed me the contract which I read carefully together with Jen.
Everything seemed alright and I scribbled my autograph on the little dots at the bottom, as for now the place was mine!
I also left my phone number and e-mail address. Not really knowing if they would e-mail me, but they could call me anyways.

Jen shoved her chair backwards and stood up taking on her jacket.
I did the same but my chair leg got linked with Frank's chair and I couldn't move backwards. I shoved the chair forwards and then backwards again but alas, the chair got linked with Frank's again and it got stuck.
"Eh excuse me, ehm, Frank." I said with a blush on my cheeks. "I'm eh, s-stuck behind your chair.."
Frank stared surprised at me, but he smiled. He got up and moved his chair out of the way so I could get up and put my jacket on as well.
"Thanks." I mumbled.
"No problem." He said with the same smile.
It made my knees feel weak, but that would probably be just the embarrassment I was feeling..

We've kissed Donna and Donald goodbye and thanked them for their hospitality. They said we could get to visit whenever we wanted.
We said the guys goodbye and we walked out of the house at Salter PI and got back in Jen's car.

At the time I got home at the apartment in Manhattan; it was getting darker already. Jen wouldn't make it back to her house before the night would've set in.
I said my sister goodbye and walked in to the elevator pushing the button to the top floor. Waiting was always one of those things I hated most, but I was so happy that I finally had the place I wanted that I was too exited to even consider myself getting pissed off because I had to wait sixty floors.

Walking in to the apartment I noticed my parents watching television. They looked a lot better than they did yesterday.
"Hey mom." I said cheerful as I sat next to her and gave her a kiss on her cheek.
"Hey Andi." She said with a warm smile. "How was everything?"
"Oh it was great!" I said with a smile. "Jen and me found the perfect place!"
"Oh how wonderful dear!" She said with a smile.
"Yeah and I hope to be moved to Belleville in a few months!"
Mom's smile seemed to fade away as snow on a sunny day.
"Eh what did you say?" She said as if it was something dirty I said.
"I'm moving to Belleville." I said with confusion. "Why?"
"Y-You can't just leave us here." She said. "I wont tolerate that."
"What?!" I said getting angry. "You're forbidding me to leave Manhattan?!"
"Yes we do." Said my father suddenly who listened to the entire conversation. "Your work is fine, but living there will not be tolerated by us."
"You can't be serious don't you know how long it takes to get there?!"
"We don't care Andi." Said my mom. "You're too young to live on your own already."
"Jen's a few years older than me!"
"Your sister is not the main subject right now Andi." Said my dad. "We wont let you go."
"And I wont tolerate you!" I yelled as I rose to my feet.
"You're not yet 21." Said my mom. "So you're not yet an adult. You just graduated!"
"Mom I've been 18 already! I AM an adult!"
"Not legally." She said. "And I'll decide whenever you're an adult Andi!"

I was so angry that I stomped away from my parents to my bedroom.
I couldn't believe it, this was so unfair! How can they destroy the future that I had in mind! How can they treat me like a child!
Haven't I proved myself enough already? Haven't I worked so hard to get what I want?
And when I actually get what I want they don't let me do it!!

I turned on my laptop to find some distraction. Even if I want, I can't talk to my sister now because she's on the highway driving home.
I logged in on msn and saw that three people added me.
That was weird, how could strange people get my e-mail address?
I checked theirs:
zombiekiller164, sushi-4-life809, harry-potter-is-my-bitch.
I added them to find out who they were when "harry-potter-is-my-bitch" appeared online.
His screen name turned in to: 'Frankie - yeah bitches!'

Oh you've got to be kidding me..

Frankie - yeah bitches!: Hey, Andi was it right?
Andi - I hate my parents!: Yeah, Are you Frank from this afternoon?
Frankie - yeah bitches!: Yup :D Since Donald decided to leave his stuff linger on the table..
Andi - I hate my parents!: Haha okay.
Frankie - yeah bitches!: Why do you hate your parents? Did they bite your legs off?
Andi - I hate my parents!: Haha, no. XD They wont let me move away.. :(
Frankie - yeah bitches!: That's ridiculous. Do they have any motives for not letting you go?
Andi - I hate my parents!: They say I'm too young.
Frankie - yeah bitches!: That wont stop you right? We need that Starbucks! :D
Andi - I hate my parents!: Haha yeah well I don't know. I'm afraid they wont let me come home to Manhattan anymore if I move out. They seemed really angry with me..
Frankie - yeah bitches!: But you're sister's moved out? So why can't you?
Andi - I hate my parents!: She's older.
Frankie - yeah bitches!: That's stupid. I think you should follow your dreams at any cost, but I need to go now. Gerard's bugging me..
Andi - I hate my parents!: Okay, I guess I talk to you later then. :)
Frankie - yeah bitches!:cya Andi. (K)
Andi - I hate my parents!: Bye.

Frank logged off and there was nobody else online to talk to, I logged off as well. I had nothing to do, nowhere to go and no future ahead if it was up to my parents..
I turned off the laptop and got up to my large window. I stared out of it to the view in front of me. The sky was grey, it was about to start raining and I couldn't help but feel exactly the same way..

"Andi." I heard behind my bedroom door. "Can I come in?"
It was my mother, but I decided not to give her credit for the fact that she crashed my hopes and future plans. She was my mother, how could she?!
Without asking further questions she opened the door and stepped in to my room.
"Did I gave you permission to enter my room?" I said with my voice shaking and the anger rising behind my heart. I was still staring out of my window
My mother didn't answer.
"I know you probably hate us." She started. "But you've got to understand why we can't let you go that easily."
"No mom I don't understand why not." I said turning around to face her. "I don't understand why you destroy my future, I don't understand why you can't let me go!" I said as the anger grew tenser and tenser..
"You're our youngest princess Andi!" She said as I saw tears glinting in her eyes.

"Don't even call me that!" I said spewing the words at her. "You must hate me a lot for not letting me live my dreams!"
"Andi we do want you to live your dreams-"
"Oh do you really?" I said sarcastic as I regained my voice.
"Then why are you trying to keep me here that much!"
"Because I love you! Because we love you! You've been here with us since you were a newborn, you're our youngest! Me as your mom can't let you go to a town I'm not familiar with! What if something happens to you! What if-"
"I'm not a child! This is my future we're talking about! Not yours! And I'm moving there whenever you like it or not! And get out of my room now!" I said pointing my index finger at the door.
"But Andi-" She started.
"NOW!" I screamed.
"Fine!" She screamed back at me. "But don't even think about me helping you out!"
"I SAID NOW!" I screamed even harder. "I don't even want to see your face!"

My mother glared one last time at me when she turned around and walked out of my bedroom slamming the door shut.
I couldn't stand it any longer, I couldn't bare it to yell at my own mother again. I had to do this for myself, and I knew that there wasn't even a slight chance that I would stay here in Manhattan with my parents any longer than I had to. After this, I only want to move out here as fast a possible.. After this I don't even want to come back.
It's time for me to move on. With or without my parent's support..
I'm so angry that I don't care what they think, I'm 20 years old, I can decide on my own.

I fell down on my knees and I felt like a wreck. Like somebody pushed me out of the window and let me fall sixty floors down to the hard concrete. The air was pressed out of my lungs and the anger I felt before was tied up in a knot and travelled down to my stomach. I hated this..
This would be the end.. And this would be a new begin..
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow I didn't expect this story to be read by so many people already! O.o
Thanks for reading!

Title credits go to the song: 'Dead' from My Chemical Romance