
Some History

At the community college in Seaford, East Sussex, in the Upper Site Assembly Hall, all 278 students are sitting with their interlinked chairs facing the main stage at the front. All the students were talking amongst themselves as there was no staff or supervision in the room to stop them from doing so. All the teachers and other staff members were backstage talking amongst themselves as they were not with the students they should be trying to set an example for, instead they were waiting for someone.
One of the teachers heard the sound of wheels going through the hallways and stopped the conversation with the others. A few of the students heard the sound and they too stopped their conversations. When a man came through the double doors at the main entrance to the hall his appearance instantly shocked the students and the teachers who had now walked out from backstage and were now standing at the sides of the hall with their year groups. The man's long hair was tied back lower than his shoulders, he was relatively tall but the extra height his rollerblades gave made him seem like a giant, he wore a long leather jacket over his black shirt and the bottoms of his navy-blue jeans were deep red from blood-stains yet his rollerblades were still clean black with two pure white wheels each. The man rolled down the centre of the hall and when he got to the stage he jumped and spun 180' landing on the edge of the stage with his knees bent and the flat section between his wheels, he stood back up and rolled back a little. Now everyone could see him from the front they were all stunned. The man had no white or colour in his eyes, his entire eyes were black all the way through. When he began to speak his long sharp fangs revealed themselves. Then he spoke:
"Hello, my name is Joshua Kybett. I am a retired member of the Elite Guard and I am now an official training instructor. I am here today for two reasons; Firstly, Some of the Trainers at the Elite feel that schools, such as your own, should be taught like the Elite are, therefore, this is my first day of work here. Secondly, I would like you all to know some more about the Elite Guard and about why the world is as it is today.
"The Elite Guard is more than a police force and we are definitely nto just for show. We keep you all safe. The Walls surrounding this town are not always enough to stop things entering this town and that's where we come in. In my time fighting alongside the other brave souls in the Elite I have fought against Vamps, Werewolves, Satanites and even a swarm of Drakes. All to keep you people safe. Now, what I am about to tell you is common knowledge yet it is still very important to know it. This is why the world is as it is:
"Boxing Day, 2008 billions of creatures came out of London and swarmed the planet. Anyone close enough to find out how or specifically where the creatures came from is presumed dead.
"Over the course of 2009 a wall was erected around Seaford, East Sussex which was later declared the country's, probably the world's, first Survivors colony. This wall has been successful in protecting our town from many different creatures ever since. Anything strong enough to get past the wall is killed by The Elite Guard.
"The Elite Guard was officially formed in January 2010 to protect and better the lives of everyone in their survivor's colony. Every survivors colony that, well, survives has an Elite Guard."
He looked at them all and they were all looking at him, everyone listening intently. He asked them "Any questions?" and one boy raised his hand. "Yes, you."
The boy looked a little frightened and said "Sir, why are your teeth and eyes so different?"
Joshua Looked at the boy and thought about the numerous lies he could tell to save himself the grief. Then he decided not to lie and told the boy "I am... a vampire". Everyone went absolutely silent. Joshua paused for a few moments and allowed himself to realise how stunned they all were, then he gave a grin and said "Any other questions then?"
Instantly fifty hands went up, he picked someone at random and they asked "How did you get here if you're a vampire? I thought vampires died in sunlight."
Joshua smiled and said "No, we don't. Sunlight is a horrible thing as far as me and most of my kind are concerned but it's not lethal." He picked another child
"Do you kill people and drink their blood?"
"No. If I did that I wouldn't be in the elite guard, would I? I CAN drink blood but I can also choose to eat food."
"Were you bitten by a vampire?"
"No, actually I was born a vampire."
"Is it true that vampires are a breed of ghost?"
This question shocked Joshua "It is, indeed. You see, Vampires are not a wierd kind of cross between people and bats. We are actually ghosts that are still trapped inside out mortal forms. As I was born to vampires I was born dead. I was never really alive and I'm not now, I'm just stuck to the physical world."
"IF you're a ghost how come you don't look like people?"
"Well. Vampires are an ancient race that is older than humans. When we bite a human we spread our DNA and that infects the human and changes them into one of us." He looked around the room and saw there were more hands up than there were to start with. "I'm not going to be answering any more question right now. I'm sure you all have lessons to go to and I think I have..." he pulled a pocket notebook out from within his jacket's inside pocket "year nine right now."
Suddenly a group of students (presumabley the year nine's) Yay'd, and made signs of approval.
"Come on year nine! We're in the basketball courts. You're learning to 'blade!"