If I Hate You, How Is It That I Love You?

How Odd

"Come on, Kat. Just kiss him already," said Jamie.

"No way in hell am I ever kissing that," I argued.

"Maybe kissing him would end his fascination with you. Just think about it. Kiss him, possibly leading to getting some and giving birth to his children...." said Denise. We were all eating breakfast; Amber and Sara were still sleeping.

"I am not kissing him nor giving birth to his demons. That would be peachy. Matt demons running around," I grumbled, stabbing my waffles.

"You know that would end his fascination and your fascination."

"One, he does not have some sort of fascination with me. Two, he does not fascinate me." That was partly a lie. He did somewhat fascinate me. I'd just find myself staring at him while he did something. Like how peaceful he looks when he's writing whatever he's writing or the way his lip ring catches the light when he grins.

"That is a lie!" yelled Jamie, pointing her butter knife at me. She had yelled pretty loudly and that caught the attention of practically everyone in the cafeteria. Not to mention she was pointing a knife at me. Luckily there weren't many people there. Denise, Jamie, and I smiled embarrassingly before returning to our hushed conversation.

"He does too fascinate you! We've all caught you looking at him a few times," reminded Denise. Note to self, don't let them catch me.


"Finish up, kids! We're about to leave!" called Mrs. Venezuela. Everyone hurried to finish their breakfast before running out to the lobby. All the kids who didn't eat, including Amber and Sara, were already there. Th teachers led the way out.

*A while later*

We were out all day, just walking around looking at stuff the teachers deemed educational. We were currently in some town square and were walking by a fountain. Out of no where, I landed in the fountain. The class whores, led by Tiffany (familiar name to any readers?), were laughing at me. I glared at them.

"Go on, guys. I'll catch up," I told my friends. They glanced at me as they walked away as I had asked. I returned to glaring at the whores.

"You'd better not do anything with Matt," Tiffany threatened.

"Like I would," I scoffed. Tiffany splashed water at me as they walked away. I started to get up when a hand appeared in front of my face. I looked up to see Matt's face. I looked at him suspiciously.

"I'm not gonna let go of your hand at the last minute to let you fall again," he assured, rolling his eyes. I took his hand and hoisted myself up.

"Thanks, I guess," I muttered as I wrung my hair. I started walking to catch up to everyone when a violent shiver passed through me. I continued shivering. A sweater was being held out to me. I looked up to see Matt again.

"Take it," he simply said. I cautiously took the sweater and slipped it over my head. It was quite comfortable. Matt walked ahead without another word. He was being nice. How odd.
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Update for you fabulous people! So Matt is being nice to Katie. Hrmmmm..... Comment please!