If I Hate You, How Is It That I Love You?


*The Next Morning*

"Why are you all smiley?" asked Denise, looking at me and my smiling face suspiciously.

"Oh, no reason," I replied.

"Oh, there is a reason. You usually come out all pissy like you're on your period because you're sleeping in the same room as Matt," pointed out Sara. Jamie gasped and we all looked at him.

"Did you go at it with him?" she yelled. People walking by us looked at us weirdly.

"No! I didn't do it with him! Ask him yourself if you'd like!" I answered.

"Okay," said Amber, walking over to where Matt and his friends were.

"Am, don't!" I yelled, running to stop her.

"Oh, Matt!" she yelled. He turned to see who was calling him. I caught up to Amber and clamped my hand over her mouth. The guys looked at us curiously.

"Just ignore us. Especially her. She has issues," I told them, smiling sheepishly.

"So you attack her?" asked Zacky.

"I'd rather you not hear what she has to say," I told him.

"What is she gonna say?" Amber bit my hand.

"Oh, bitch!" I yelled, letting go of her and shaking my hand in pain.

"Did you go at it with her?" Amber yelled at Matt. He looked taken aback. I slapped my forehead.

"Uh, no," he answered, confused.

"Ignore her. She got hit on her soft spot as a baby," I told them.

"I did not! But I know you and Matt did something and I will find out!" she yelled, walking away. I shook my head in exasperation before walking after her.

"Did you have to do that?" I demanded.

"Yes, yes I did." I glared at her. We finally arrived at the cafeteria. "So where is everyone going today?"

"Central Park," I answered,

"Times Square," said Sara.

"Statue of Liberty," continued Denise.

"I forgot," said Jamie. We ate our breakfast. Once I finished, I walked out to the lobby. I spotted Matt and saw he had his back to me. I quickly walked over to him and jumped on his back.

"Holy shit!" Matt yelled, stumbling. He grabbed hold of my legs to stop me from falling off his back and so that he wouldn't fall. "Scare the shit out of me, why don't you?" I laughed.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah. And why are you so hyper today? I thought you'd go back to hating me today."

"Oh, so you want me to hate you? Okay then." I attempted to get off of him, but he didn't let go of me.

"No, I don't want you to hate me. I also thought you'd be feeling all weird being around me after what happened last night."

"I don't feel weird. And I did kind of go along with what happened last night...."

"So you wanted to kiss me?"

"Maybe," I answered. I kissed his cheek, dangerously close to his lips.

"So now you're gonna be a tease?"


"If you are, you'll regret."

"Is that a promise, Sanders?"

"Possibly, Carington."
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Some people are being a bit horny..... Hrmmmm..... Comment please!