Status: Finished

More Than Words Could Ever Say

Hand in mine, in to your icy blues..

Two weeks later I was still staying at the Way's residence.
My mother didn't called me all along. Jenny did though when she got the bill and wanted an explanation for it since she figured out that it must have been me who did that..
Somehow it's always me who's the bad ass around the family.
I send some money to her bank account for the bill, and my sister actually grinned about the fact how I worked my way out of this.
I must say, it was pretty clever of myself..

Alright, well I'm stuck in a basement for two weeks now.
It seemed that there were two bedrooms hidden in the basement, the biggest of them was Gerard's room and mine actually was the former washroom..
But they put a nice bed in there and made it cosy for me placing a curtain for the small window and hanging down a painting of a cartoon I guess Gerard made since I've seen him drawing stuff all day long. It actually made me feel at home, even the ugly single light bulb was swapped for a new crystal ceiling lamp and they had put a blood red carpet on the concrete floor which felt nice and soft under my feet. They also dragged a desk and a chair in it for me to sit at if I wanted.
The walls weren't painted and they remained the concrete they had always been, plus I didn't had my own bathroom.
But I didn't mind I liked my new bedroom. It gave a little to the punk rock style I liked.

"Andi! Gerard! Dinner is ready!" I heard Donna call from upstairs.
My leg was still plastered so it was pretty tough to walk the wooden staircase up and down..
I hopped out of the room and met up with Gerard in the small hallway that led to the staircase.
"Hey." He said with a sweet smile. "Do you need help getting up the stairs?"
"Well if you'd like to help me up I would appreciate it." I said smiling back at him.
In those two weeks Gerard and me grew some kind of brother/sister relationship, as if he was the brother I always wanted.
"Come on then." He said as I let him link his arm under my left and walked to the stairs with me.
Gerard stood on the first step and he pulled me up as I set my right foot down on the step and let my left foot drag up.
That's how we made the ten steps up eventually.

Donna had cooked Mikey's favourite dish. I could tell because he was already sitting at the table waiting impatiently for me and Gerard to show up. His mother wouldn't let anybody touch their food if everyone wasn't there yet..
"Finally!" He groaned as we sat down and he could get the lid of the glass bowl in front of him.
Home made sushi of course..
"No Michael." I heard Donald say. "You didn't thanked God for it yet."
"But mom made the sushi!" Groaned Mikey. "Not God!"
I tried to keep in a laugh and Gerard nudged me with his knee for it looking amused at his brother.
"Michael James Way!" Scowled Donald angry.
"Fine.." Growled Mikey and everybody closed their eyes and folded their hands..
"Thank you God for the sushi my own mother has made me.. Still I don't see why I can't just thank mom for it!"
"Michael!" Said his father again snapping his eyes open.
Now I really couldn't suppress my laughter as Mikey rolled his eyes.
"Can I now eat my raw in seaweed slithered fish?!" He whined.
Donald didn't even bother to go in discussion with his son again, he slid the lids of the other bowls. And told us to enjoy our meals.

After dinner I was actually quite bored. I had nothing to do and my belly was stuffed. We didn't started on renovating the building yet because Donna ordered me to take some rest first..
But too much rest gets you bored.
Donna and Donald were going out with some friends of them so we were practically alone now.
Mikey apparently saw my bored face as I was going through a magazine for the fifth time now.
"I think you're bored." He snickered.
I watched him with a playful smirk.
"You think?" I said.
Mikey laughed, he was always so sweet yet very funny. He was like the little idiotic kid brother whom was addicted to caffeine.

"Frank is coming over." He said with a playful smirk.
My head shot up looking at Mikey.
I didn't know what it was but I felt my cheeks burn suddenly at this and something made my stomach flip a 360.
"What's wrong?" Teased Mikey with a smirk. "Do you happen to like mister Frank Iero's ass?"
I shot a glare at him.
"No!" I said defending my burning cheeks.
"Then why are you turning red all of a sudden?" He asked as he patted my cheek softly with his hand.
"Because, it's hot in here." I mumbled.
Mikey laughed.
"And I'm Jesus with a holy bible." He said with a smirk as he walked away from me upstairs to his room.
"You can get your father on your ass for this!" I yelped after him.
"He's not here anyway!" I heard him shout back at me.
I shook my head and stared at the same model I was looking down at for the sixth time now. Wearing an olive green dress and a really ugly hat on top..

Then I heard a brief nock on the door that led to the backyard and see Frank's face pushed up against the window making funny faces.
I smirked and when he saw it he smiled and let himself in.
"Hey Andi-Bambi!" He said happily messing my hair up with his hand.
"Thanks Frankenstein." I said attempting to make my hair look a little descent again.
"Where's the guys?"
"Mikey is upstairs and Gerard is downstairs." I said motioning in to nothing with my hand as I stared at the ugly model again.
"And what are you doing?" He asked as he suddenly stood very close besides me.

It made me feel sick again, nauseous even and I started to hyperventilate briefly making my heart beat ten times faster than I actually wanted..

"Eh.." I stuttered. "I'm looking at this magazine for about ten minutes now."
"Is it interesting?" He said puling a chair out next to me and watch along with me at the magazine.
"Eh, no." I said quickly as I folded the pages back to its original and threw it around the centre of the table.
I suddenly noticed how close Frank was sitting next to me and it made me start to panic slightly..
"Sooo.. What are we gonna do now?" He asked as he put a few strands of his hair behind his ear.
His black and red hairstyle was actually very pretty and it suited him well.
"Ehm I don't know." I said while a blush crept on to my cheeks.
"I do." He said suddenly making me face him in utter shock with his hand.
No no no no this can't be good.. I think I'm going to be sick!

"How's your leg?" He suddenly asked out of nothing and I stared as if someone smashed me off my chair for a few seconds.
"Eh, good." I replied with a little smile.
And he just smiled and nodded at me, like he could do all day long if he wanted to.
"D-Do you want some coffee?" I asked him nervously.
"Sure!" He said. "I could really use some of that!" And with that he suddenly bent over and embraced me in his strong arms burying his head down at my chest.

No keep it in.. don't vomit..

Then he let go of me.
"Excuse me." I said quickly as I hopped off to the toilet and bent over with my face down in the pot.
To my surprise nothing was coming out of my throat like I expected it would..
"Hey are you okay?" I heard Frank's voice behind me saying.

I'm not good at locking doors..

I fell backwards on my butt and stared down at the floor for a few seconds.
The sickness had disappeared for a few seconds, but emerged to me right the minute he came walking up to me.
There just has to be something going on with Frank that makes me feel so repulsive..
"Y-Yeah." I said quietly as I turned around to face him.
He actually looked worried at me.
"Is it the medicine?" He asked. "You know pain killers for your leg or anything?"
I shrugged, that could be a good explanation.
"I don't know." I said almost in a whisper as I felt my head bent down again. "I suddenly felt sick."
Frank stood behind me and suddenly linked his arms around me pulling me up carefully.
He supported me and we headed back to the kitchen where I was sitting before al along with a little smile playing on his lips.
I let my head collapse on the wood of the table and stayed like that for a couple of minutes, with my cheek down staring at Frank's direction though I couldn't see his face.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked as I felt his hand rub my back lightly.
"Yeah I feel a little better." I said getting my head up again.
But as soon as I stared in to his eyes I felt a gulf of sickness running around my stomach again.
"You don't look to good. You're eyes are all sparkly and your cheeks are covered in blushes." He said.


He placed his hand on my forehead and quickly got it away.
"Andi! I think you're having a fever!"
Then Gerard walked in seeing the shock on Frank's face.
"Hey Frank, what's wrong with you?" He said getting down at a chair looking surprised at the two of us.
"I think Andi has a fever!" He explained.
"Well I've got a thermometer somewhere here." Said Gerard as he pulled open a drawer. "My mom keeps her stuff in here."
Mere seconds later he came up to me and ordered me to open my mouth.
When I refused to take that thing inside my mouth before it was even cleaned properly he already had the thing pushed inside..

Damn you Gee..

He waited a few seconds and then got it out.
He shrugged.
"Your temperature seems fine." He said. "You're not ill."
"But she's so hot!" Protested Frank, and I just hit my head on the table for that when Gerard emerged out in to laughter.
Frank's cheeks started to burn when he discovered what he had said.
"Oh fuck that Gee!" He said. "I meant her forehead!"
"You think Andi's.. forehead is.. hot?!" Laughed Gerard. "God I have to call Mikey down for this!!"
"Gee stop fooling around." I said with a groan.
Frank stared apologetically at me his big eyes looking a bit of embarrassed.
"It's okay." I laughed as something fluttered up inside of me. "I know you don't even like me that way anyway."
The gleam in his eyes suddenly changed and he actually looked a little hurt suddenly..

Was he actually sad?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay a quick update before I'm off to bed!
it's almost 1 Am here where I'm sitting, and my eyes started to hurt, but yet another chapter to make your day/evening/afternoon whatever.
Comments would be amazing!

I love you guys for reading/commenting/subscribing!
This story has yet the most comments of all my stories up here. :D
And it makes me happy!!!!


Hugz, Daisy

Title credits go to the song: Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance

And a lovely picture of Frank, he looks so cute on this one!
