What I have become


I was infuriated as he walked away with a smug grin on his face. I don't know what it was the suddenly shattered inside of me but a wave of power flowed through me, covering every inch of my body in a tingling sensation. The raw power radiated from me in title waves of pure energy. In less than a second the first wave hit him. He fell to the earth, but quickly got back up only to be knocked backwards again. He turned to he his expression bewildered, his eyes a light with confusion and fright.
Then another wave hit him this time instead of being knocked into like before it hurt him. He winced in pain. Another wave hit him, the waves were getting more violent, more pain full. This time he yelled out in pain and curled up into a ball. I am killing him and I don't know how I am doing this. The anger washed away from me only to be replaced by different emotions, Fear and panic.
Then as quickly as the sensation started it ended the tingle left me body and the waves stopped.
He got up off the ground and came running in my direction. But before he could reach me pain enveloped my body, it was the worst pain imaginable. I writhed in pain. “What's going on? Talk to me, what's going on?” He yelled.
I couldn't answer I was in too much pain. I couldn't scream, my breath was caught in my throat. I wanted to die, I was sure I would be soon. He was freaking out next to me trying to get me to answer. But the only thing I could think about was the pain. It was a burning sensation as though I had swallowed acid, and was being eaten from the inside.
The pain started to dull in my arms and legs. The pain slowly washed away, but I still couldn't move. I was literally paralyzed in pain.
He continued to yell as this was going on, trying frantically to get me to speak, but it was no use, I still couldn't answer, I couldn't move, couldn't scream, couldn't cry, couldn't think. All I could do was pray for death to come swifter than it was.
The pain had completely leaked out of my limbs, leaving a numb feeling behind. The pain still overwhelmed my torso. I couldn't tell if he was still beside me, he had stopped screaming at me. I had my eyes tightly closed , I could feel the pained expression plastered on my face. The tears were welling up being my eye lids. The pain had ebbed, my breath was coming out in quick gasps, and the tears that had been frozen in my eyes before now leaked down the sides of my cheeks.
The pain was gone, but now I couldn't feel anything, not the ground on which I lay, not the drizzle that had started, nothing.
I opened my eyes slowly, afraid it would bring more pain. I moved my head slightly. The boy's gaze met mine and he smiled, glad to see I hadn't die I suppose. His eyes still held the confusion from earlier, but it was covered slightly with relief.
I had a billion questions going through my mind at once, my head buzzed with questions, all went un-answered.
I inhaled a deeply through my nose. My throat burned with a sudden aching yearning. I smelled something so sweet, something that would ease the burning in my throat. I didn't think again, I attacked.
When I snapped out of my trance, the boy was dead, and I had realized what I had become, what had been hiding inside of me my entire life.
I was horrified and empowered. Horrified by what had been released, empowered by what I had become.
I was a vampire!!!
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Tell me if I should continue...I'm not sure it was only meant to be a one chapter thing but I'd like you opinion!!!