Sequel: *** Tramp

The Love Child of Hatred and *** Mysteries

My *** Tramp

“I love you.” You say it as if it were the last thing that you ever said.

“I love you.” I repeat with the same feeling, but I change the feeling with “But I want sexy Kali, not lovey Kali. I want to fuck, not make love.”

You smile and place your finger on my lips. “My murder-tramp.”

“Your,” I say and give you a quick peck to the lips, “murder” I growl the 2 syllable word, “tramp.” With that whispered word I bring our lips together in a lustful kiss. I take my right hand away from your face and use it to grab a hold of the collar of your black shirt and turn us around so I can walk you out of the small space in between the table and counter. Instead I guide us to your couch in the other room.

You shiver and I notice that you stole a glance to your father in the other room. With my finger in your cheekbone, I guide your eyes back to mine. “You’re mine tonight, love. Forget the world in my eyes. “

You smile and I push you down to lay on the couch. I straddle your waist, lace our fingers together and attack your neck. You give me a little moan that you know I love. After I’m satisfied with the hickey I left on your neck I move my hands to the bottom of your shirt and bring it over your head, then sit back and admire your body. You blush and turn away.

“God, you’re beautiful.” I go to take off your bra but you stop me.

“I don’t want to fuck here, they might have.” We both cringe at the thought and begin make our way to your bedroom, shedding all articles of clothing before we arrive.
♠ ♠ ♠
second to last chapter, which you can thank STD for! uhm, sorry it's so short, the next one will be aswell, I just didn't want to throw them in the same bundle~

After this I will start a story off of this called Murder Tramp, and I'm extra looking forward to it!

Comment please?