The Otherworld

A Second World

Cecilia rolled around in her bed for about an hour until her brain started to fully function and realise that she was not where she fell asleep. She shot up into a sitting position and looked at her sheets by the foot of her bed. She then looked over her body, finding that no physical harm was brought upon her. She fell back into her pillow and sighed before rolling out. She only remembered a dark figure before she passed out. She recalled thinking he was handsome though she had not seem his face but assumed her presumption was correct merely due to her uncanny ability to know things without actually thinking about them.

The girl grabbed a change of clothes and walked across the hall to her bathroom. She was feeling sticky from the sweat of the fever and wanted to jump into the shower as soon as she possibly could. Whoever the man was would have to wait. Her senses told her that she somehow already knew him and that he wasn't dangerous. He was even kind enough to wipe her nosebleed as she slept. She didn't dwell on him too long before she hopped into the shower.

Cecilia finished her shower quickly and dried herself with her fluffy white towel. She massaged conditioner into her hair and quickly dried it with a hair dryer. She slipped on her lingerie and put a light pink dress on after. She let her curly brown hair fall past her shoulders and lightly hummed a soft tune as she straightened her fringe.

Finally done with making herself presentable, she ventured downstairs to greet her parents.

“Mummy?” she asked while skipping down the stairs. “Are you and Dad home?” She turned towards the dining room and collided with a chest clad in a white shirt and grey vest. She admired the gold trimming and tucked a loose piece behind a bottom in front of her face. She patted it gently and smiled up at the man. “You're not my father.”

The man couldn't help but chuckle in amusement. “No, I do not believe I am. We may have a few problems if I was.” He held out his arm for her to clasp. “Would you allow me to escort you to your real father and mother?”

Cecilia grinned. He was handsome after all. She knew it was the same person as before because he held the same dark aura. It calmed her but at the same time it made her excited. She looped her arm around his and instead of gently letting him glide her to the table, she dragged him over and smiled widely at her parents. “I don't know where he came from, but can we keep him!?” she enthusiastically asked in the same manner her mother had hours ago.

The man beside her chuckled again and she looked up to study at his face more closely. He was young, about 18 or 19, but he had the aura of an older entity with great knowledge. He was also incredibly polite and this intrigued Cecilia. She never met another man other than her father to treat her so kindly and regally.

The man beside her met her gaze and she blushed, looking back to her father. She was caught staring and his embarrassed her.

“Why do you women insist on keeping him as if he were a pet?” Her father shook his head but smiled nonetheless. “Why don't you sit down. I have a lot of explaining to do.”

Cecilia slipped her arm out of the man's and pulled out a chair. The man slid it under her unexpectedly as she sat down and caused her to almost fall over. He placed his hand lightly on her back to keep her still and smiled. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you, Milady.”

Cecilia smiled back. “It's okay. I just wasn't expecting it.” She looked back at her father. “So are you finally going to tell us who you really are?”

Aodren smiled sadly and nodded. “I think your mother's still in shock over hearing it.” Cecilia looked over to her mother and laughed. Her mouth was slightly opened and a little bit of drool ran down her chin. Aodren wiped it off with a napkin just as Earl placed Cecilia's tea in front of her.

She looked up at him with a smile and thanked him. “Is it really that unbelievable?” she asked her father, still observing her dumbfounded mother.

“I don't know. I suppose it is,” he quietly said, eyes downcast on the table.

Cecilia placed her hand atop her father's and smiled at him as he looked up. “I'll believe you as long as you tell the truth, Dad. You're a liar, but I trust you when you speak the truth.”

Aodren sweat-dropped. “Thanks....I think.”

Cecilia giggled and slowly took a sip of her tea. She didn't realise until that moment that Earl was by her side, patiently observing her. She turned around. “Aren't you going to sit down?”

“Yes, please sit,” her father said. “I'll feel better explaining this if you're by my side, Earl.”

Earl hesitated before walked around the table to sit across from Cecilia. She smiled at him again and he felt a flutter in his chest. “So your name is Earl?”

“It is my given identity,” he answered stoically. His chest continued to flutter but he hid his discomfort well.

Cecilia frowned. “Given identity? What's that supposed to mean?” When Earl only looked back at her phlegmatically, she turned to look at her father and he sighed.

“Earl does not bare a real name,” he started. “His placement in society, where I came from, is that of an Earl. It is the closest thing to royalty there can be apart from the true royal family. If I go any farther, it wont make any sense.”

“Then explain everything to me,” she demanded. Her mother regained her composure and was listening to her husband tell his story again. She was aware that what he spoke was true, she could tell by the way he handled his tale so emotionally, but it was still very hard to believe.

“I'll start with my place of birth.” He took a sip of his tea and Earl stood, refilling it. “I was not born in this world, Cecilia. There is another world apart from this one. As far as we know, there is only the human world and the Otherworld. These two are connected. When a person dies in the human world, they are reincarnated into an inferi in the Otherworld. These inferi could be angels, spirits, or like Earl, demons.” He paused for a second, allowing his daughter to digest what he's said so far thoroughly.

“I, on the other hand, did not die in the human world and become reincarnated. Many, many years ago, an angel and a demon had a child. This was unimaginable though. None of the inferi are able to reproduce as they once were able to in the human world, but somehow your great, great, great, great and so on, grandfather was conceived. What was peculiar is that he did not age like humans did. He, well, we gain knowledge quickly. We are able to speak at a very young age and hold very intelligent conversations after only fourteen months after birth. We also grow very fast. At the age of twelve, we have the physical appearance of young adults and after that year mark, we no longer age. We just stop. Whereas inferi of the Otherworld die, we are immortal and only move on to our next life when we wish too. Otherwise, our royal family would be overabundant.

“My father, your grandfather, is the current ruling king of the Otherworld. I was next in line to take the throne, but I ran away instead. I didn't want to be king. I wanted to have a choice in what I did with my life. I ran from home and discovered the entrance to the abyss. I had to break through it and create a tear to use it as a portal into the human world. You may have noticed, Earl, that as you fell there was a complete absence of light, matter, and gravity. Although you felt yourself falling, it was only a mere illusion. The abyss has a will of its own and it can become anything it wants too. I discovered this when I went back to the abyss to investigate it more thoroughly. But as I was saying, the abyss carried me to the human world and I started observing the humans. They live much like we live in the Otherworld but there are more tragedies such as murder and poverty and problems with the economy. It was a slight shock, seeing as in the Otherworld we don't use money or wealth to signify our position in society nor has there ever been murder.

“Needless to say, the human world is very different, almost terrifying, but as I got used to this new world and started living like any 20 year old-looking and very handsome man would, I met your mother,” he chuckled and Cecilia rolled her eyes at her father's egotism. “And you know the story from then on.”

Cecilia say quietly in her seat, playing with her tea mug as she thought over everything he father just told her. She couldn't deny that he was telling the truth. After hearing so many of his lies over the years, she knew exactly when he was being untruthful and when he was being honest. What he told her was extremely hard to believe though. A second world. An abyss. Inferi? Angels, spirits and demons? Which reminded her....

“Are you saying,” she finally looked up. “That all demons are as gorgeous as this one?” She pointed to Earl with her thumb, her expression stoic, matching his perfectly.

Her father laughed. “That's hard to say since I don't particularly find him attractive to begin with.”

Cecilia pouted but avoided Earl's gaze. She just embarrassed herself but she laughed it off. “Well, I believe you, Dad. Only because your right cheek didn't twitch like it usually does when you lie.”

Her father pressed a palm to his cheek and stared wide-eyed, not having noticed this. Cecilia laughed and looked at her mother. “Perchance that inferi are inhumanly attractive, we have to pay a visit to our sweet grandparents, eh?”

Candace laughed. “I don't mind that trip at all.”

Aodren looked over at Earl, who was still trying to hide his blush after being unconventionally flattered by his young lady. “These human women are so puerile. This is not a laughing matter!”

Earl smiled at his master. “I find them rather charming although it is a relief they took the news of a second world fairly well.” Aodren sighed and smiled back at his gossiping wife and daughter.

“Are going back, Earl?” Candace pouted as she turned her attention to him. “Or will you be staying with us for a while longer?”

Earl continued to sit straight and smile softly but inside he was squirming. How was he to tell this whimsical and exuberant woman that he was sent here to steal her husband and daughter away? Truth be told, he had felt a strong duty to his current king before he left, but now in a different world and speaking to his prince, he felt a stronger connection to him. Perhaps it was the years apart that made him admire the young master as he spoke with his wife and child. He wished that he had never had to intrude on their happy lives. But perhaps he could somehow postpone the inevitable for even a short while. He could travel back and plead with the king to allow his son to stay longer for even just a bit. He had started ageing like a regular human but he would surely outlive his wife. Then he could come back and claim his position on the throne. If not him, then his daughter would make fine queen.

His thoughts were interrupted by a hard hand coming down on his shoulder. “How about it, old friend? Would you stay with my family for a while longer? After all, you are also like family to me. Like a brother, even.” Aodren turned back to his family. “May I formally introduce you to the man that has raised me, along with all my ancestors before me since we were born.”

“Wow,” Cecilia mused. “How old are you?”

Earl squirmed. “That is unknown information, but I was one of the first life forms born on Earth. Probably a direct descendant of humans since I was brought to the Otherworld in a human body.”

Cecilia gaped at him before turning to her father. “But didn't you say only you were immortal?”

“You mean our whole family. You are too, Cecilia, but you haven't tapped into your immortal powers yet so you've aged normally. I will die too, seeing as I wanted to age along with your mother or else it would seem odd to continue to have the appearance of a 20 year old at the age of fifty. Earl on the other hand is the oldest inferi in the Otherworld. I feel that he should tell you his history if he feels comfortable doing so.” Aodren turned to Earl and smiled kindly. He was happy having Earl here. He has always been like family to him. Even closer to him than his own father, though it is against the contract between his family and him to have such close emotional ties to each other. He only hoped that the contract would not be broken. Earl would be evicted of his poistion and sent to exile. Since the whole Otherworld is one kingdom, this would mean death.

Cecilia looked at the earl quizzically. “Do you feel uncomfortable telling me? I am curious. You probably know so much. Being the first person ever on Earth and in the Otherworld: That's amazing!”

The corners of Earl's lips curled upward. “I would love to, Milady, but that's a story for another time. You are still unwell and you should retire to your quarters in order to rest more.”

Cecilia pouted. “Are you here to by my mum or something?” she asked pointedly, causing her parents to snicker. Earl looked away from her bashfully, surprised by her retort. “I shall rest. I'll rest in my own way though.” She pushed out her seat, loudly scrapping the floors and walked to the living room. She jumped up onto the sofa in a lying position with a remote in her hand and the armrest under her head. “Hey, mum! Get me some ice cream, would you?”

Earl opened and closed his mouth a couple time, eyes wide as he viewed the girl's vulgar behaviour which was not befitting of royalty. Aodren blushed as he chuckled, only slightly embarrassed and Candace got up to get her daughter her ice cream.

“You may find this crude behaviour for someone of her higher standing,” her father started. “But I think she acts like royalty truly should.”

Candace laughed at her husband's words from inside the kitchen and Cecilia giggled as she watched her kiddie cartoons.

Earl couldn't help but think that she would never act in such a way had he been the one to raise her. “It seems I have a lot of work cut out for me,” he replies before smiling as he watched the young her giggle and play with her long hair. “But she has a certain charm to her despite her behaviour.”

Aodren smiled. “She'll make a fine queen.”

Earl looked back at Aodren in question. Had he just suggested that his daughter take his place at the throne?

Aodren looked back at him sadly. “It is inevitable for one of us to go to the Otherworld and rightfully lead our kingdom. I'm saddened by this, almost. But I know that Cecilia is very strong. She has the blood of a demon, angel, and a human. That makes her stronger than all of us.” He looked at Earl once again, his eyes hard and peircing. “Please, Earl. Protect my baby with everything you have. Don't let her fall into the wrong hands and please don't allow her to get hurt in anyway. I'm not asking this as you superior or your majesty, I'm asking you as a friend.”

Earl silently looked back at the young girl. He knew that even if he wasn't asked to, he would make sure she was protected and happy at all times. “With my entire being, I will protect her.”

Aodren smiled. “Thank you. Now how about we give you your own room. I noticed a suitcase by the door. I assume that it is yours but it probably doesn't look like you packed much. Since it's Friday today, Cecilia will be able to take you to a mall and get more clothes and necessities. You could also bond with her there. I know you would have liked raising her at birth, but I assure you that you wont have a dull moment with her. She's very childish at heart.”

Earl chuckled. “I'm sure she and I will get along very well despite her current anger with me.”

Aodren waved off his comment. “She's not angry, she's just being childish.”

“Hey! I am not!” Cecilia called from the living room.

Aodren laughed. “No, you are. Since you haven't spoken since this part of the conversation, I'm assuming you don't mind taking Earl to the mall.”

Cecilia's head popped out from behind the couch. “Can I have a hundred dollars?”

“Sure, just get yourself something pretty.”

Cecilia smiled and got off the couch, walking back to Earl's side. “We'll have lots of fun, Earl. We'll find you real pretty clothes that I wish I could wear if I was a guy and then we'll go out for pizza,” she ranted. “Oh, it'll be fun! You may be old, but you look my age, so hopefully you won't act like an old man and reprimand me for everything like Dad does.”

“I resent that!”

“Oh, hush. I wasn't talking to you.” Cecilia took ahold of Earl's hand and pulled him up. “Let me take you to the guest room! It's next to my room so you can expect late night visits on weekends. I'll do your hair and we'll sneak sweets in late at night and put some meat on your skinny bones,” she ranted. It reminded him of her father when he was physically her age. He, too, spoke very enthusiastically about new things and was quite stubborn. Aodren grew out of it, but Earl wasn't sure if Cecilia would. He grinned though, letting his young mistress lead him to his quarters even though he should be the one leading her gently up the staircase. Her excitement amused him, but he knew that he was just as excited to get to know her.

“Earl,” she finally whispered when they entered his room. He looked own at her as she blushed and smiled up at him. “Thanks for taking care of me when I fainted. It was kind of you to put me back in bed and I'm sorry you had to see me like that.” She looked down at his vest and nervously twirled the ends of her hair.

Earl smiled faintly. “It's okay, milady. As your servant, it is my job to take care of you, in sickness and in health.”

Cecilia laughed. “You're not married to me.” This caused him to blush. “And you're not my servant. My father said so himself. You're like family to him and that means that you're family to me too.”

“If you desire to think that way,I am very honoured, but I am still your servant and I will take care of you and make sure you are always feeling well and filled with pleasant thoughts.”

Cecilia giggled. “Does that mean that in the Otherworld, you're a servant my grandfather?”

Earl nodded. “Yes, and that applies to you as well. But I wouldn't say servant. More of a slave since I am not paid....Not a slave like those who have suffered in the Americas in your world!” he quickly said upon seeing her reaction. “I am very well taken care of by your family. I have raised them to be kind to everyone.”

Cecilia chuckled. “You really raised my dad? From birth?”

“Yes. He was always an energetic one.” Earl smiled at his memories.

“Wow, that's amazing. And you still look so young. You would think that you would age after a couple millenniums.”

Earl chuckled at her wit. He found her more and more charming the greater time he spends with her. “Yes, it is quiet amazing. But you've forgotten that you are an immortal as well. If you wished to do so, you could stop your ageing process as well.”

“I think I'd like to die someday, though,” she frowned slightly. “It would get lonely outliving your family.”

Earl's smile saddened. “Yes, it is sad to see everyone move on.”

Cecilia looked up at him sadly. She hadn't thought of the pain he must go through after every generation is raised and another one dies. She touched his arm and smiled kindly when he looked back at her, his eyes wide. “Maybe you won't always have to see everyone go. Maybe one day you'll leave and join them. Or maybe you can find another immortal to stay by your side.”

Her smile was so genuine, he wanted to bend down to her height and kiss her for being so sweet. He stopped himself, of course, and merely smiled back. “Thank you, milady. I also hope that one day I'll find someone like that.”

“Good,” she grinned. “Keep that hope alive. I'll leave you alone now to get settled. I'll get you your suitcase and bring it back up.” She turned around to leave. “Oh, and none of this 'milady' business. Call me Cecilia. It is my given name. I'm not royalty in the human world anyway.” She turned around to grin at him again and he smiled.

“As you wish, milady.” She glared at him with pouted lips. “Cecilia is what I meant to say.” She laughed and closed the door behind her. He was so light-headed after watching her smile and hearing her giggle that he didn't even remember to refuse her offer to get his suitcase and retrieve it himself.

He placed his palm on his forehead and sighed. He may not make it through the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
I contemplated on naming this A Whole New World just for the sake of my love for Aladdin, but it didn't fit well with the chapter.
This, by the way, is five whole bloody pages.
In Verdana, font-size 9.
Yeah. I never expected this chapter to be any longer than two pages.
I've impressed myself. But, c'mon. When am I ever not impressive.