If I Hate You, How Is It That I Love You?

Avenged Sevenfold and Brompton Cocktail

*Next day*

Sadly, the next day, our first day in the great New York, it was raining. And we were gonna go to Central Park. There's a downer. So, in order to keep the kids entertained, the chaperons arranged for a "talent show." You couldn't really call it a talent show because it was just kids who were in bands performing. A better word would be concert. But it's not really a concert since we can't start a pit. Damn teachers.

Matt's band, whom I heard called themselves Avenged Sevenfold, was one of the bands performing. My friends and I were going to perform too. We weren't really a band. We just liked to play, so we only did covers of songs and didn't write our own songs. And we didn't have a name so we had to come up with one on the spot.

"I say we call ourselves Crap. Why? Because that's what we are. Crap. Why? Because we don't write our own music!" said Denise. I laughed.

"Denise, shut up and actually try thinking of a name," I laughed.

"Are you saying that I wasn't thinking?"

"Now did thinking tickle your head?" Denise swiped at me with one of her drumsticks and I neatly dodged. "Now seriously. What's our name?"

"The Bitches! Because that's what we are: bitches," said Jamie.

"I highly doubt the teachers would allow that name," Sara chimed.

"How about..... Brompton Cocktail?" suggested Amber.

"What the hell is a brompton cocktail?" asked Denise, twirling her drumsticks.

"A mixture of chemicals and other crap designed to kill the drinker," I explained. "That would fit us. You girls agree?" They each nodded their agreement. "Then it's decided. We are now Brompton Cocktail." Sara pranced away to sign us up.

"Are you gonna watch Matthew?" asked Amber, tuning her guitar.

"Ugh, hell no! Why would I watch him? It's gonna be you guys watching them. I have no interest what's so ever in watching them," I scoffed.

"You guys, we're second. Come on! It's started!" hurried Sara.

"Who's first?" questioned Denise, getting up.

"Avenged Sevenfold!" With that, they all rushed out to watch them. I, however, stayed behind. Until I heard the singer's voice. I walked out to look at the stage to see who was singing. Whoever it was was very good. I easily found where my friends were, so I made my way towards them. That's when I looked up to see who it was singing. My jaw dropped.

"Finally, realized how gorgeous Matt is?" teased Jamie, seeing my expression. I glared at her.

"Hell no! It's just I'm surprised he can sing. That's it," I snapped back. Somehow, Matt's eyes managed to snap right towards me. Creepy thing again. And it was a time that I was bobbing my head in time with the music. I saw him smirk and I glared at him. Great. I just let him know I liked his music. Ugh.
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Katie doesn't seem to happy..... Comment please!