If I Hate You, How Is It That I Love You?


What is wrong with teachers? Seriously, I think they had something bad for lunch or something. They came up with the most wonderful idea. They were holding a ball for our class so that we would know how it felt to be rich back in I don't know when. Good thing dates weren't required and that they would at least be playing music from now. Most girls were excited because it gave them an excuse to dress up and flirt with guys. I can't gag because my friends were unfortunately hoping that their roommates would ask them out. I was planning on going by myself. The teachers gave everyone a prepaid credit card to buy an outfit. Girls had to wear dresses and boys had to wear tuxes.

"Don't be a party pooper, Kat. Are you at least going to try to pick out a nice dress?" asked Jamie as we started walking around looking for a dress shop that no other girls were going into.

"Just because I'm not excited doesn't mean that I don't have to try to look nice," I replied, looking around. "Why don't we try there? It looks like a good place." We crossed the street and entered the store. We separated, looking at the dresses. I went over to the nearest rack and started going through the dresses. Other girls started coming in.

"Are you gonna get anything?" asked Sara as she came over, a sapphire blue dress draped over her arm.

"What do you think about this?" I asked her, holding out a red dress.

"Awesome. It'll look great on you," she approved. We went around to see if Jamie, Amber, and Denise had found a dress. Jamie did but Amber and Denise had no luck. We paid for our dresses before leaving to try another store. I bought a necklace, a bracelet, and a pair of heels while we were walking around.

"I'm hungry," whined Denise.

"Then lets go back," laughed Amber. We went back to the hotel. Only we had to go in a taxi because we didn't know our way back. We're very stupid. We dropped our stuff off in our rooms before heading back down.

"Carington!" I heard someone call from across the lobby. I turned and saw Matt coming over. I turned to my friends.

"Go on and go feed Denise. I'll get there after dealing with Sanders," I muttered, throwing Matt a quick glance. They continued walking. I turned around to face Matt. "Yes?" I asked once he was within earshot.

"I have a question for you," he simply said, smirking. "Although I know the answer is going to be yes." I cocked an eyebrow and looked at him. "Would you like to go to the 'ball' with me?" I snorted.

"You know, you really are cocky. Just because you can get any girl you want doesn't mean that I'm like them. Go get another girl," I replied, turning on my heel.

"You didn't seem to mind borrowing my sweater or declining my help yesterday." I stopped walking and turned to face him again.

"Helping me once doesn't mean I'm going to suddenly be nice to you," I hissed. I turned again and left without another word.
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So nothing really happened in this chapter. Fillerish in my mind. But never fear! The next part shall be quite interesting. *laughs evilly* Comment please!