That's the Way Things Are


After I hung up Johns phone. I just stared at it as it rested in the palm of my hand. I just wanted to chuck it at the wall and watch it break into a million pieces.

But I just took deep breaths, and calmly placed his phone back on the coffee table.

I listened as he sang the chorus to their song 'Daisy'

"All for, all for, all for you my Daisy!"

Wow would you look at that. The piece finally fits the puzzle. How did I never think that that song could be about his Daisy?

I grabbed a couch cushion and chucked it at the TV.

I walked to the front door, grabbed my car keys that were on the hall table and left the house slamming the door behind me.

I didn't know where I was going or what I was doing. Let's just say I was driving, crying, and talking to myself.

How could he do that to me? He fucking cheated on me! He said he broke it off with her cuz it felt wrong! That lieing son of a bitch!

My phone went off and I slipped it out of my pocket keeping one hand on the wheel.

I looked at the screen to see my darling husband calling me.

I just let out a piercing scream and threw my phone onto the passenger seat.

I didn't know what to do. I had to go somewhere. I couldn't go to my parents obviously, but I hadn't talked to any of my old friends since my wedding.

I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts, stopping at the name Josh. He was my high school sweetheart and my best friend.

I pressed send and listened as it rang. I held back all my tears and sobs so I didn't sound to much like a reck.

"Addy?" he asked shocked

"Josh" I choked out. I couldn't even talk straight

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"I-I-" I didn't even know what to say.

"Just come over okay?" he asked worried.

"Okay" I squeaked out.

****Johns POV*****

As I got out of the shower, dryed myself off, and got dressed, I went downstairs to see no Addison. I shouted her name walking around the house.

She was no where. I picked up my phone and called her, only to get her voice mail after a few rings.

What was going on? She never did this.

I called again, and again and again and again, until I was fed up with hearing her voice mail.

I was thinking about taking my car and going out to look for her, but I had no idea where she could be, not the slightest. I sat down on the couch aggravated as I gripped my phone in my left hand praying to god it would go off indicating she was calling me.

No such luck.

I groaned and slid down on the couch even further.

I opened my phone thinking maybe she called me when I was in the shower.

I went to my recent calls and my eyes went wide and I slid up on the couch. That's why she was gone. She must have answered when Daisy called. I quickly pressed send on Daisy's name that consisted of the love symbol and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey baby" she answered happily like she always did when I called her

"What did you say to Addison?" I asked trying to keep calm

"Oh Ummm well I told her who I was and that we were still together and that you said she knew about it"

"Why would you do that?" I asked annoyed as I put my arm over my face and slid down on the couch

"Why wouldn't I?" she asked confused

"We were doing so well" I said basically talking to myself

"John what's going on?" she asked extremely confused.

"Don't call back, I have to keep the line open" I said and hung up on her.

This was just absolutely fucking fantastic.

****Addisons POV****

I just sat and cried in Josh's arms the whole night. I told him the story and he offered to kick his ass. As great as that sounded, it wouldn't solve anything.

I fell asleep at Josh's place in his bedroom that he insisted that I take and he would just sleep on his couch.

He was still the same sweet guy from high school.


I woke up the next morning and had coffee with Josh. He insisted that I stay a while but I said no and had to face my problems.

I drove home in silence looking at my phone. I had exactly 46 missed calls from John.

I got out of my car and walked to the front door. I took a deep breath and walked in.

It was quiet and I figured he was still asleep. I walked into the living room and saw him passed out on the couch holding his cell phone and the house phone on the coffee table.

I went and stood in front of him.

"John wake up" I said in a usual tone and his eyes shot open

"Oh my god, Addison, where did you go-"

"Tell me the truth" I said softly breaking him off from his rambling.

He sighed and sat up. "Me and Daisy never did break up"

"I figured that part out when she told me" I snapped

"Well look, I'm sorry I lied, but its pretty fucking hard to just randomly break up with the girl you have been dating and are madly in love with for three years, for the girl you hardly know, that your parents picked out for you and you feel nothing towards!" he said standing up so he was face to face with me.

"I thought you said you loved me!!" I shouted at him. He's just full of lies lately

"Well maybe I don't, maybe I was lieing!"

"Why would you need to even fucking lie about that?!"

"I thought that maybe if I said I loved you, it would rub off and I really would! I'm trying okay! Unlike you!"

"Fuck you John!"I said and shoved him" who said I wasn't trying?!"

"I'm not blind or stupid, you don't want this marriage to work at all, you don't want kids, you don't want to be happy, your choosing this all on your own!"

"Of course I don't want kids! I'm 18! And yes, maybe I don't want this marriage to work, maybe because I know it won't, example 1, your fucking cheating on me!"

"You said I could!"

"I thought you decided you wouldn't! I told you when I didn't know, I felt like I was being cheated on, and since I didn't know you were still seeing her, I'm being cheated on you asshole!"

"I'm sorry okay? You know its hard to stop loving a girl you were dating for three years!"

"How about you tell your parents that, and maybe they'll give you sympathy, and then let you give me a divorce. Doesn't that sound just peachy?"



He took a deep breath.
"I want this marriage to work"

"Your fucking insane!" I said as I threw my hands in the air and walked away from him.

What happened to my life?"Break up with her" I called over my shoulder

"I don't want to" he called back I turned around to look him dead in the eyes.

"Then ill get a boyfriend, and I don't care what you say"

He gave me the worst glare you could imagine. He knew I wasn't kidding. He picked up his phone, pressed a button and put the phone to his ear.

"Daisy? Its over" he said "If you want to know why, just talk to my wife" he said and closed his phone

"Happy?" he asked pissed beyond belief

"I'm jumping for joy" I said sarcastically as I left the living room and went into the kitchen to fix some food.

Truth be told, I was happy.

John didn't really love me.
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