If I Hate You, How Is It That I Love You?

If I Hate You, How Is It That I Love You?

I was sitting on my bed, applying the little make-up I wear, when Matt came out of the bathroom. In only a towel. He froze when he saw me and stared at me. I stared right back.

"Uh...." I stammered, looking around. Thinking of nothing, I grabbed my nearby fedora and covered my face.

"What are you doing?" I heard Matt ask. I also heard the sounds of drawers opening and closing.

"Not looking at you in only a towel." I thought I heard Matt chuckle but wasn't too sure as at the same time I heard the bathroom door close. I took a peek out from behind my fedora and didn't see Matt. I put down my fedora and returned to my task of applying eye liner to my right eye. Matt came back out of the bathroom, wearing clothes. Nothing was said between us. A few minutes later, I heard Matt stifle a snicker. "What?" I demanded.

"It's nothing. Just...."


"You have more eye liner on one side than the other," he snickered. I glared at him before looking in my compact mirror to make sure he wasn't lying. Sure enough, he wasn't. Damn Phantom was on mind, causing me to make mistakes I wouldn't otherwise make. "Oh and by the way. The teachers are sending us to the Statue of Liberty. No chaperons, you have to be with your roommate at all times, no going with others, and blah, blah, blah," Matt casually mentioned as if he was talking about the weather.

"God dammit!" I yelled. He looked at me weirdly and I glared at him in return. An hour later there was a knock on our door. Without us saying anything, the door opened and in came one of the teachers.

"Time to leave," he said before leaving. I put away my things, put on my fedora, and stood up. I walked out without seeing if Matt was following. I went down to the lobby. First thing I saw, Jamie holding hands with Brian. I looked around and saw my other friends doing similar things with their roommates. I have to admit, I am happy for them. They have someone in their lives. Thinking of that, I started thinking about who the damn Phantom could be. And while I was busy thinking about the Phantom, I ran into something. Or should I say someone.

"There you are, roomy!" Matt said, using a fake cheery voice and throwing his arm around my shoulders. I threw off his arm carelessly before walking out of the hotel. Everyone was headed in different directions but there were a few other people headed towards the Statue of Liberty. I had to wait until Matt caught up to get a taxi. Did I mention I hate taxis? Why you ask? Because I must sit next to him. And not to mention the fact that they have a tendency to smell. Matt told the driver where we were going. The ride was pretty much silent, partly due to the fact the radio was off and Matt was listening to his iPod.

I watched him as I looked out the window. He was headbanging along and mouthed the occasional words. He seemed so into the music. It amazed me. He caught me staring at him before I could look away.

"What are you looking at?" he asked.

"Nothing," I muttered, looking out the window. I swear, the more I think about it, the more sure Matt's the Phantom.

Matt's POV:

Katie looked away and a thoughtful expression overtook her face. She still hadn't figured out I was the one she kissed. I knew she was close to figuring it out. It was driving me crazy that she didn't know I was the who she spent almost the entire night with.

"If I hate you, how is it that I love you?" I thought as I looked at her. I knew I really didn't hate her, but I had to put on the act that I did hate her.
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Poor Matt. Has to act every day. HURRY UP, KATIE, AND FIGURE OUT IT'S HIM!!!! Comment please. :D