Status: Finished

More Than Words Could Ever Say

You'll never get me alive!

The next morning I woke up with a nauseous feeling traveling down my body. I sat straight up leaning with my back against the headboard of my bed.
My laptop was lingering on my desk and stuff was trashed down my entire room. A suitcase in the middle of it with clothes roughly piled up inside of it, pieces of paper scattered around the entire floor and other stuff lying about..

The thoughts of the evening before rushed inside of my head as if it just happened. When my mother left there was no doubt about it, I had to go away, I had to leave. I packed my suitcase while the fire of anger was flaming inside of me and I wanted nothing more than leaving this place.
Out of anger I found a few old school books and threw them around the room while white paper sheets with notes escaped from between the pages. I had no future and these were part of the pretty future I had in mind setting up a coffee shop..

I threw more clothes in the suitcase, but I suddenly didn't had a clue of where to go to. I didn't know where Jen lived and I didn't had any friends to crash at in Manhattan..
So I fell on my knees next to my suitcase angry with myself and angry with my parents. It was useless I had no place to go and I felt lonely and abandoned in this haunted carrousel, spinning the same circle around for a lifetime..

I sat at the edge of my bed and stared at my bare feet dangling forward and back. There had to change something today, and I bet my parents wouldn't like it.. Now I had a plan and they weren't gonna stop me..

I walked over to my laptop and turned it on, I logged in to msn hoping to find Frank online so I could talk to him about it.
He wasn't there, but one of the other e-mail addresses I had added was..
It was sushi-4-life809 who was online, and his screen name was: Mikey - I need coffee..
I clicked on his screen name and started typing a message..

Andi - I hate my parents!: Hey you're Michael from yesterday?
Mikey - I need coffee..: If you're Andi then yeah! But call me Mikey. :)
Andi - I hate my parents!: Okay, do you know anything about trains or busses going to Belleville from Manhattan?
Mikey - I need coffee..: Well no not really. Why? Something wrong? :O
Andi - I hate my parents!: I'm going to move in the house today.
Mikey - I need coffee..: But it isn't furnished yet..
Andi - I hate my parents!: I know that.
Mikey - I need coffee..: You can't live there the electricity isn't even working.. :S
Andi - I hate my parents!: I suppose I'll make it work..
Mikey - I need coffee..: Why do you want to leave now? Is there something wrong?
Andi - I hate my parents!: I'm moving out, and I want to leave today. And a few cold nights wont kill me. :)
Mikey - I need coffee..: Andi, the roof is leaking, there are small cracks in the walls and the electricity doesn't work properly. It's a den and there hasn't been living anyone in the past five years.. Tell me why you want to leave Manhattan that desperately..
Andi - I hate my parents!: I asked you about trains and busses.
Mikey - I need coffee..: Andi...
Andi - I hate my parents!: Fine! My parents wont let me go, so I'm sneaking out.. But don't tell a soul or I'll get you killed!
Mikey - I need coffee..: Meet me at the Empire State Building.
Andi - I hate my parents!: What?
Mikey - I need coffee..: I'll pick you up with Frank in Gerard's car and take you to Belleville. But I do need your phone number so I can call you when I'm there. :)
Andi - I hate my parents!: Okay, 059 877 502.
Mikey - I need coffee..: Great I'll call you when I'm there. Cya.
Andi - I hate my parents!: Ehm.. okay bye..

And Michael Way logged off on msn. This was really weird, he was going to pick me up at the Empire State Building and take me to my new home which he calls a den without electricity.
He doesn't want me to live there, yet he takes me to it.
I wonder if he's up to something..

I picked up my suitcase and threw all the clothes out. If I wanted to leave, I would do it in style..

Everything was set, my stuff was packed everything I would need and all my clothes and other personal belongings.
My room was almost empty except for my bed, desk and a few books.
I gathered everything in my trolley suitcase, and in two other duffel bags and a backpack.
Mikey hadn't called yet but I was sure he would be there in any minute because it was two or three hours driving from Belleville to New York City..
Since I didn't want to wait any longer I decided to head down to the Empire State Building. I didn't want to stay under my parent's roof any longer..
I've had it.. I started to hate my own home.

I got my bags and left my bedroom entering the small hallway that led to the living room. My mom was preparing something in the kitchen and my father was nowhere to be seen.
She looked up and saw me standing with all my bags around me, I walked to the hallway and put on my hoodie, as I stuffed my jacket in my backpack.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she followed me in to the hallway and then back to my bags.
"I'm leaving." I said trying to sound calm, which wasn't really working because only her irritated way of speaking made my anger rise up in me again..
"What?!" She said half insulted.
"You heard me." I said getting my bags and walking to the front door. "Don't bother to come look for me, I left the keys in my room."
Then I walked out of the apartment and carried everything in to the elevator. Hopefully this was the last time I would be standing in this damned thing.
And my mother didn't even came after me like I expected she would..

I took the buss, and then waited in front of the Empire State Building where suits were walking in and out. I call them suits because the people looked more like a walking pile of clothes than a person.. They seemed two times bigger than the people actually were..
It had been half an hour now yet Mikey hadn't called me, I was starting to worry because I didn't asked for his number..

Do you have the time, to listen to me whine? About nothing and everything all at once! I am one of those, melodramatic fools! Neurotic to the bone no doubt-

"Andi." I said picking up my phone.
"Hey Andi it's Mikey, are you already there?"
"Yeah I'm waiting at the entrance. I've been watching people about for half an hour now.."
"Sorry the traffic.. We'll be there in a few minutes keep looking out for a silver BMW."
"Alright see you in a few." I said smiling in to the phone and hanging up.

My saviours would be here in a few minutes!
I looked out for silver cars there weren't much cars driving around, merely cabs and people walking on the sidewalks.
But at the end of the street I saw a silver flicker heading down the street..
It rode down to my feet and stopped while Mikey rolled down the window.
"Hey Andi, no long no seen huh?"
I smiled.
"Thank you so much." I said with a smile as I got my bags.
"Let me get that for you." Said Frank getting out of the car.
"Oh that's not necessary I can manage." I said with a blush.
"Don't be stupid you've got four bags carrying around." He stated as he took the two duffel bags and dumped them in the trunk.
I handed him my trolley and he hoisted it in the trunk as well.

I wonder how much can fit in there.

Then Frank pulled my backpack off my shoulders as if I was a little child.
"Jesus how many stuff did you bring?" He panted as he threw the bag in the backseat.
"Everything I own." I said blushing even a deeper shade of red.
Mikey smirked and Frank got tiredly in the backseat.
Since the car was parked to the left I had to walk around the car to get in the passengers seat. I started walking around the car not paying attention, and when I got there..

"Andi watch out!!!" Yelled Mikey suddenly.
That made me freeze on my spot as I turned around and saw a scooter racing down to me. I closed my eyes, but the dude on the scooter couldn't turn away and he hit me with his front wheel.. I fell down next to the car on the asphalt..
"Andi!" Yelled Frank as he got out of the car. The scooter had come to a stop, but he just started the engine again and drove along as if nothing happened..
"That bastard!" Yelled Mikey as he clenched his fists and ran out of the car as well.

Frank sat beside me and lifted my head. I wasn't unconscious, but I felt an extreme pain growing throughout my body.
"Ah!" I said as I tried to get up.
"What hurts?" Said Mikey kneeling besides me as well.
"My leg, I can't move my left leg.." I said as I sat up with the help of Frank who held me in his arms for support.
"Does this hurt?" Asked Mikey as he pressed his fingers on a spot.

It felt like I was in hell and they were cutting my leg off with a knife..

"Fuck yes that hurts!" I screamed, also surprised by myself because I usually never cuss..
"Well.." Said Mikey staring carefully at me. "It's broken.."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay again a new update!
I want to thank everybody who commented on the story so far, and everybody who subscribed!!
And of course all the readers! If I could hug you all I would do it! lol :P

Thanx for reading!

Title credits go to the song: "Kill All Your Friends" by My Chemical Romance.