If I Hate You, How Is It That I Love You?

Did You Go To The Dance?

"You still won't tell me your name?" I asked him. The part of his grin I could see was almost like Matt's.

"Would you believe me if I said my name was Elwin?" he questioned back.


"Why not?"

"Because there's only one person who's name is relatively close to Elwin."


"Brain Haner's."

"I don't hear any Elwin in that name."

"Brian Elwin Haner."

"Damn." I smirked triumphantly.

"Why won't you tell me your real name?" The Phantom gave me an almost sad smile.

"Like I said before, it's better if you don't know." I glanced back at the ballroom to see people leaving.

"I'd better go," I muttered, getting up. The Phantom stood up with too.

"Can I get another kiss?" he asked.

"Not unless you tell me your name." He smirked before leaning closer to me and pressing his lips to mine. This kiss was more innocent and sweet and was much shorter than our last kiss. I had completely forgotten my deal when I felt his lips. He was still smirking when he pulled away. With that, I locked eyes with him one last time before leaving him. Matt wasn't in the room when I got there. I kicked off my heels and flopped down onto my bed. My head was were my feet usually were.

"Well aren't we dressed up," I heard Matt say. I opened my eyes to see him standing at the door, the bow tie around his neck undone. I rolled my eyes before closing them again. They shot open almost as soon as they closed.

"Did you go to the dance?" I asked him, watching him walk over to his bed and start taking off his shoes.

"I had fun," he simply answered.

"It's a yes or no question. Did you go to the dance?"

"I had fun," Matt repeated.

"You know you're impossible, right?"

"So you've said."

"And that I hate you?"

"So you've said." I let out a frustrated growl before getting up and going to the bathroom. When I came back out in my pajamas, Matt was already in bed.

"What if he was the Phantom?" I thought as I stared at him. As if he knew I was thinking about him, Matt turned to face me but his eyes were closed. I sighed and went to my bed to hopefully get some sleep.
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Was it Matt? I don't know. Wait. I do know. I've got to stop talking to myself. -_-' Comment please! =D