Status: Finished

More Than Words Could Ever Say

Well I've been holding on tonight!

"Mikey! Mikey get your ass down!" Laughed Gerard at the bottom of the staircase that led upstairs to Mikey's room.
I placed my hands in front of my face, I really didn't want to witness this..
"I'm uh sorry." Mumbled Frank next to me.
I peeked through my fingers whom were stuck to my face.
"I said it was okay." I repeated as I let my hands fall down on the table and smiled a little confused at him. "It's not such of a big deal!"
"Yeah oh well." He said scratching the back of his neck as he stared at the ceiling. "It came out wrong."
I sighed and let my forehead fall down on the surface of the table again. This was really idiotic..

Mikey ran in to the kitchen looking bewildered and his hair was sticking out in many ways on his head and he had no glasses on.
"What's wrong?" He breathed.
But then the laughing Gerard came walking in holding himself on to the doorframe of the kitchen for support.
"Frank-tard just said.." Began Gerard when laughs escaped his lips again. "That Andi's forehead is hot!"
Mikey twitched his eyebrow and stared at his brother as if he was drunk, then his confused expression glanced over Frank and me.
"So?" He said as he stiffed his hands in his pockets.
"It came out so wrong!" Cheered Gerard hysterical as he collapsed on the floor and was laying on his back gasping for air.
He actually looked like he had gone insane, though we know it was just his dirty mind playing tricks..

"Never mind." I groaned as I buried my face in my arms tiredly.
"I thought she'd gone sick." Said Frank with all his innocence motioning with his hands. "It looked like she was going to throw up!"
Mikey glanced at me.
"I know she's been a little 'sick' lately." Said Mikey with a slight grin on his face. "But I don't think it's the medication that's kicking her limp in the stomach."
"Then what is?" Asked Frank bewildered.
"Yeah what is?" I asked also confused about this all.
Frank cocked his head to me with a questioned look on his face.
"I'm not gonna tell you guys." Snickered Mikey and Gerard finally managed to pick himself up from the floor and sat down at the table.
"Why not?" I asked impatient.
Mikey didn't said anything back and with a grin and he walked over to the coffeemaker to make us some.
"Oh you big sissy spoiler brat." Grumbled Frank as he crossed his arms over one another and now sat down in the same position as I was sitting. With his face buried in his arms and a pout on his face.
Mikey grinned and opened the fridge to see if there was anything tasty in there.

Suddenly Frank's eyes seemed to bulge out of his skull.
"Is that.. Is that.." He stammered pointing a finger at Mikey and the fridge.
Mikey saw him looking and he quickly shut the fridge and protected it with his back.
"No it was not!" He said a little frightened, but Frank already got up from his chair and attacked Mikey and the fridge.
"Open! Open! Open! Open!" He yelled as he threw Mikey to the side and opened the fridge with brute force.
He exclaimed a high pitched squeal and planted both of his hands against his cheeks in utter wonder.
I sat straight up watching the scene playing before me.
Gerard had gone up and helped Mikey to drag Frank away from the fridge.

"No you can't have it it's moms!" Grumbled Gerard.
"But I want iiiiiiit!" Whined Frank as his hands tried to grip the handle of the fridge desperately.
Mikey and Gerard dragged him back to the table.
"Nooo!" He whined as they put him on the chair and Mikey threw a lot of stuff against the fridge door so it couldn't be opened by Franks eager hands.
"You guys are mean.." He muttered like a five year old.
"What was that all about anyway?" I asked confused. Frank stared down at me with his big brown eyes and a look of sheer obsession and want in his face. It made my stomach flip over again.
"Chocolate cake!" He exclaimed as his eyes widened a little to exaggerate the look in his eyes even more.
I smirked.
"Cake?" I asked with my eyebrows knitted as I denied a weird feeling inside of me.
Gerard sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Yes that's his addiction." He laughed.
I started to laugh as well hitting Frank playful on the arm.

Mikey blew out a breath and panted lightly when he was done stuffing chairs and pillows against the fridge.
I moved my plastered leg a little, it still felt very heavy, but luckily it could get removed in two weeks..
"Now anybody up for coffee?" Breathed Mikey.
I smirked and answered a hell yeah.
Frank muttered something about cake, and Gerard hit him on the shoulder making Frank pout which was almost adorably.
Mikey brought us cups of coffee and we started sipping from the hot liquid.
It was awkward Frank was glancing over at me once in a while, and when I stared back he quickly looked at Gerard or Mikey.

"I wanna go somewhere." Said Frank after a while of drinking coffee, glancing at me and playing with the spoon in his mug.
"Go where?" Asked Gerard. "It's nearly dark, and not really safe to head downtown or anything."
"But I wanna do something!" Whined Frank.
"We can beat you at guitar hero." Smirked Mikey.
"Ha-Ha not funny.." Mumbled Frank.

They totally beat him up in that game a few days ago and Frank still didn't got over it..

"Well I do need cigarettes." Said Gerard with a shrug. "Maybe the nearest gas station is still open."
"Yeah a quest!" Cheered Frank. "And then we can go eat the cake?"
I burst out in to laughter and Mikey shot him a glare.
"No it's for this weekend." He said. "Grandparents are coming over.. Family business. And they're staying for two days.."
"Hooray." Said Gerard sarcastically.
"God well then I'm not staying over." Laughed Frank. "And I'll take Andi along."
"What?" I asked baffled.
"Well you're not a 'Way' and I'm sure Gee and Mikey's grandparents are gonna ask you so much questions that you're gonna feel naked."
"Frank is right though." Peeped Mikey up suddenly with a nasty expression on his face. "They're gonna attack you with nasty grandmother hugs too.."

My eye twitched for a brief second and I shivered.

"Right I'm going to let myself get kidnapped by mister cake sprinkle." I smirked.
Gerard burst out in to laughter again and Mikey smiled sarcastic at Frank's face.
"You're not getting any." Said Mikey when Frank tried to protest.
His mood sunk down through the table again.
"Then again, where do I get to sleep?" I asked curious.
If I was going to stay over at Frank's place I must have a bed or anything right?
"You're just sleeping with me." Answered Frank quite boldly.
I widened my eyes and stared at him in utter shock.
"Dude!" He said. "I've got a spare bed don't get your panties in a twist, dang!"
I smiled uncomfortable.
"I eh, I.. Excuse me." I said as I gulped down the last remains of my coffee and left the guys.

What is this with me that I have to get sick all the time..

My head was facing down the toilet once again and yet nothing came ruffling out of me like a fountain. My hands were clenched down to the toilet.
I heard a short knock on the door. I was so smart to lock it this time.
"Who's there?" I asked with a voice that didn't sound like my own.
"It's me." I heard Mikey say. "Are you okay? You're in there for ten minutes now.."
I carefully got up and unlocked the door, I met up with Mikey's worried face and I felt my damp hair sticking to my forehead.
I really didn't feel so good now, and having the urge to throw up all the time doesn't make it any better..
"I don't feel so good Mikey." I grumbled and he embraced me in his arms giving me a warm hug.
"Don't blame yourself for this Andi." He said with a little smile.
"I know what's wrong with you."
I stared at him. He already said what was going on, and now I was so curious that I couldn't hardly wait for him to spill it to me.
"Which is?" I asked as my eyes widened a little.
"You've got a crush." He said as if it was obvious.
"A crush?" I said weirdly. "A crush on who?"
"Who do you think?" He snickered. "Who's making you feel sick all the time, making your stomach flip over and feel butterflies throughout your entire body?"

What? Frank? I've got a crush on Frank? Is that what this is? Is that why I'm feeling so sick? Shocked and weird?
That can't be true..

"Frank?" I asked weirdly. "That can't be right he doesn't even like me that way!"
"But do you?" He said in more of a statement than a question.
"No." I said. "Like I said, I don't know what's wrong with me.."
"Andi, believe me I can notice it in your eyes." He said cupping my face in his hands.
"You've got a crush on him."
"B-But.." I started as everything seemed to whirl around in my head like a tornado.
Mikey stared at me with his brown eyes. The same colour his brother had as well.
"Do you like Frank or not?" He said as if that was the easiest thing to decide.
"I uhm.." I said thinking it over with a blush. "I haven't actually thought about that.."

Then another gulf of sickness was dancing around in my stomach when I actually did started to think of it.
Maybe Mikey was right and I did have a crush on him..
But, I would have noticed wouldn't I? I mean, having a crush on someone should be noticeable feeling drawn over to the guy all the time..
Wanting to kiss their faces and cuddle up as much as you want.. Not this.. repulsive feeling right?

"Maybe you should." Said Mikey and he had still my face cupped.
"I know you like him Andi. I can feel it. Don't lie about it to me please."
"I'm not lying!" I said as I backed away from him. Immediately feeling stupid because I sounded so rude.
"I.. I just don't understand it. I-I don't see it Mikey.. I don't see it."
Mikey stared at me with remorse as he quickly pulled me in to a hug.
"You'll see it soon." He said with a reassuring smile. "Open up your eyes."

"Hey Mikey whats-" Started Frank as he walked towards us.
But as he saw us standing there, Mikey hugging me (though Mikey quickly let me go and he turned around) Frank stared a little angry at him for some sort of reason.
"What were you guys doing just here?" He asked as his eyes shot us a glare.
"Andi was feeling sick again." Said Mikey as he walked away from me and Frank around the corner in the hall.
Frank eyed me surprised and walked over to me.
"Are you okay now?" He asked concerned.
I stared in to his eyes, thinking about what Mikey just had said.

"I can notice it in your eyes, you've got a crush on him.

His eyes had the colour of honey in this light and with little flicks of green in it making them ever so special.. I suddenly knew that Frank was special, and my heart fluttered when I thought of that.
The sickness I had felt before swapped for a feeling that felt like my heart had a million fireflies circling inside of me, my head feeling dizzy and my nerves extremely touchy..
All I could see was his eyes staring down at me, the way he was nervously playing with his lip piercing and his hair casually falling down his jaw line.

Frank arched his eyebrows and stared a little confused at me.
"Andi?" He questioned.
But then this familiar nauseous wave wandered down my body and I was suddenly very aware of my damp hair sticking down my forehead and my blood rushing loudly in my ears..
"N-No." I stammered and Frank catched me quickly as I lost my balance and everything started to circle around me.
I felt like I was in an unwanted carousel ride..

"Andi!" He exclaimed worried as he placed me carefully on my legs embracing me in a tight hug so I couldn't fall. Pressing me up against his chest with his arms snaked around me.
I closed my eyes for a minute and opened them again, I backed away my head a little only to be met up with Frank's worried eyes and his eyebrows knitted up.
"Don’t you faint on me." He said in a serious kind of joke.
I smiled lightly at him, and felt my heart beating faster by the minute, though I still felt dizzy and I felt sick and repulsing.

"I'm sorry." I said while a blush crept on my pale cheeks.
"Hey don't sorry me!" He said shaking me a little. "What's wrong with you? What did Mikey say! Did he upset you?!"
"Mikey didn't said anything." I said with a small smile as I was still staring at his captivating eyes and he was still holding me in his arms.
I now knew what Mikey meant, though I did still feel nervous and my breathing paced up a little.
"Okay, now let's go for cigarettes then." He said with a cute smile, and I just nodded. Letting him drag me down the hallway to the guys.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yet another update!!!
Woo readers and subscribers are getting more everyday! See if we can head for the second star??
Love you guys, thanks for reading and commenting so far!!!!

Here's a picture of Frank and his chocolate cake addiction.. Haha!
At least, I think it's cake.. O.o


Title credits go to the song: Helena by My Chemical Romance