The Cheater's Ex-Girlfriend


"Oh my god!" I got woken up by my mum's voice,

I opened my sleep filled eyes to see my room a tip, and I don't mean like clothes everywhere I mean my chest of drawers had been ripped apart, my window had been smashed from the inside. I sat up on my bed, noticing that Erik wasn't where he had been before,

"Mum...what happened??" I looked at her shocked,

"I don't know, I've just got back...The traffic was awful so I gave up on the shopping idea and went to Auntie Paula's and stayed there for the night. Baby you do know it's nearly 1pm right??" she said, trying to ignore the chaous in my room,

"What??! it's 1pm! oh my god! I'm late for school...and everything else is going to behind today" I slumped my face into my hands and sighed,

"Baby you don't have to go to school today, I just need to know what happened here...Erik's not here I noticed...when did he leave??" she asked me, a little suspicious,

"Mum trust me, we did nothing like that ok, and I don't know when or where he went, I fell asleep in his arms last night and then you woke me up as you screamed" I rubbed my head gently to try and ease the headache brooing,

"I'm sorry for waking you up baby, but you've got to see my point of view, it was majorly scary coming back from Auntie Paula's, walking into your room to find your room like it's been attack by a bomb and you laying on your bed with ripped clothes...I'm going to worry a tad don't you think" she said with her just-going-to-worry-alot face on,

I looked down at my clothes to find that they were indeed ripped slightly in place. I looked at the rip on my thigh, it was cut with such a sharp object it didn't make the fabric fray, and I looked underneath onto my skin and saw a small cut where I guessed what ever cut my trousers caught my thigh slightly,

"Mum, you might want to go out of the room, or actually I'm going to go and have a shower, then I can sort my cuts out..." ok shouldn't have said the last bit,

"CUTS!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs,

"Yes mum, cuts, whatever went through my trousers and shirt and...socks?? has caught my skin slightly" I said, trying to calm her down,

"Whatever that was, cut you??! I can't believe this, when I find this thing that did this to you I'm going to kill it with my bare hands!!" my mum screamed, yep that didn't work,

I sighed and walked over to my wardrobe, I grabbed hold of my dressing gown then walked over to my broken chest of draws. I steadyly took a clean pair or underwear and then walked past my mum and her shocked face,

"I'm off for a shower, don't knock for a while ok" I quickly said as I was walking down the hall to the bathroom,

I kept thinking of what to do, and then I started talking to the voice in my head...yes I'm weird.

'"Rae, where did Erik go?? you've got to find out somehow" "Yeah Rae, text him where is've got to find out" "Rae hunni, get your ass into gear and text the hotty would you, what if he's ran away??" "Could you live without him?? he promised he wouldn't run away from here"
woah, don't voices in your head bug the hell out of you??. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me,

"I'm sorry Rae" Erik's voice sounded in a whisper,

I turned around to see nothing, well just the bathroom with everything where it used to be, I grabbed hold of my phone 'never go anywhere without it' and texted Erik,

'Erik, please tell me where you are, I'm so worried and you promised me you wouldn't run away, where are you?? I love you x'

'Yeah ok Rae, the end pat of that might not help things but you've sent it now, so never mind hey',
I walked over to my shower and slowly undressed. I was finally standing under the warm water of my shower, all my aches and pains vanishing under the heat. Erik's face was all I could see behind my eye lids when I blinked,

"Please Erik, I can't live without you" I whispered out, wishing he was right here now, ok maybe not in the shower but you get me,

"I can't live without you either Rae, I love you" Erik's voice came again,

"Erik!" I shouted as I jumped out of the shower, quickly wrapping my towel around me,

there he stood weakly, he was leant onto one side slightly with blood covering his clothes. I stepped forward to him but he held out a hand to stop me,

"Erik...what's happened to you??" I asked in a whisper looud enough for him to hear,

"I'm not who you think I am..." he whispered back, and as he looked up his eyes where filled in with ruby red iris'.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's really short
Stuff's happened today as I've been trying to write this
And most of the time the other stuff one my attention over =/

Please comment on what you think =)
Thank you to Gem, Dave and Nikki for commenting =)