Status: Finished

More Than Words Could Ever Say

Now! But I can't!

We were walking down the street and the cold evening wind was blowing around me, turning me in to an ice cube. Though I couldn't move really fast Frank was being nice to walk along with me while Gee and Mikey were walking ahead of us talking about something random I couldn't quite hear because of the distance.

"Are you cold?" Asked Frank as I shuddered a little.
"Yeah." I said while I moved my crutches forward, it was so freaking stupid to walk with them.. I hated it.. I really really hated it!!!
"Here." He said taking his hoodie off and handing it over to me.
I watched him.
"No." I said. "You'll be starving, it's getting September for Christs sake. You'll get sick!"
"Then I'll find someone to nurse me." He said stubbornly pushing my hand back. "Take it on."
I sighed frustrated and stopped while Frank held the crutches for me and I put the hoodie over my own.
I sensed Frank's deodorant and some weird scent that suited Frank somehow.
It made me get the nauseous feeling back in my stomach..
He handed me back the dreadful crutches and smiled. He was standing besides me in a Misfits t-shirt with his arms crossed over one another shattering his teeth while the wind tugged at his shirt.

"Frank you're such a dork." I said. "You're sweet for giving me your sweater, but still you're an idiot for doing it."
Frank chuckled.
"I don't mind to get sick." He said with a sweet half-smile. "I don't want you to get any sicker."
"I'm not sick!" I protested.
"You're hurt." He said with an indifferent shrug.
"That doesn't make me sick." I said protesting again.
"Fine, then give me my hoodie back." He said with a snicker.
I wasn't entirely sure of what to say now. So I just stood there feeling that the sleeves crawled over my hands as I held on to my crutches.
Frank developed a large grin on his face.
"Just leave it on." He said. "Come on Gee and Mikey didn't wait up for us."
I smiled and we started walking again.
When we came at the gas station we noticed they were already inside purchasing the things they wanted.

The bell on the door twinkled and Frank and myself walked inside the shop. The warm air from the ventilator smacking me in the face.
Mikey was buying something and paying at the cash register. Gerard turned around.
"What took you so long?!" He said while he put his hands on his hips like an impatient teenage girl cocking his head to the side and pressed his lips outwards.
Frank grinned at his appearance.
"We were talking, princess." Said Frank, and now I started to giggle a little.
"Puh!" Said Gerard waving his imaginary hair to his back. "You could of least left a note on the table! I was worried sick! With our two kids at school and the housework going nuts!"
"Sorry darling." Laughed Frank. "It was a tough situation at the office."

I have no idea where they are talking about..

I walked over to Mikey who had his index finger pressed up his chin, his eyebrows in a frown and his eyes pierced towards a display.
"I think I have.." Started Mikey. "Ehhm.."
The girl behind the cash register sighed out of frustration.
"Can you pick one please!" She said irritated.
Mikey shot a look at her and then stared back at the display next to her.
It was filled up with various candy bars and chocolate.
I smirked.

"Have you already figured out which one Mikes?" Asked Gerard as he came standing besides me.
"I think so." Said Mikey. "I'll have two Toffee Crisp candy bars."
"Finally.." Said the girl and she got the candy for Mikey and lazily typed it in at the cash register. "One buck."
Mikey handed her over a dollar and she placed it neatly in the machine.
He walked away and now it was Gerard's turn.
"One pack of Marlboro." He said.
"Two fifty."
Gerard handed her money and walked outside with Mikey.
To my surprise Frank needed to buy something too..
"Two packs of John Player Special." Said Frank and and payed as he retrieved the packs of cigarettes from the girl. I followed him outside.

"I didn't know you smoked." I mumbled.
He stopped walking stared at me, a little smile playing on his lips, and his eyes soft and welcoming.
"Well, I do." He said shortly while he bent closer to me as he said it.
When he moved closer to me I felt a lion roar in my stomach and an extreme kind of hunger to attack his lips eagerly.

I recognized the symptoms now, I had the most terrible crush on him. I never thought this kind of thing could happen to a person.. I though I would always stay Andi, the serious college girl. Andi the loner, Andi the brains, Andi the virgin..

I smiled weakly and backed away a little. Then he backed away as well and motioned me to follow him.
Gerard and Mikey waited for us at one of the lampposts that circled the gas station. The orange light of it spreading across the concrete below our feet.
Gerard was smoking and Frank just lit a cigarette. Just then I felt my pocket vibrate..

"Hello?" I said flipping open my phone.
"Andi, this is mom." Said the other voice harsh.
I felt my blood run ice cold.
"And?" I said with my shaking voice. I heard Frank suddenly hush the others.
"I demand you come home, right now."
"N-No." I said. "I wont."
"This wasn't a question Andi." Snarled my mother. "You come home or I'll call the cops."
"Forget about it! I have a home here and I'm not going back to fucking New York City!"
"Andi! Mind your tongue!"
"No mother stop pushing me around!"

I hopped away from the guys and disappeared behind the corner of the shop.

"I am your mother! And I have right of speaking!"
"And I'm twenty years old and I'm not a child anymore!"
Then I heard sniffles from the other side of the connection.
"I-I demand you c-come home!" She said in her shaky voice. "Or else!"
"You can demand away!" I yelled at the phone and then hung up on her.
I wanted to squat on the concrete and bury my head in my arms if that stupid leg of mine wouldn't stop me from doing so..
I leaned with my right shoulder against the wall of the shop and stared in front of me, which appeared to be bushes and trees.

I closed my eyes, I couldn't believe her. Demanding me to go back to that rotten place I once used to call my home..
Even though that was only two small weeks ago, I started to love the place I was staying now. The typical family things, and the cracks and smells of the house.
I didn't want to go to Manhattan, not when I think I found my home..

"Andi.." I heard behind me and I carefully turned around to face him.
"Hey." I stated with a voice unlike my own. Cracked and weird..
"Are you okay?" He asked concerned as he moved a strand of my hair away from my face. I stared up at his enchanting eyes and shook my head a 'no'.
He then embraced me in a warm hug, my head leaned against his chest inhaling the scent of his shirt. Frank, I could never imagine that I would fall for a guy so quick..

Frank rubbed my back lightly in soothing circles, and I crumpled up his shirt under my grasp.
"S-She commands me to go back to New York." I stammered.
Frank pulled me closer and continued rubbing my back.
"It's unbelievable! Still she tries to ruin my dream!"
"It's okay." Said Frank. "She can't hurt you. You're twenty, pretty and you have a future."
I backed away from him and stared him back in the eyes.
"Did you j-just call me pretty?" I said quietly.
Frank blushed but didn't had the chance to reply because Gerard came from around the corner, Mikey following suit.

"Are you done having sneaky sex back here?!" Exclaimed Gerard. "Frank how could you cheat on me like that! We're married!"
Frank and me burst out in to laughter and Gerard's fake hurt took over by an enormous Cheshire Cat grin.
"Oh I'm sorry pumpkin." Answered Frank. "You want a kiss from your loving husband?"
My grin took over by pure shock as Frank walked over to Gerard and kissed him hard on the lips. Tangling up his hair with his fingers making it look passionate.
"Dude!" Yelled Mikey together with me. We stared at each other and then laughed.
Frank stopped sucking Gerard's face and laughed as well.
I just stared at him. I couldn't quite place this event right now..
"What the-" I started.
"It's a guy thing." Said Frank quickly, laughing.
Gerard didn't seem to mind and he smiled too.
"Come on let's head home." He said with the same Cheshire Cat grin.
Mikey and Gerard disappeared around the corner and Frank and me followed.
"Why did you do that?" I said trying not too sound a bit of jealous.
"Gee and me do it all the time." He said with a grin.
I gawked at him..
"No! I don't mean it that way!" He said waving his hands before me quickly. "I mean kissing."
I started to laugh and Frank blushed.
"Why do you kiss him then?" I asked while I quirked up my eyebrow.
"Well, everybody likes a little love once in a while?" He answered with a shrug of indifference.

I mentally slapped myself.. They're best friends I get that, but kissing??

"Are you bisexual?" I asked boldly and then Frank burst out in to laughter.
"No." He said. "Like I said, it's a guy thing.."
I didn't talk about it anymore, I wouldn't of understand it anyway..
We went back inside of the house and we followed Gerard downstairs to his room. He had his own television set down there..
I sat down at Gerard's comfortable couch between Mikey and Frank and then it hit me..

Frank called me pretty didn't he?…
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes I know this took a while.. (don't shoot me O.o)
I had band-business going on..
But hey a new chapter! Thank you all for reading and comments would be great! ^^


Title credits go to the song: You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison by My Chemical Romance

Oh come on you guys! You all love Frerard! :P Don't be shy to admit it!! XD
