Status: Revision. Revision. Revision....

The Last Bell

When we are younger we listen to our parents. Why? Because we know that we are too young to make the right decisions. They’re the people who have our best interests at heart.

But what happens when we get older? Should we have the choice to make those decisions, even though the parents disagree?

Isn’t arguing with your parents the normal thing to do when you’re a teen? What if it concerns your life?

But what if it’s not only your life you're making a decision for, what if what you decided affects not only your parents but the whole of your family for many years to come. Do you still do what you think is right for you?

Well, I did.

I’ve chose to stop the treatment for Leukaemia.

It wasn’t a hard decision. I was so tired after endless trips to the hospital for treatments; I was so tired after arguing with mum for her to stop trying to be superwoman.

All I wanted to do was enjoy my life whilst I was still living. And the only way to do that was to stop the therapy and get back to my old life, school, friends and laughter.

And that’s exactly what I did. But at the end of it all I got more than I ever wanted.