If I Hate You, How Is It That I Love You?

That's When I Told Her I Love You Girl

*That Night*

"Where are you taking me, Matt?" I asked as Matt led me somewhere.

"You'll see in a minute. Now don't touch that blindfold until I say so," he said.

"I won't."

"Be careful here. We're gonna go up some stairs."

"Do you really expect me to go up stairs blindfolded?" I yelled.

"Shh!" he hissed, putting a hand over my mouth. "Don't be so loud!"

"Are you implying that we shouldn't be doing whatever we're doing?"

"Yes I am."

"Then I don't want to go."

"Come on, Kat! Have some fun! I swear that you won't regret this." Even though he couldn't see my eyes, I looked skeptically in the direction his voice was coming from.

"Are you giving me those puppy dog eyes of yours?"

"Yes, yes I am." I sighed.

"Fine." Matt put his hands on my hips and started to guide me up the stairs.

"All right. We're here." I reached back to untie the blindfold. As soon as it dropped, I gasped. We were obviously on the roof of the hotel. The bright lights of New York were flashing below and around us with the Statue of Liberty being the main attraction.

"Holy shit, Matt. It's beautiful," I whispered. He grinned his dimpled smile.

"I thought you'd say that. And to top it off," he said, gesturing to something on the side. There was a table on the side with lit candles on it and a single rose in the center. Covered plates were on either side. "Would you like to join me for dinner?" Matt asked.

"You're all prim and proper now?" I teased.

"Oh hell no! Do you want me to be rude?"

"Not rude, but not too polite," I corrected. He laughed. He pulled out my chair for me and pushed it in when I was seated. "Why thank you, kind sir," I giggled. He playfully glared at me as he sat down. We started eating, a comfortable silence surrounding us. "So, why did you do all this?" I asked when I was half way done eating. When Matt didn't answer, I looked up to see why he was quiet. He was playing with his food and by from the light the candle was giving off, it seemed like he was blushing.

"Well...." he started.

"Are you blushing?" I interrupted. And sure enough, the blush I thought I saw on his face brightened.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time," he started again. I looked at him curiously. The blush on Matt's face faded as he looked at me, his hazel eyes locking with my eyes. "Katie, I love you," he said. As soon as those words left his mouth, a blush overcame my face. His eyes showed sincerity and there was no trace that he was lying.

"Oh, Matt," I whispered very softly. "I love you too." When I said it back, a dimpled smiled adorned Matt's face. He stood up, came over to my side of the table, and pulled me to my feet. His lips then captured mine in a kiss.
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Sorry for the long wait. Writer's block is a bitch. This part was kind of crappy in my opinion. =\ The next part will be the last part. Comment please. +)