If I Hate You, How Is It That I Love You?


*Next Day*

My alarm started going off. I groaned, slapping my alarm clock. Yawning, I got up, grabbed my bathroom things, and went to the bathroom. Matt was still sleeping when I came out.

"Get up, Matt," I chimed. No response. "Matt." Silence. "Sanders!" Nothing. I huffed, looking around for an idea. Eyes landing on a stack of pillows by the chest of drawers, an idea struck me. I went over to the pillows. "Wake the fuck up, Matt!" I yelled as I threw pillows at him. He groaned. "Get your fat, lazy ass out of bed!" I screamed as I continued throwing pillows at him.

"Stop fucking throwing fucking pillows at me!" Matt yelled back, lifting his head to glare at me. I dropped the pillow I was holding and smiled innocently. "And you woke me up why?"

"Because everyone else in the hotel is probably already downstairs." He grumbled incoherently. There was a knock on our door. I went to get it.

"Hey, Kat, ar- Whoa!" exclaimed Jamie when she saw Matt getting out of his bed. He was wearing only boxers. Jamie looked from me to Matt. "Did... Did you guys... you know?" she asked. Matt came over.

"No. But...." He trailed off because he kissed me. He smirked at me before going off to the bathroom. Jamie was standing there dumbstruck.

"Did he just?" said Brian, appearing out of no where.

"He did. You have some explaining to do, bitch," said Jamie, letting herself into the room. Brian followed her. Jamie sat herself down on my bed while Brian remained standing. "Spill. Now."

"Well... Matt's kind of my boyfriend now," I said, blushing. Jamie's jaw dropped.

"I can tell you aren't lying because you're blushing! No guy makes you blush!" she yelled. My blush brightened. Matt came out from the bathroom, dressed. Jamie looked at Matt. "Hurt her, you won't be a man much longer after I hear if you did," she threatened. He gulped. Jamie might be a girl and not too big but she was intimidating. She led the way out as we all headed for the cafeteria.
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Short, I know, and fillerish. But eh. Comment please.