The Cheater's Ex-Girlfriend


When I awoke from my alarm buzzing in my ear, I noticed Alex wasn't by me like he had been last night. I groggyly turned onto my back and sat up with my head feeling like a cloud,

"Oh your awake" Alex's voice suddenly came from my door that had swung open slowly,

in he came with a tray filled with food, there was toast, maralade (by the way I love maralade), a glass of milk (most likely for him), a packet of those 'tea' biscuits (that tastes lovely in tea itself) and a small single rose that he must have picked from my mum's garden,

"Breakfast in bed for my lovely fiance" he said with a smile,

"Shhh don't say it too loud, if my mum hears that she will not be happy, and you will not have any 'manly' parts on you after she's finished" I said with a worried look,

his face went totally worried and slowly walked over to me. He layed the tray onto my bed then walked back over to my door to close it quietly before coming back and taking hold of the tray,

"A slice of toast for the madam??" he said acting all posh,

"Oh why thank you" I replied in an poshish voice.

We sat there for nearly an hour just eatting the toast, biscuits and making a mess with the maralade, that's when my phone buzzed with a new message,

"Who could that be??" I asked myself aloud,

"Yeah who could it be??" Alex said with a confused tone,

I hunted under my pillows to find my phone, '4 new messages'. I looked at my phone shocked as I read them, they were from Kelsey and how she got my number I do not know,

'Hey gorgeous, love the new ring, Alex told me about the proposal last night, you know he really is a good kisser isn't he. Loves ya Kelsey x'

'Hey Rae, I saw Alex run after you at the party, did you see what I did?? he is such a good kisser, shame you won't have him for long huh. Loves ya Kelsey x'

'Hey babe, I'm taking Alex out tonight, we're going to the bowling place downtown, you can even ask him if you like I'm sure he'll say no but he really is. Loves ya Kelsey x'

I couldn't pull myself to read the last one, not just yet. I turned to Alex who was looking even more puzzled,

"So come on then, tell me, why did you tell Kelsey about proposing to me?? and what does she mean by 'you won't have him for long' and that she's apparantly taking you out tonight at the bowling place downtown, and how the fuck did she get my number??!" I shouted the last bit out,

"What??...I hadn't told Kelsey about proposing to you, I had told Mykie a while ago that I was thinking about it but I never told her, and I really don't know but I'm never going to leave you I love you not her, and I don't have a clue about tonight...I was thinking me and you could go to the movies or something, I've never even heard her asking me to go downtown with her to bowling..." he shook his head trying to think straight,

"Ok so what if I believe you on all of those?? how did she get my number?? I've got four texts from her and how can I tell they're from her?? because it says on all of them 'Loves ya Kelsey x'! why has she got my number??!" I screamed at him,

"I don't know, maybe she took my phone and took it from there, I wouldn't give it to her Rae I really wouldn't I promise I wouldn't" he said pleading,

I looked away from him to read the last message from Kelsey, my head exploded when I read it,

'Oh yeah hunni, Alex told me that you wouldn't be ready for 'that' in a while so I let him try on me, he's really good you know...for a first timer and all. Loves ya Kesley x'

"Oh my god! you've slept with her!!" I screamed at him,

"What??!" he screamed back,

"You've slept with Kelsey!! I can't believe this" I stood up and walked over to my window,

"Rae I wouldn't sleep with that whore, of course I wouldn't she's proberly got all diseases and everything" he said panicked at the fact I was opening my window,

"I can't believe you would do such a thing Alex, I thought you really did love me but you don't do you, you just want what every other guy wants, I can't believe I trusted you" I said looking out of my window, letting my imagination run wild,

"I do love you Rae-bear, I can't be without you, your my world and life, nothing some school whore is going to change that, I love you for you not for what every other guys want, I can't be without you" he said standing up but steadied himself,

"Don't call me that, you don't love me Alex you really don't" I moved out of my window to breath in the fresh air,

"Rae-bear no!!" he screamed as I leant out so much I off balanced myself,

I fell out of my window, falling towards the garden path floor. 'This was going to hurt big time' I thought to myself as my limp body fell further to the floor,

"I've got you" a man's voices was suddenly heard,

the sudden bump of falling into someone's arms made me black out, the warmth of the guys body once again making me feel safe.


"She's waking up!!, come quickly!!" I heard my mum's voice,

I opened my eyes slowly to see her sitting at the end of my bed, her face for the first time ever was filled with worry, she was worried about me??,

"Oh baby, why did you jump out of the window??" she said, her voice thick with upset, worriness and a little bit of anger,

'She's not all different then huh' I sighed to myself. I opened my mouth but nothing would come out, her face turned into panick, that little bit of anger completely gone,

"Oh my god!! she can't speak!! call the doctor!!" she shouted,

it was louder then I'd heard her before, what was going on?? yes ok so I had fallen out of my window, and now I was so shocked I couldn't speak a word, but all I wanted to really know was...,

"Who...caught me??..." I said my thought aloud,

"Wait she can speak! but call the doctor anyway!" she screamed and then turned her face to me again, "Baby why did you jump out of the window??"

'Oi mum, I asked a question first! answer mine first!' I screamed to her in my head, giving myself a huge headache,

"I...I didn't jump...I answer my...question" my voice made my throat feel numb slightly, it hurt to talk too,

"You fell??! but Alex said he saw you jump, he's downstairs worrying so much about you, hopefully he's actually listening and calling the damn doctor who should have been here half an hour ago" she said stressed,

"Answer my question mum!" I shouted, pain shot through my whole body as I had raised myself to shout,

"Woah baby, calm down you need to rest, I'll leave you here, just go to sleep baby",

'God! was she ignoring me on purpose??!!, she stood up off my bed and started to walk to the door,

"Mum...please tell me who caught me" my head wasn't where it should be, I couldn't feel my head,

she quickly turned to me and sighed, walking back and sitting on my bed something inside me realised she was really worried for me, this was not my mum would be yelling at me for what a stupid girl I am, she wouldn't be listening to me or even sitting in this very room with me, what was going on with her??,

"A guy saw you fall out of the window and then rushed over to you and thankfully caught you" she rested her hand on one of mine, "I'm so grateful to him for seeing you, he's downstairs waiting for me to go down and tell him that your ok",

"Mum..." I asked slowly, talking slowly didn't hurt so much,

"Yeah baby?? what do you want?? I'll get you anything, a house, a pony, a new mum" she looked straight at the floor when she said that last one,

"Mum...I don't want any of those, can I see the guy who saved me??" I really needed to thank him,

her face looked up to mine, and she looked like a five year old kid, this guy saved me and changed my mum some how,

"Of course baby, I'll send him straight up" she finished with a small smile,

she leant down and kissed my forehead before standing up again and walking out of my room, silence filled my room and I didn't like it, it was too eery. A sudden knock at the door made the room feel a little better,

"Come in..." I whispered but loud enough for movement on the otherside of the door,

in walked slowly a tallish guy, when I looked at his face I saw he was like my age, a seventeen year old guy, his hair was deep black and long slightly, half of his face was covered with it but what of his face I could see was beautiful,

"Um...hi" his voice was amazing,

"Hey" I said with a small smile,

he walked over to me slowly and then knelt on the floor by my bed, his skinny jeans fitted him very well and his black short sleeve top made me question the weather outside. I saw quickly his bright blue eyes shine like amazing and beautiful crystals,

"Um...thank you for saving me..." I didn't know what else to say,

"That's alright, couldn't have such a pretty girl like you fall and hurt herself" he called me pretty!!,

I felt my cheeks get hot, 'Oh great now I'm blushing, embaressing or what', I stared into his eyes with such wonder,

"You have really pretty eyes" I should have kept my mouth shut,

his cheeks then went a shade redder then before, 'Good, I got my own back hehe', he moved his face closer to mine, I could feel his breath flow over my face,

"And so do you, pretty girl" he whispered so softly,

'Ok this is not good, I'm engaged to a blonk head idiot who didn't even help me when I fell out of the window, I get saved by this really really 'really' hot guy who is now calling me pretty girl, I stupidly told him he has pretty eyes when I should have just shut up completely. Love at first sight anyone!'

"I'm not pretty" I said shyly, my cheeks getting warmer by the minute,

"Yes you are, your really pretty" he moved his hand onto the bed, proberly to prop himself up,

"I'm not really, I've never been pretty" I was never high about myself,

"You are pretty, and I'm sure the baby photo's downstairs are you and not some other baby your mum loves" he moved his arms so they where crossed with his head then laying on them,

"My mum doesn't love me..." I had to stop, he was just smiling at me,

his face got even closer to mine, was this guy for real??, I moved my face slightly to his then looked down at his soft, pale pink lips,

"You know, you could always..." his voice started and then stopped,

his lips moved onto mine slowly, it sent tingles down my whole body and then back up again, I didn't want him to pull away but I couldn't move my hands to stop him. The kiss was cut to an end when Alex came bundling in my room, the guy pulled away quickly to look up at the shocked Alex,

"You kissed him!" he shouted,

" I didn't, he was whispering to me how he saved me" I wasn't much of a liar but the guy caught on,

"Yeah, I thought I would tell her what happened, without her mum hearing as it was kinda strange what happened" he said, god he was good at this lying thing,

"You shut up, and you" he pointed to the guy first and then me, "I can't believe you jump out of a window because you get four texts from the school tart saying that I've slept with her and everything and then go and kiss another guy, even if he did save you"

"Look Alex, if you want this ring back then take it, because I don't want to be with someone who is always going to jump to the wrong conclusion all the time, I 'fell' out of the window as I was smelling the air, and you think I'm going to ignore what Kelsey texted me?? you can have her as I can't be done with you anymore" I shouted with a tear rolling down my face,

I tried to pull off the ring but I couldn't, the guy helped me and took it off with a swift movement, his touch tingling on the skin of my hand. I held it up to Alex who was gob-smacked,

"I'm sorry Alex" I said with yet another tear roll down my face,

"Yeah, and so am I" I heard my mum's voice come into the room,

"Alex just go please, I can't be with you" I said, tears streaming down my red hot cheeks,

"But...I love you Rae" he said, his feet must be rooted to the floor,

"Just go Alex, please" I stretch out my arm to give him the ring but it dropped from my hand onto the floor,

I saw it roll towards him but he ignored it, then as my mum bent down to pick it up he sprang to life, grabbing the ring from the floor and running out of my room. My mum followed him to make sure he did leave and stayed downstairs for the doctor to arrive, I turned back to the guy and smiled a small smile,

"I'm sorry for that" that's all I could say,

"Don't you worry pretty girl" his hand came to my face and he wipped away my tears,

I smiled again and then had to ask him,

"What is your name??"

he looked away from me for a second and then back to me,

"Erik" he answerd, his words floating around my head,

"Well thank you so very much Erik" I said with a smile, bigger then the last one's.

For the rest of the day we waited for the doctor, so much for being quick on emergencies, Erik stayed with me all the time, well apart from when I needed to go to the loo, that was when my mum stepped in. I learnt alot about him, he liked the same kind of music as I did, he drew, he had his own car (he also told me the make of it but I just had to give him a blank look), he used to play sports but when his dad died he gave it up and started to draw. I didn't want him to leave when my mum said he had too,

"Baby, Erik has to leave now, it's nearly 11pm and I'm sure his mum will be worried where he is"

"But mum, I don't want him to go" I said, yes I was acting like a baby,

"It's ok pretty girl, I'll come back tomorrow, I'm sure you'll be staying at home tomorrow instead of going to school, and I can miss the first day of school if I call in sick or something" his voice made me feel safe,

"Do you promise too?? come back tomorrow I mean" I felt suddenly attached to the guy more then any of the time we had been togther,

"I promise pretty girl" his warm smile told me he meant it,

"Why don't you give him your mobile number?? then if you still have credit left and he has you could text each other over night maybe, but you are definatly going to have to go to sleep sometime" my mum said, she was a totally new person,

"Yeah ok, wait...where did I put my phone??" Erik said as he started tapping his back pockets of his jeans,

"It's on my bedside table" I pointed out with a smile,

he looked up and took hold of his small black phone. I gave him my mobile number and he typed in his to my phone. My mum then left us to say goodbye as I couldn't move off my bed to go down the stairs to the front door,

"You really promise??" I asked when my mum had gone,

he gently pressed his lips onto mine, the sensation made me feel alive but numb at the same time. I sat up on my bed and leant towards him, moving into the kiss even more. Then my stupid un-balancing had to step in and I started to move even faster towards him, next thing we knew he was laying on the floor with my fully ontop of him,

"Ooops, sorry" I said quickly,

"It doesn't matter" he chuckled out,

he gently pressed his lips onto mine again as he stood up off the floor and layed me back on my bed,

"Goodbye for tomorrow my pretty girl" he whispered in my ear before walking to the door, "And for you, I wish a good night sleep"

then he was gone, 'Oh my god! he was such an angel from heaven, and he was a poet in words, and a really good drawer. Man I think I'm in love with the guy. Erik.'.
That night felt cold and spooky, I never knew Erik would grow on me this much but all I could think about was his amazing face and his amazing voice...I think I'm in love.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok this was long...
I didn't think it was that long though O.o lol
Hope it's ok
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