If I Hate You, How Is It That I Love You?


*The Next Night*

Katie's POV:

I heard someone moving around as I tried to sleep and I opened my eyes to see Matt sitting back down on his bed, shirtless. God dammit. Must I always see him like this? He noticed me looking at him.

"Nice hair," he laughed. I glared at him.

"Must you always insult me?" I snapped, trying to smooth out my hair, which was already messed up.


"You just really are a complete ass, aren't you?" Something that looked like sadness crossed his face before it was replaced with a cool demeanor.

"You know, Katie, sometimes you have to look past a person's outer image to see who they really are. You just can't judge them for what you see and know," he said coolly. Pausing mid fight with my blankets, I stared at him.

"What did you say?" I demanded, looking at him from my upside position.

"You know, the whole don't judge a book by it's cover crap."

"No, no, what you said. Those words. The Phantom said them."

"Who the hell is 'The Phantom'?"

"You! You're the Phantom!" I yelled accusingly as I pointed at him. I gasped (with some difficulty due to the fact that I was upside down). "You kissed me! That's why you wouldn't tell me your name!" Matt suddenly glared at me.

"Because then you would treat me like how you always treat me! Like I'm an ass! I'd just be Matt, the fucker that bugs the crap out of you!" he yelled, standing up and pacing around like a caged animal. Crap. I made him mad. And it was scary. I cowered in my blankets. "I know that you don't give a flying fuck about me and that you'll always see me as an ass. That's why I went in a disguise! That's the only way you would give me a chance to show who I really was!" He stopped his pacing and looked at me, who was still hanging upside unfortunately. "And you know what? I- I don't care anymore." With that, he stormed out. I didn't know whether he looked angry or hurt or some odd combination. Either way, I knew I had to apologize. Sighing, I untangled myself from my blankets. I got up and decided to go to the lobby, thinking that's the only logical place Matt would be.
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Finally! She knows who The Phantom is! Haha. He said flying fuck. That makes me laugh. Comment please!