The Cheater's Ex-Girlfriend


I stared at Erik scared of what he was saying, and how he looked. His wonderful hair was slightly messed up and his clothes where ripped slightly,

"Erik what happened??" I asked him again,

"I can't tell you, you'll hate me..." his voice wasn't right either,

"Erik please..." I stepped forward to him, ignoring his extended arm telling me to stop, "Please let me help you",

he shook his head slightly to say no but didn't stop me walking to him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and looked into his eyes. They were ruby red with such a little hint of his normal colour around the edges of his pupils,

"Erik please let me help you" I whispered to him,

so here we were, me in a towel (thankfully wrapped tightly around me) holding onto Erik who just wasn't himself. I moved my face closer to his to see what he would do but there was nothing from him, I gently touched my lips to his giving me a cold shiver as his lips where cold, his arms suddenly wrapped around me tight and he started to kiss me back slowly. I moved my hands to his neck and started to gently stroke it and he moved his hands to my hips where they stayed, he was the one to pull away and look at the floor,

"I'm dangerous" he whispered to me in his weird voice,

"I don't care if your dangerous" I whispered back,

"I do, I'm going to be gone for a while, maybe just a few days...I need to sort something out first" as he whispered it his hold on me losened,

"No! you can't go, please please don't go" I pleaded, holding onto him tighter,

"I have to go for a while pretty girl, other wise I will hurt you..." his voice when he called me pretty girl was like his normal voice,

"But I don't want you to leave...I'm going to miss you" I whimpered out,

"And I'm going to miss you too, but I have to go other wise I'm going to hurt you and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did" he whispered back and then kissed me again,

our lips moved together and there was still the magic of kissing him, I didn't want this to end it had that kind of feeling that we wouldn't see each other for a long time. He pulled away again with a tear rolling down his cheek,

"I love you Rae" he whispered and smiled,

"I love you too Erik" I whispered back with a smile,

he let go of me then, and walked over to the window. He turned round with a smile, the warm soft smile he had before any of this weirdness happened,

"I will see you soon my pretty girl" he said, his voice floating around the bathroom,

and then he was gone, the window was open and I ran to see where he was but I couldn't see him anywhere. My heart then started to ache and all I wanted to do was cry but I couldn't for some reason, I stood there staring out into the early afternoon sun wondering where he had gone, 'He'll be back Rae, he said he would be', my little voice said in my head but something made it worse, I had a feeling in my gut that he wasn't coming back...for a very long time. A sudden knock on the door woke me, I fell asleep by the window still in the tightly wrapped towel, my hair was dry though so that was a plus,

"Baby?? are you still in here?? I heard crying and shouting about an hour ago and then silence...are you ok??" it was my mum, I had fallen asleep for an hour...,

I quickly stood up and pulled on my clean underwear, then my dressing gown and tied it tightly around me before walking to the door and opening it to see my mum staring at me,

" look like you've been asleep...did you fall asleep in the shower??" she asked me, her head tilted a little to the side,

"Yeah, you could say that. I'm going to go and get dressed ok" I tried to push past her but she held onto me,

"Baby, I've cleared up your chest of drawers but we need to go and buy another one, go and get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs ok, but hurry up that shops will close soon" she said, then let go of me,

I was shocked that my mum could hold onto someone so tight but I just quickly ran to my room and slammed the door shut, I pressed my back against my door and slid down it so I was sitting on the floor. This is when I must have triggered something as my tears suddenly wooshed out of me and down my pinky cheeks, 'He's gone isn't he! I can't be without him' I said to myself in tears, this was going to be a really long and stretched time without Erik. I found the energy to stand up and walked over to my wardrobe, I pulled out a lose dress and pulled it on quickly, I couldn't be bothered to find anything worth wearing, rushing out of my door wasn't the best thing I had done in a while but I was already running late for my mum, as I got downstairs I suddenly remembered my phone was in my room still,

"Mum! hang on!" I shouted to the downstairs and then ran back up to get my phone,

I pushed my door open and then jumped back again, there was Alex looking through my wardrobe,

"Alex! what are you doing here??!" I screamed at him,

"I'm looking for your poncey piece on the side so I can fight him" he said, not even turning to me to speak,

"Get out now!! I don't want anything to do with you Alex, your a waste or space now leave me alone and go away!!" hopefully the shouting would at least scare him a tad,

"Your shouting isn't going to do anything Rae, I'm staying here until that guy comes back, and when he does I'm going to fight him fair and square" he said now looking at me,

his eyes were scary, they where huge in a weird kind of way and just staring at me,

"Alex get out now!" I screamed again,

all of a sudden he was right infront of me with his hand across my mouth and his other around my waist, I tried to get free but I couldn't...he was really strong,

"Oh my Rae-bear, are you feeling lost?? are you feeling alone??" his voice was scary, it wasn't him speaking,

I tried to get his hand away from my mouth but instead he moved it away and pushed his lips onto mine hard, I couldn't breathe right but he didn't care, he was getting what he wanted from me...well I hope that's all he wanted. He moved me slightly and I found myself against my bedroom wall with him pressing against me, 'Please say this is all he wants from me...', I whispered to myself in my head, I wanted my mum to run upstairs and bang the door open but it didn't come. He pushed himself in the kiss more and I didn't enjoy it one bit, I couldn't stop and I didn't want to act like I was enjoying it either as he would most likely take it too far. A sudden pull made me sigh with relief, my mum must be here to save me from him, Alex was then flung across my room and when I opened my eyes again, what I saw scared me,

"What?? said you were going for a while..." I said to Erik shocked,

he turned to me with his perfect smile, I quickly snuck a look and his eyes were back to normal...what was going on here??,

"Oh didn't you want me back so soon??" he asked, his voice melting me inside,

I was about to run to him and tell him how happy I was to see him again but movement from Alex made us both aware and stare in his direction, Alex stood up slowly, then with a painfully sounding crack of his neck he lunged at Erik. I stepped forward but somehow was pushed back against the wall,

" know why I'm here..." Erik's voice changed again,

"Yes, and I'm not having it!" Alex screamed back,

Erik pushed Alex off of him then sped over to me, he grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me out of the room and down the stairs, Alex was short on our tail as we ran out of the front door as fast as Erik was going to run, he looked back at me and his eyes were wide,

"I can't run this slow...I need to carry you pretty girl" he said rushed,

this slow?? what did that mean??, I nodded slightly and he suddenly pulled me onto his back, he ran even faster then before I hid my face in his back as the wind was too much, 'Where are we going??, how can he run this fast??, this isn't the normal speed for us...what's going on??'.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so it's a little short
Proberly very short...
Sorry =(
I'm just thinking of so many things
I can't think of ideas for any of my stories =/
Please comment