If I Hate You, How Is It That I Love You?

Hello, New York City!

I was sitting in the plane in the solo seat, waiting like everyone else for the plane to start taking off.

"Can they take any longer?" groaned Denise.

"Oh, pish, posh, Dennis. You can wait," said Jimmy, who was seated a few seats in front of us.

"Shut it, Sullivan," Denise snapped in response. She had a crush on Jimmy. Painfully obvious. I rolled my eyes. Jimmy just grinned like the manic he is known to be and turned to face the front.

"Aww! He even has a nickname for you!" teased Jamie. She and Sara were sitting behind Denise and Amber.

"Shut up, James. Don't make me go back there," Denise growled.

"What's this? Girl on girl action?" asked Zacky, turning around from in front of Denise and Amber.

"No, Baker," I answered, not looking away from the scene outside. I was watching them put our suitcases into the plane. "They're barely putting away our luggage," I reported.

"Fuck!" Amber yelled, kicking Zacky's seat. She had a crush on him.

"Hey! Just because you're impatient doesn't mean you can hit my seat!" Amber kicked it again to bug him. "Do it again and watch what happens." Amber lifted her legs to kick it again but put them back down as the flight attendant started to talk about emergency procedures and blah, blah, blah. We were soon moving. For the next good 6 or 7 hours, we were all stuck in this cramped plane. I think the flight attendant was getting fed up with us. We kept requesting things and what not and with kids getting up to stretch their legs, they got in her way.

"Where ya going, Kat?" asked Sara when she saw me getting up.

"Just stretching my legs," I replied, stretching while I spoke. I stretched my arm all the way out.

"Watch were you stick that thing, Carington," snapped an annoying voice.

"I will stretch in whatever direction I please, Sanders," I replied as I continued to stretch. He turned around, his green eyes narrowed in a glare. I smiled sweetly in return. He glared for a moment longer before turning around. I sat back down. The plane soon landed. The girls and I caused stair blockage by just standing there.

"Hello, New York City!" we yelled together.
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New story. It's been bugging my brain lately so I decided to post it. The story will mostly be in Katie's POV. And no, it's a Katie completely different from the Katie in I Won't See You Tonight. Comment por favor! And subscribe!