That's the Way Things Are


After we finished up watching our movie, Jared announced that he was going to take a shower.

"Hey, do you mind if I sleep in here with you guys tonight?" I asked Pat a little awkwardly

"Of course you can, Ummm ill sleep on the floor if you want"

"Ummm or we could share the bed, its not like I haven't fallen asleep on you or next to you in the van before"

"Alright then" Pat said with a smile. I loved Pat, he was like the little brother I never had, even though he was older then me.

"Do you wanna know who she is?"Pat asked quietly

I knew exactly who he was talking about, but I didn't know there was a story behind her. I thought she was a random girl so I said"sure" softly

"Well her names Daisy, and well she lives here, in this town. Her and John met about 3 years ago I think. They were kind of dating. John came down here as much as he could to see her, they talked on the phone almost everyday. I mean I think they were in love. When John found out he was marrying you, he went crazy, all he kept saying was what about Daisy? He was a reck. But he hasn't talked to her since you guys got married. And well I'm sorry I didn't tell you she was meeting up with him."

"Pat, its okay, and I guess what him and Daisy have is cute."Pat gave me an easy smile.
"Wait, John knew that we were getting married before the dinner we had with our parents the first time we met?"

"Yea, he knew like a few Weeks in advance"

"No wonder he was so chill that night, while I caused a scene in the restaurant"I said in thought.

Pat laughed and shook his head playfully."I wish I saw that"

Then Jared walked out of the bathroom and we told him I was going to be sleeping in there.

We shut off the TV and lights and went to bed.

We all woke up to a loud banging on the door.
"Jared, get the door" Pat groaned and I cuddled into him further.

Jared groaned and then I heard the swish of his blanket as he tossed it off and walked to the door.

"Where is she?" I heard as soon as the door opened. I groaned and shut my eyes even more tightly.

"Why the fuck is she in bed with you?" I heard John ask and I knew he was talking to Pat.

Me and Pat both sighed and sat up in the bed leaning against the backboard.

"Chill man"Pat said with a yawn.

"Why didn't you come back to our room last night?" John asked a little madly.

"Oh well, hmmm let's see, you had your girlfriend over last night!"

"You didn't have to sleep in here, you could have came back last night!"

"And how the fuck was I supposed to know she was gone? You could have had the decency to tell me she was gone"

Jared just sighed and swung the blanket over his head.

"Well I'm sorry" John said sarcastically.

"Can you leave? Its early, we still have time to sleep" I said rudely

"Yea sure, let's go"

"What? I don't want to go back with you" I said rather meanly.

"Addison, please just come on"John pleaded.

"Fine" I said with a sigh and swung the blanket off. I said bye to Pat and Jared and left with John.

He opened the hotel door for us and then closed it behind us.

"Addison, about yesterday..." he started but I cut him off.

"John I'm tired and don't want to talk about it"

"Fine"he said quietly

I went over to the bed and grabbed the spare blanket and a pillow

"What are you doing?" he asked confused.

"I'm not sleeping on that bed, who knows what you and your girlfriend did on there"

"We didn't do anything I swear, we just made out"

"Yea okay" I answered rolling my eyes.

"No Addison I'm serious"he defended


"Look, Daisy was my girlfriend before I met you"

"Yea I know, Pat told me the story" I said as I hugged the blanket and pillow to my chest.

"I'm really sorry, I told Pat to watch you and not let you come into this room, I didn't want you to see that"

"Its fine" I said quietly

"No, I'm really sorry, I told Daisy we couldn't see each other anymore anyway, even though you said I could see other people, I felt bad when I saw you walk in on us.." then I cut him off.

"Just shut the fuck up! I don't want to hear about it!" I said mad. Just talking about Daisy made me mad. I don't know why, it just did.

"I was apologizing, you don't have to be a fucking bitch about it!"

"I'm being a bitch? You didn't even tell me you were planning on hooking up with your girlfriend, or ex girlfriend, I don't even know, in a way that makes me feel like I was cheated on, if I actually knew, it would be a whole different story!I want a divorce!!"

"To bad, you can't have one!!"

"I don't want to talk about any of this anymore!"

"I'm sorry okay!!"

"No its not okay! I don't want to be your wife, I don't want to be married and I don't want this life. I want to be happy" I said my voice getting quieter


"No John, I want a husband that loves me and I love him"

John walked over to me, took the blanket and pillow away from me, and took both my hands in his.

"I promise ill do everything in my power to make you happy" he said quietly.

"John I just want to get some sleep" I said looking at the floor.

"Alright, just please sleep on the bed, I don't want you getting sore" he said as took my hands away from his.

"fine" I said and crawled into the bed.

~~~~1 week later~~~~

We were at the venue and I was just hanging out with some of the guys.

I was having the most fun with Jack Barakat of All Time Low. He had to have been the funniest kid I had ever met. Just some things he said where flat out funny. Even if he didn't mean it to be.

"You should watch our set later, Mrs.O'Callaghan"

"Ugh don't say that" I said gently hitting him in the shoulder

"What? Marriage on the rocks?" he asked with a laugh.

"Its been on the rocks since we said our I dos"

"Well that's not good, if you need some cheering up come to our bus, my bunks the first on the right" he said with a wink.

"Awe your so cute" I said playfully as I laughed. This kid was amazing.

"Well I try"

"Hey Addison, we go on soon, you coming?"John asked coming up to me and Jack.

"Ummm yea sure" I said still smiling at Jack as he did the same to me.

"Come on" John said as he took my hand in his and led me away.

"Bye Jack"I called over my shoulder

"Bye Addy, talk to you later"

"wanna know a secret?" John asked as he gripped my hand as we walked to where all the other guys were.

"Sure"I said not really interested. It was going to be stupid anyway.

"I hate when you talk to other guys"

"Oh I think I already knew that, wanna tell me another secret?"I said sarcastically

"I think I'm falling in love with my wife"
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Comment and ill update fasterrrrrrrr