Status: Revision. Revision. Revision....

The Last Bell


Getting my tablets was meant to be a simple task: walk to the office, see the headmaster, get the dosage and then leave. Only I’ve noticed that nothing ever seems to go to how i think it will go, the prime example getting cancer.

As i went to open the door, i must have been day dreaming because the next thing i saw was the door coming at me, in full throttle.

I guess it could only happen to me.

The next thing i remembered was opening my eyes to a bright white ceiling. I lifted my head up and couldn’t ignore the throbbing pain that accompanied my action.
“Hi?” A voice spoke. It startled me. I moved my head around to find the person who spoke and to my surprise, i came face to face with Keith.
“Ugh...hi.” My head was throbbing.

Keith laughed under his breath, “I suppose i deserve that sort of hello after knocking you out. How ya feeling?”
Confusion flooded my mind, where was i? Why was Keith sat beside me and why couldn’t i remember what had happened? “I...I feel....confused!? I don’t understand. What happened? Why am i here? .....Actually, where am i?” I looked around at my surroundings. The walls were white, the window blinds were closed, the lights were amazingly bright and i was lying on a type of bed which looked and felt too familiar.

“Oh, sorry, i thought from your welcoming tone that you’d have remembered? You’re in the medical room. You were on your way to the office and then some crack head, yet incredibly nice and generous lad, smacked the door right into your face and made you fall unconscious onto the ground.”
Snapshots came back to me.
“Oh Okay.”
“Oh Okay? You sound as though this has happened before?”
“Well, i’ve had worse experiences.”
“....I guess that clears my conscious then. Thank You.”

I laughed – ouch - i shouldn’t have done that.
“Glad to have been at your service. Shouldn’t you be in class though?” I looked at Keith expectantly.
“Nah. I was kind of worried when you didn’t wake up after ten minutes, so i stayed – just to clear my conscience and all. You were out of it for third and it’s lunch at the moment.”

That would explain the rumbling sound in the pit of my stomach. I hadn’t eaten since 7 in this morning and now it was, i’m guessing, 12. That’s five hours without food!
“Oh, okay. We’d best go get some grub” I started to get down from the medical bed, ignoring the pain in my head. Then i remembered that i had no idea where the lunch room was. I looked at Keith who was picking up his jacket and bag. “Actually, where is the dining room?”

Keith laughed. “I waited with you for two hours and now you want me to show you where the food is? You know i charge by the hour? Or is this just a subtle way of saying you want to spend more time with me?” Keith suddenly looked rather smug in identifying his assumption. I couldn’t help but laugh and mirror his smug smile.
“Don’t flatter yourself dear. I never asked you to stay with me, did i? So those two hours you spent with me were due to your own concern for me. And you don’t personally have to take me to Lunch, directions would be just as helpful. I only asked because i don’t want to walk round the school looking like the new girl who has no idea where she’s going.”
Keith silently looked at me before saying, “Okay. Follow me!”

And i did as he said. I followed him out of the medical part of the school, into the corridors and into a mass of people queuing for food.
Something then changed within Keith: his posture, his tone of voice, his speech all suddenly became closed off, as though he felt uncomfortable.
“Right, here you are.” He looked around suspiciously before walking away mumbling, “I’ll see you later.”

I thought it was a bit weird. But i didn’t think anything of it.

I got to the front on the queue and picked up some fries and ketchup sachets, but as i went to pick up an apple, another hand swept it up instead.
What was it with people startling me today?
“Sorry, you looked as though you needed some help. Didn’t mean to make you jump.” Adam said.
“Oh, well thanks i guess.”
“It’s fine.” Adam hesitated a bit before continuing. “Actually i was also told to come up here by Candy and Natalie to apologize and direct you to our table.”
As we moved to the drink’s counter, i looked at Adam confused.
“What do you need to apologize for?”
Adam was now the one who looked uncomfortable.
“I want to apologies for being rude in history. Keith and i have a weird hatred relationship and well, i didn’t want him poisoning your mind on your first day.”
“Oh, he didn’t seem that bad to be honest. He stayed with me in the medical room.”
“The medical room?”

I explained to Adam on the way to the table about my incident. He didn’t seem very happy that Keith stayed, but he didn’t mention anything to me.
When we reached the table Candy and Natalie looked up at me and smiled.
“Heya, how’s your day going?”
“Good, but it’s going to take a while to get used to.”
All three nodded in agreement.
I sat down and started eating my chips. As i did, i couldn’t help notice all the cliques surrounding me.
“Oh, how rude of me.” I heard Candy say. I looked at her confused.
“I haven’t introduced you to our neighbouring students. Right, so on in the right corner you have the geeks; your typical smart arses, which do nothing but talk about quantum physics. Next to them you have the musical people; those who believe their amazing at singing and would do anything to get on the next series of American Idol – they’re rather pompous if you ask me. Straight ahead you will find the normal people; as you can tell we are a part of this group, therefore you know that these are the sane people who aren’t in school for the popularity; we’re just here to get an education, make friends and then leave swiftly and quietly. Then, to the right you will notice it is swamped with the smell of expensive perfume and million dollar bills. These are typical cheerleaders and jocks; bullies who take pleasure in degrading people. You might also be wondering where the stereotypical emo’s and bad boys are? Yeah, we’ll there behind you, outside in the yard, trying to stay far away they can from those they detest and they are all of us in here. Why? No idea, just a part of their stereotypical characteristics i guess. But i would say that this group is far the best!”

The bell rang just as Candy stopped talking. I smiled and said thanks.
“What’ve you got next?” Natalie asked me.
“English Lit in F04”
“Oh, Adam has that next, don’t you?”
“Yeah” he replied.
“Cool, wouldn’t mind showing me where I’m going would you?”
“Nah, i would have shown you anyway.” He smiled.
And with that, we all got up and started walking to class.

Everything seemed to be moving too fast. It was like one moment the day had just begun and then we were half way through. I was enjoying myself. I enjoyed the adrenaline running through me, i enjoyed the excitement of something new. I hoped the day would slow down and let me enjoy it properly.