The Cheater's Ex-Girlfriend


As I read the messages again my head was spinning with anger, Alex was sitting on my bed looking scared as hell, I turned to him angryly and growled,

"You! you cheated on me with that tart!" I shouted at him,

I jumped up on my bed and ran for the window, I pulled it open quickly with Alex just sitting there watching me in shock, I jumped out of the window with him finally running to try and catch me but like always, he was too late to help. I fell faster and faster it felt like I wouldn't stop and then the feeling of warm arms wrapping around me made me stop before the ground, I looked up at my catcher and saw the most amazing guy in the world...Erik, he held onto me tightly never ever thinking about letting me go, Alex was just staring out of the window in shock of what had happened then vanished to run down and start a fight.

"Pretty girl...I'm glad your safe" Erik's voice I could hear,

then everything went dark, I couldn't feel Erik's touch, I couldn't hear the sudden shouting of Alex rushing outside to start the biggest fight I'd ever watched, there was nothing in the darkness I could call home. But then a snow globe came into view, I picked it up and looked inside...there was Alex and Erik fighting there was nothing I could do to stop it. By the end of the fight, Erik was laying across the garden grass bleeding everywhere, with Alex looking smug and angry.'

I jumped up with a start from my dream, I had never had a dream like that before...and I hope I don't have one again. My mum walked in then, and walked over to my bed,

"Baby?? are you ok?? you were talking in your sleep, Erik will be ok..." she said, her face looked like she had just woken up,

"I'm sorry mum, I woke you up" I didn't feel right,

"Oh don't worry about it, know you can tell me anything you like ok" she said reasurringly,

"Yeah, thanks mum. Um...I don't feel to great, what would you do for an upset tummy??" yes I was being babyish,

"Um...let me help you downstairs and we'll find some food, that might help" she said with a smile,

she pulled my quilt off me and moved my legs slowly off the bed, then sat me up and pulled one of my arms around her shoulders. I was suddenly lifted onto my feet with nearly all my weight on my mum,

"I'm going to hurt you mum" I said worrying about the look on her face,

"No, I'm fine. I'm just trying not to think about the blood you've got on your trousers" she said looking away,

ok, so my mum had issues with blood. She had got the doctor to stop her periods after she had me as she would get really sqweemish about the sight of blood, if she accidently cut herself cooking or anything she would almost faint, other people's blood got her woozey but didn't have the excate same effect as seeing her own.

"The blood on my trousers??" I looked down and it was my knee,

"Yep, um...can you stand on your own for a minute?? I really need to um...yeah you know..." she needed to go and be sick in other words,

she let go of me and I steaded myself before she rushed out of my room and into the bathroom next to it. I was standing there with really wobbley legs, I suddenly thought about my trousers and thought I would change them. 'Ok this will be harder then I thought...' I thought as I looked at my chest of drawers...on the other side of the room. I took one shuffled step forward and nearly fell over, 'Ok much much harder then I thought', I shuffled again this time it wasn't so bad, so I started taking little shuffles every now and then. Who knew falling out of a window would make your legs do this??. I finally got to my chest of draws, '241 shuffles later..., and pulled out a clean pair to put on,

"Ok baby I'm back" my mum called into my room,

her face was a picture when she saw that I wasn't where I had been before, I smiled at her innocently still holding onto the clean pair,

"You walked?? to there??" she stumbled slightly on her words,

"Well 241 shuffles" I chuckled lightly,

she smiled again then walked over to me and walked me back to my bed. She held her breath when she helped me pull down my blood covered trousers and then to put on my clean one's. She had told me that when Erik comes that she would let him look at my knee as she couldn't stand it any longer and ran back into the bathroom to be sick, so I was just sat there in my room alone. My phone vibrated then and I quickly grabbed hold of it, it was a message from Erik which made a huge smile spread across my face,

'Hey pretty girl, I'll be around yours at about 12ish, I've got to clean my mum's room up and
then sort out the house a bit. Hope your ok x'

he had put a 'x' at the end, my heart started thumping in my chest, 'Please don't escape when he gets here...please' I begged to my heart and it slowed down slightly, I quickly pressed reply and started texting him,

'Hey, great I'm so glad your coming around, um...I was wondering my mum can't stand the sight of blood again, would you be able to look at my knee when you come round?? Just as I can't look at it myself. You don't have to though, x'

and then I waited. It was silent in my room with only the sound of my mum still being sick in the bathroom, 'That really did get to her' I thought to myself silently. I looked over at my clock and saw it was 11:34am,

"Only twenty five minute's left till Erik's here" I said out to my empty room,

his beautiful face started to float around my head, the thought of him being here, in the same room as me made me feel alive and free. A knock downstairs woke me from my day dreaming and I quickly looked at my clock, '12 o'clock!!!! I shouted inside, then I looked down at my legs,

"Ok now this is going to be fun" I said to myself in a sigh,

I pushed myself onto my feet and started taking big shuffles towards my bedroom door, my mum was still in the bathroom (she had stopped being sick but was now cleaning it until everything was spotless). I finally got to my stairs and thought about this very carefully, my phone then vibrated with a new text, I quickly looked at it and it was from Erik,

'Hey I'm at your front door...are you in?? I can come back later if you want...x',

I had to quickly text him back, he can't leave I needed him, 'Ok Rae, now you sound like a psyco',

'I'm coming down the stairs now, stay there and I'll let you in when I get may take a while...x'

well I had to tell him the truth. I sent the text and then sat on the top step,

"Bum shuffling here I come!" I shouted to myself as I slide down the stairs on my ass.

I finally arrived on the bottom step and got up standing much quicker then I had done before, I shuffled quickly to the door, I could see Erik's perfect hair in the window of the door,

"I'm coming!" I shouted to the door,

his figure turned around to the door and I could hear him chuckling, I shuffled and shuffled to my fastest and then finally got to the door, 'God that was tiring' I said in my head. I opened the door quickly to see Erik smiling wide,

"Well hello there miss adventure" he chuckled and so did I,

then oh once again my stupid un-balancing got the better of me and I fell forward, Erik of course caught me then swung my legs up like the groom does to his newly bride at a wedding or when they go over the thereshhold,

"You and your tumbling, it's going to get you in trouble pretty girl" his voice was now a whisper, with his smile marvelous across his face,

I felt my cheeks go straight to the blushing, 'Oh now that's not fair', I wrapped my arm around his neck losely and gazed into his eyes, I couldn't pull away and to be honest I didn't want too. My mum has her moments though, she just had to pick this one,

"Oh hey Erik, oh baby! did you fall down the stairs??" she rushed over to me and Erik, the connection had to break unfortunantly,

"No I didn't mum, I shuffled down and believe me, it's a funny thing to do" I giggled slightly and Erik started too,

"Yeah, she got to the door wonderfully late, and then opened the door and fell forward into my arms, she's going to get into trouble at this rate" Erik chuckled and then kissed my cheek,

'He got me blushing again, and the look on mum's face, she's really happy...she's changed so much...,

"...and when I got here I knocked on the door and no one answered, I texted Rae and asked if she wanted me to come back another time and she sent me a rushed kind of text, it was funny standing outside with people glaring at me" Erik's voice intruppted my thinking but I didn't mind,

"Hehe, well I'll leave you two alone for a about an hour, I need to go and get some shopping and I couldn't leave Rae here on her own" she smiled at Erik and then turned to me, " wouldn't use the upstairs bathroom for a while, I didn't get to clean all of it..."her face changed to upset and she looked to the floor, Erik gave me a puzzled look but I mouthed to him 'I'll tell you in a mo' and then turned back to my mum,

"Mum, you can't help it ok, it's ok if you keep being sick I don't mind, I've never minded. If my legs get stronger I'll clean the rest of it up" I said, her face was so upset,

"No I'll do it, you'll just have to walk downstairs to the use the toilet if you need too. Right I better go now or else the best stuff will be gone" she gave us both a smile and dashed off into the kitchen to grab her bag.

She walked back out again while putting on her puffer coat and her small handbag that held only her purse and mobile inside, she walked over to the door then turned around and waved a small wave our way before walking out of the house, closing the door after her. The whole house was our own, we could do what we wanted, and in my mind I didn't even want to think of things I was thinking of...,

"So...why did your mum say about the bathroom??" Erik said, thankfully taking me out of my dream,

"Oh um...yeah, she gets really sick when she see's blood. Her own blood is the worse, she faints almost and you can't get her to wake up for nearly a whole half an hour, it's really scared at times..." I stopped and remembered one of the sights I saw my mum laying across the kitchen floor,

'I had just got back home from school and I was really hungry, I walked into the kitchen slowly, worried that my mum would yell at me for being home early but my school thought an early day off at the end of the week would be nice. I slowly walked in and saw a knife balanced on the edge of the counter, I rushed over to make sure it didn't fall and saw my mum laying there unconcious. I grabbed hold of my mobile and called '999' for the ambulance, the lady on the other end of the phone had asked me for my address, luckyly I had been learning it off by heart in school that day and waited for the ambulance and doctors to come and help her. There was a small cut on her left thumb and I knew that instant she had seen the blood and fainted, if I hadn't had moved that knife it would have landed in her leg...'

"Pretty girl?? are you ok??" Erik shook me slightly,

I shook my head and found I was laying across my bed with Erik laying next to me, I turned my head to look at his and his face was filled with worry,

"I...I had a bad memory..." I was amazed by his eyes,

his eyes had been crystal blue yesterday, they were now a little darker with a hint of red. I moved my hand up to his face and cupped his cheek,

"What's happened to your eyes??" I whispered, mezmoriesed by them,

"What's happened to them?? what do you mean??" he asked also in a whisper, it sounded like he was finding it hard to breathe,

"They're...they're more darker, they have a slight flash of red in them..." I stopped as he jumped up off my bed and walked to the window,

I turned my whole body around to look at him, pain shooting through me everywhere but I just ignored it, well tried to with all my efforts,

"Erik...what's the matter??" I asked, trying not to fall over forward with the head rush I had,

"I can't be here, if I'm like that I could hurt you...I couldn't forgive myself if I did..." he stared out my window, gazing at something,

"Erik please...tell me what's going through your mind...I want to help you" I pleaded, my knee had locked so I couldn't get up and run to him,

"I can't tell'd hate me forever if I did" he wasn't making any sense,

"Erik please!" I stood up even though my knee was locked and then as I knew I would I tumbled to the floor, this time Erik wasn't there to catch me,

"Rae!! please just stay on your bed please!" he said rushing over to me to pick me up,

I fought off his hands and pulled him down onto the floor with me, his face turned shocked at how strong I was, I made him lay on his back and I moved one of my arms over him, leavered myself onto him slightly and looked into his eyes,

"Erik...please, let me help you..." his eyes glistened a purpley colour,

'Well Rae, blue and red does make purple you idiot', he looked at me, his face sort of relaxing and then his arms wrapped around my waist, pushing me onto him more. Our faces where so nearly touching, if I stretched just a tiny bit more I could kiss him but so could he, and he could pull away if he wanted too, 'Rae just do it, you love the guy just bloody well kiss him already', 'Rae do what you want to do, he's there kiss him now!', 'Rae he'll be gone if you don't do it now! kiss the guy already' I had my voice shouting in my head. Erik looked a little puzzled at my blank face and then I suddenly listened to the voices and pressed my lips onto his. Our lips went in sink, they moved together like a man and woman dancing the right way, I didn't want this to stop but yet again it had to didn't it,

"WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING DOING??!!" Alex's voice shouted across my room,

I pulled away, a tear forming on the edge of my eye as I had to, and looked up at Alex. He looked awful, his hair was a mess, his clothes where the one's he had been wearing yesterday, there was blood splattered over his shirt and I could smell his awful bodyly hygiene, or lack of it,

"Alex, what are you doing here??" I asked, the tear was about to fall, 'Please not yet tear, just hold on there would you please' I whispered in my head, and it stayed there, holding on,

"I'm here to see you! your my fiance and I love you!" he was seriously annoying me now,

"Alex I told you to leave...I don't want to be with you anymore, I can't be with you ever again, just leave my house would you" I said, I wasn't going to get up off Erik,

Alex was staring at us shocked, then he looked at the window and saw it was open. The next thing I saw I didn't ever want to see again. He ran at my window and jumped out of it, 'Was he mad??!'. I jumped up off of Erik who jumped up too, quicker then me mind you..., and we both rushed to the window, there lay Alex not moving, but then something weird happened, a light shone down on Alex, 'Weird much...but yeah oook then', and he started to move again. The hint of a laughter shocked me to stand closer to Erik, he was colder then before but I didn't think about it until Alex had run away from the house shocked himself. I turned to Erik and looked up at him,

"Erik...I'm so sorry again that he came here" then I looked to the floor ashamed,

"Rae..." his hand cupped my cheek and he made me look at him, "I'm not who you think I am, I'm not a safe thing to be with, I shouldn't have come into your life because I'm going to hurt you even more. I can't stand the thought of you being hurt as I think I've fallen in love with you. Yesterday when I saw you falling...I knew for an instant I should stay away but a small voice in my head said no, it said to go after you and save you, I listened to it and now I'm here...and I'm going to hurt you without wanting too. You are such a special girl and I can't see why a thing like me would have caught your heart in my grasp, I want to let it go but I can just feel you would make me grasp it again, make me hold onto your heart forever...just like I want you to hold onto mine forever Rae"

he wasn't making a world of sense but tears started rolling down my cheeks, then through my blurred vision I saw him crying too, 'What was this?? a crying moment in one of those old romantic films?? where the guy tell the girl that no matter what he will always love her even if their love is wrong',

"Your not leaving are you??" my words slurred from my tears,

"I have too..." his voice cracked as he spoke,

"You can't leave! I love you Erik, I love you" I pushed past his hand and wrapped mmy arms around him tightly, "You can't leave me! you can't, you can't"

he wrapped his arms around me tightly into a tight safe feeling hug, I couldn't let him leave and with everything I had I wasn't going to let him. I cried onto his shirt making it all wet and soggy, and he was crying with his tears rolling onto my dark brown hair, 'He couldn't leave me on my own, I loved him...I've never loved someone this much before, he just can't leave'. After a while we had both stopped crying and we're laying across my bed, holding onto each other tightly,

"Your not going to leave, are you?? please" I whimpered out,

"I can't...not now, but I'm going to have to leave here tonight when your mum makes me leave, but I promise you my pretty girl Rae that no matter where I am, I will always be in your heart" he whispered back,

"You won't run away will you?? I can't let you go if you are just going to run away" I whimpered to him,

"I promise to you, the most pretty girl in all my exsistence that I will not run away from here, from you. I'm here to stay" he whispered back, and then kissed the side of my head,

when I was settled that he meant it I moved my head to look at him, his eyes where a shade darker then before but I wasn't going to say anything. I smiled a small and kind of weak smile to him which he returned amazingly, I then kissed him gently our lips met and then left each other, it was still as magical then ever. I then looked up at my clock, 9:21pm. 'I wonder where mum is...oh well, I'm safe here and I always will be', I looked back down at Erik's face and he had fallen asleep, his light breathing was cool and tickley on my skin. I quickly and gently kissed him again lightly on his lips and then layed my head in the crook of his neck, I closed my eyes and feel straight to sleep, but before I did I whispered out silently,

"I love you Erik".
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok right...
I think that's right...
Please tell me if it's all wonky still.

So Erik is calling himself a 'thing'
Gem no telling what's going on hehe lol

I'm sorry for my bad spelling
I'm really trying to spell things the right way but some words are hard =/

Comments please